
经典搞笑英语笑话 双语

时间: 秋连1211 分享



  A young businessman had just started his business, and rented a beautiful office. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear busy, the businessman picked up the phone and pretended that he had a big deal of working. He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments.

学习啦在线学习网   一个年轻人刚刚开始做生意,租了一间漂亮的办公室。他坐在那里,看见一个人从外面走进办公室。为了显得很忙碌,商人拿起电话,假装正在谈一笔大生意,还不停地甩出几个大数字,谈着大笔的买卖。

  Finally, he hung up and asked the visitor. "Can I help you?" The man said, "Sure. I've come to install the phone”

学习啦在线学习网   最后,他挂上电话,问来访者,“能为您效劳吗?”那人说,“是的。我是来装电话的。”


学习啦在线学习网   Two factory workers are talking.


  Woman: I can make the boss give me the day off.

学习啦在线学习网   女人:我可以让老板放我一天假。

学习啦在线学习网   Man: And how would you do that?


  Woman: Just wait and see.


  She then hangs upside down from the ceiling. After a while, the boss comes in.


学习啦在线学习网   Boss: What are you doing?

学习啦在线学习网   老板:你干什么呢?

  Woman: I'm a light bulb.


  Boss: You've been working so much that you've gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off.


  The man starts to follow her.


学习啦在线学习网   Boss: Where are you going?


学习啦在线学习网   Man: I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark.



学习啦在线学习网   A penny-pinching farmer didn't want his hired hand to stop working. One morning,he told the farmhand, "It's such a nuisance to come in from the field, wash up for lunch and take time to eat. Why don't we save time and eat lunch now?"

学习啦在线学习网   一位农场主非常吝啬,不想让他雇佣的帮手停下来休息。一天旱上,他对帮手说:“从地里回来,又要洗手吃饭,又花时间,真是太不方便了。我们何不省点时间,现在就吃午饭呢?”

学习啦在线学习网   The hired man agreed. The farm's wife brought in some cold meat and tried potatoes,and the two men ate again.

学习啦在线学习网   雇员同意了。农场主的妻子端进来一些冷肉和炸土豆。于是,两个人又开始吃起来。

  When they had finished, the cheap farmer said, "While we're still at the table, let's have supper too." They were now served steak, boiled potatoes and mixed vegetables, and they ate once more.


  "Now that the meals are done," the farmer announced, we can go out and work all day without interruption."


学习啦在线学习网   "Oh. no," the farmhand answered. "I never work after supper."

学习啦在线学习网   “哦,不,”那帮手回答说,“晚饭后我从工作。”