学习啦在线学习网 对每个女生而言,学会自我防范是自我保护的第一步。而面对具体情况,我们要如何应对呢?接下来,小编给大家准备了双语女生如何自我防范,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
Women tell their stories
A few days ago, Gao Yu’s mother lost her daughter forever. The 20-year-old female student from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications was found dead on Aug 19 after she took an illegal cab. On Aug 26, Gao Qiuxi, a sophomore female student in Nanjing lost contact with her family, according to Suzhou Daily.
学习啦在线学习网 前些天,高渝的妈妈永远失去了女儿:这位重庆邮电大学20岁的女生在误上一辆黑车后失踪,后于8月19日确认遇害。8月26日,据《苏州日报》报道,在南京上大二的另一名女生高秋曦也与家人失去联系。(注:经警方全力侦查,已于8月27日抓获抢劫杀害高秋曦的犯罪嫌疑人,并于28日凌晨找到了高秋曦的遗体。)
These incidents have initiated a discussion about protecting female students. “Awareness and having a certain set of skills are important factors in females students protecting their security,” said Chen Huijin, an associate professor at People’s Public Security University of China.
Female students must take certain precautions in order to handle potentially unsafe situations. Here, we lay out three examples of what to do in specific situations.
Song Ting, 19, a humanities student at Tsinghua University, considers school a safe place. This all changed late one afternoon. While she was walking home near the library along a river, she noticed a strange man following her.
She walked in a zigzag motion, but she couldn’t lose the stranger.
学习啦在线学习网 她于是走“之”字型迂回路线,但还是未能甩掉那个陌生人。
学习啦在线学习网 “I was very afraid, as there weren’t many people around,” she said. Finally, she picked up the pace and got rid of the man on a packed street.
学习啦在线学习网 宋婷说,“当时,周围没什么人,我很害怕。”于是,她加快了脚步,终于在人多的路上甩掉了那名跟踪者。
学习啦在线学习网 Chen says Song’s approach was right. In the event a crime was committed, surveillance cameras would have collected footage. But the best option would have been to call a friend or the school’s security department. “If a man directly harms you, just call the police,” said Song.
Bus safety
学习啦在线学习网 Sexual harassment can also be a problem for female students.
学习啦在线学习网 性骚扰也是女生需要防范的问题之一。
According to a survey conducted by the Guangzhou Women’s Federation in June, 90 percent of female college students experience sexual harassment.
Wang Siying, 22, a graduate student at the University of International Business and Economics, was once accosted on the bus. At around 9 pm, a strange man followed her around for an hour asking for her QQ number. Wang was afraid and kept shaking her head. Finally, the man left. “I was really relieved when he ran away.”
学习啦在线学习网 Chen suggests staying on the bus is the wisest choice in this situation, as there are cameras and witnesses on board. Plus, you can always give someone the wrong number. If there is any obvious sexual contact between a culprit and a victim, the victim can call the police.
Hitchhiker’s guide
学习啦在线学习网 给搭便车旅行者的建议
学习啦在线学习网 Unlike Song and Wang, Sui Xin, 25, a graduate at China Agricultural University, knows how to defend herself. She even goes hitchhiking across Xinjiang.
But she’s also heard some horror stories. A friend hitched a ride from Sichuan to Tibet, but after two days on the road, the driver attempted to sleep with her. Her friend fled to safety.
学习啦在线学习网 “This made me more cautious about hitchhiking,” she said. Sui reads travel books regularly and keeps in touch with other travel enthusiasts. According to Sui, keeping a low profile helps you stay safe. On trains she’ll wear a hat and sport clothes with no makeup, and she dresses like locals at her destination.
As for traveling, Chen says girls should never leave without at least two friends.
