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  Dear Annie: The article that appeared on your site about Gen Y women closing the pay gap resonated with me, because I am a 26-year-old female e-commerce manager making about 20% less than I'm worth on the open market -- at least, according to all the research I've done (and two recruiters I've spoken with). What happened was, I accepted this job at a low salary in 2009 because I had only about a year of experience at that point and because, in the worst of the recession, I felt lucky to be working at all.


  Since then, I've expanded our business significantly, hired and trained some real stars, and made other important contributions, but I've still gotten just the standard 2.5% annual raise everybody here gets, and I think I deserve more. I love working here and would rather not leave, but my negotiation skills are not so great, and budgets are still tight. Can you recommend any specific things to say to my boss, or not say? -- Just Jill


  Dear J.J.: You're not the only one who's "not great" at negotiating. Regardless of their position, 36% of men say they "always" ask for more money when they feel they've earned it, says a recent poll by Salary.com -- which is more than the 26% of women who say they do, but still hardly a majority.


  Moreover, it seems that tech professionals (including e-commerce managers) leave ,300 or more per year on the table by accepting the first offer a hiring manager makes, according to a new report from tech job site Dice.com. National average pay for techies is ,619, and, says this poll of 838 hiring managers, most candidates would get at least 5% (,300) more if they just asked for it. Only 18% of the managers surveyed said their initial offer is set in stone.


  "The only explanation for the lack of haggling is fear," observes Tom Silver, a Dice.com senior vice president. He suggests that people calm their nerves by keeping in mind that "a negotiation is simply a discussion aimed at reaching an agreement, which both sides want."

学习啦在线学习网   Dice.com高级副总裁汤姆•席尔瓦认为:“对于缺乏讨价还价的尝试,唯一的解释是担忧。”他建议,人们应该平心静气,牢记“谈判只是一次讨论,目的是达成双方都能认可的协议。”

  That's especially true since, from your description, you sound like someone your company would prefer to keep around. "But attitude is key," says Stuart Diamond, who teaches a popular course on negotiating at The Wharton School and wrote a book called Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life. "Going in as the injured party and being negative will not work. You have to be positive and upbeat."

学习啦在线学习网   的确如此,因为根据你的描述,听起来你应该是公司希望留住的人才。“但态度是关键,”斯图尔特•戴蒙德说。戴蒙德为沃顿学院(Wharton School)教授谈判技巧,还曾写过一本书,名为《获取更多:工作和生活中的谈判艺术》(Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life.)。抱着受害方的身心态,始终带着负面的情绪进行谈判,根本于事无补。你必须要积极向上。

  You also have to be "collaborative," he adds. "Be ready to acknowledge, at some point in the conversation, that budgets are tight. Say something like, 'I know it must be tough for you with so many people wanting more money.' The last thing you want is to make your boss uncomfortable." A little empathy can go a long way.


学习啦在线学习网   Then, Diamond recommends these four tactics:


  1. Ask the right questions. "First, ask your boss to tell you her perception of your work," Diamond says. "Then ask whether she thinks you're worth more than you're making.

  1. 提出正确的问题。戴蒙德说:“首先,要求老板告诉你她对你工作的看法。然后问她是否认为你值得增加报酬。

  Explain that you know you're underpaid relative to the market outside the company, but are you also making less than other people of similar rank inside the company?"


  You should also ask what the company's criteria are for giving bigger raises than the across-the-board 2.5%. "Seek out the standards they use," says Diamond. If that information isn't forthcoming, "focus on the company's needs in the future. Ask, 'What can I do for you going forward that would be worth the kind of raise I'm requesting?' The answer commits your boss to a standard and gives you something to shoot for." It might also be the basis for a performance bonus down the line.

学习啦在线学习网   你应该询问,要想获得比总体2.5%更大幅度的加薪,公司都有哪些标准。戴蒙德说:“找到他们所采用的标准。”如果没有这方面的信息,“关注公司未来的需求,同时提问:‘未来,我能做些什么才能符合我所要求的薪资水平?’这个问题会让你的老板给出一个答案,也就是变相承诺一个标准,同时让你可以明确努力的目标。”这也完全有可能是绩效奖金的依据。

  2. Don't make it personal. "Instead of saying, 'I'm worth more than a 2.5% raise,' talk about what the job is worth" -- for example, how much your department contributes to revenues and profits. Says Diamond, "The conversation should center on the work, not on you. The less personal you make it, the easier it will be for your boss to justify a bigger raise to the people upstairs."

学习啦在线学习网   2.对事不对人。“不要说:‘我值得公司为我提供2.5%以上的加薪’,而是应该谈论工作的价值——例如,你所在部门给公司贡献了多少收入和利润。”戴蒙德认为:“谈话应该以工作为中心,而不是以你个人为中心。尽量不要把问题私人化,这样你的上司便越容易找到正当理由,向高层申请更大幅度的加薪。”

学习啦在线学习网   3. Be prepared to think incrementally. It's unlikely you'll get a 20% raise all at once. "So try for a smaller amount now and more later on," Diamond suggests. "The best negotiators don't have a home-run mentality. They go for lots of little wins. Bunts and singles are what win ball games."

  3. 做好步步为营的准备。你不太可能一次获得20%的加薪。“因此,你可以每次尝试要求较小幅度的加薪,”戴蒙德建议。“最出色的谈判者从来不会抱着“本垒打”的心态。他们会争取一个个小的胜利。在棒球学习啦在线学习网赛里,短打和一垒安打才是制胜的根本。”

学习啦在线学习网   4. Consider intangibles. Assuming the pay hike you're offered (for now) is a small one, have a few other possibilities in mind. "Be ready to ask for something else besides money that matters to you," Diamond says. Maybe it's extra vacation time, a window office, a health club membership, or the chance to telecommute a couple of days a week -- whatever would help close the pay gap, in your mind, and that would be a relatively easy "yes" for your boss.

  4. 考虑无形报酬。假设你现在获得的工资很低,可以考虑其他的一些可能性。“准备要求除了钱之外对你非常重要的其他事情,”戴蒙德说。比如额外的休假时间、一间独立的办公室、一家健身俱乐部的会员资格,或者每周两天在家远程办公的机会——任何能够帮助缩小收入差距,而且相对更容易获得上司批准的要求都可以提。

  What can you do (besides quit) if you still hear "no"? "Start keeping a list of specific accomplishments -- date, time, and task -- and write down at least two or three items a week," Diamond suggests. "In particular, be sure to include anything that saves the company money." This way, when you ask again in six months or a year, "you'll have a detailed record of your contributions, which is hard for any boss to say 'no' to." He adds: "This is one of the surest ways to hear 'yes,' yet very few people do it."


  Good luck.








大多数人要么不敢开口提这个要求,要么不擅长跟老板谈判。实际上,在向老板要求加薪时,有很多方法可以帮你提高成功率。接下来,小编给大家准备了想涨工资怎么谈双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 想涨工资怎么谈双语 Dear Annie: The article


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