Just think back to a recent uncomfortable conversation you had with someone -- a friend, family member or total stranger. Things were going well until the other person just laid it all out there: an unnecessary peek1 into his or her financial situation, sex life or health problems. No matter what you do, your view of an oversharer is forever changed.
学习啦在线学习网 只要想想你最近的不愉快对话–无论是与朋友、家人或陌生人:刚开始一切都很顺利,直到对方跨过界线开始刺探财务状况、性生活或健康问题。
学习啦在线学习网 If you haven't suffered through one of these conversations, your time will come ... or you are a walking diary.
Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI(Too Much Information) is its own monster. At work, oversharing can damage your reputation, make your co-workers avoid you in the hallway and even damage your career.
学习啦在线学习网 在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工作上的TMI(别人并不想知道的事)却是个可怕怪兽。工作时,过分分享会损坏名声,让同事在走廊避开你,甚至有害职涯。
Here are 13 things you shouldn't share while on the clock:
1. Medical history: Hospitals and human resources departments are prohibited by law from giving out your medical information for a reason. People have a tendency to adjust their behavior when they find out you have, or had, a medical condition. They might treat you like a sick child or make you an outcast.
学习啦在线学习网 健康状况:法律禁止医院与人资部门泄漏你的健康资讯。当他人发现你有,或曾有过,健康问题,他们会倾向改变态度–待你有如生病的孩子或将你屏除生活圈。
2. Confidential2 work information: Hey, did you hear who's getting fired? You -- because you couldn't keep private information to yourself.
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学习啦在线学习网 以下3件事也要小心:
学习啦在线学习网 履历表是否需要新的首字母缩写。
学习啦在线学习网 即使憎恨同事也不能说出口。
学习啦在线学习网 3. Plans to quit: When you're hunting for a new job, don't let co-workers know. Loose lips or devious4 motives5 can mean your secret search finds its way to the boss.
Possible outcomes: you're let go before you're ready or you're quietly pushed out, which is what happened to Ron Doyle. He mentioned to some co-workers that he and his wife were deciding if one of them needed to quit. Doyle was just thinking aloud and had no intention of turning in his resignation letter quite yet.
"Within 48 hours, I noticed the meetings through the office window -- every administrator6 present except one -- me," he says. "Communication on critical issues came to a halt and the separation was palpable."
学习啦在线学习网 When he eventually quit, everyone was surprised. He explained how ostracized7 he felt, but they insisted that they had no idea they were acting8 that way toward him. "Never tell them you might leave -- subconsciously9 or otherwise, they'll act as if you already have."
4. Online venting10 sites: If you use your social networking profile or a blog to release frustration11 about your personal and work life, don't send your co-workers a link. You'll have to clean up your digital dirt (even more than it already should be) and censor12 yourself from now on.
5. Matters of the heart: Soap operas are fun to watch on TV, but they're not fun to live. Your reputation will suffer if you come into the office in tears one day because you broke up with your significant other and then you dance down the hall the next week because you met the love of your life. Your love life isn't as interesting to anyone else as it is to you, and people may be unable to separate your romantic life from your professional one.
6. Politics: You've seen how out of hand political discussions can get with your family at the dinner table. Do you really want to start that kind of drama at work? Keep in mind that while your family is obligated to love you no matter what, co-workers are not.
学习啦在线学习网 政治议题:你已体验过与家人吃饭时所聊的政治议题如何失去控制,你还要让这种戏码在工作岗位上演吗?谨记你的家人有义务无条件爱你,但同事可没有。
学习啦在线学习网 7. Salary information: Money's a weird1 topic in our culture. As eager as we are to find out what other people make, we're not as ready to divulge2 our earnings3. Salary is associated with worth, and when your salary's known, it invites speculation4 of whether you're being over- or undercompensated. Why are you getting paid that much when another person with the same qualification earns much less?
学习啦在线学习网 Vicky Oliver, author of "Bad Bosses, Crazy Co-Workers and Other Office Idiots," also cautions that your accomplishments5 can be downplayed if this information is public. "You don't want your co-workers to snivel about how you don't need the money every time your boss wants to give you a bonus." Avoid the drama and gossip and keep your salary to yourself.
8. Religion: See politics.
学习啦在线学习网 宗教议题:如同“政治议题”。
学习啦在线学习网 9. Your privileged life: Along the same lines of keeping salary information to yourself, your enviable pull with society's high rollers should also stay private. Although you have the good fortune to know powerful business leaders and social butterflies, bragging6 about how many doors they've opened for you will tarnish7 your image.
学习啦在线学习网 所享特权:正如薪资保密一样,别让别人知道你对社会上有钱人的影响力。虽然有幸认识有权势的公司老板和社交花蝴蝶,夸耀他们给的好处只会有损形象。
学习啦在线学习网 "Don't rub your privilege in other people's faces," Oliver warns. "People should be rewarded on the basis of merit." Bragging about how you got into an Ivy8 League school or even in your current position will put doubt about your qualifications.
学习啦在线学习网 “不要以此惹怒同事。”奥利福警告,“给人们的奖赏应基于实力。”炫燿你如何进入长春藤名校或是目前职位将会使你的能力受到质疑。
10. Therapy sessions: Keep your visits with a therapist a private matter. Petty co-workers can start rumors9 about you or make snide remarks behind your back. No need to put yourself in that situation.
学习啦在线学习网 11. Personal life: When Marci Diehl worked as a recruiter, she encountered a job seeker who came in to register with the staffing agency -- and she still remembers her over a decade later. The woman came in and explained that her boyfriend was waiting outside with her child because she didn't have a car and that speed was of the essence. Also, her son was not the boyfriend's child.
"Somehow in this tale about the boyfriend, she told us that the boyfriend was not a happy camper, because her 6 year old slept with them every night -- and they'd only been going together for a few weeks," Diehl remembers. Naturally, the agency had a difficult time placing her because she was a risky10 employee who didn't know when to keep her thoughts to herself.
学习啦在线学习网 “她还说她男友并不快乐,因为她6岁大的儿子每晚都跟他们一起睡,而且他们只交往几个礼拜而已。”玛西回忆道。很自然,介绍所为找到一个可以安顿她的职位而大费苦心,因为她是一位不懂如何藏起私人想法的高风险雇员。
12. Gossip: One of the big reasons you want to keep important information to yourself is to avoid the gossip it can spur. Well, don't play the gossip game either. Spreading rumors or secrets that you'd want kept secret isn't going to help your career.
