Focus is something of a novelty these days. We've got cellphones for texting and calls, IM, Twitter, Email, RSS feeds, Facebook, Myspace...the list goes on and on. If you don't have ADD before you start working online, it seems it's almost inevitable1 thanks to these inputs2. If you're a web worker who uses the Internet for the majority of the day, you're especially at risk for losing focus.
注意力如今成了新鲜物。我们有手机来发短信、打电话,有即时聊天工具、博客、电子邮件、RSS订阅、Facebook、Myspace......不胜枚举。如果上网工作前你没有注意力缺陷(attention deficit3 disorder),那么因为上面那些东西,你也将会不可避免地患上这种病。如果你是一位网络工作者,一天大部分时间都使用互联网,那么注意力不集中的可能性更大。
Focus is something that must be fought for. It's not something that automatically switches on when you want to. You have to make sure your surroundings are perfect for working if you want to be focused. Here's a few ways I've found this to work:
1. Use offline tools. 使用非网络工具。
Paper products, pens, and other physical tools are a Godsend for those of us who have a hard time focusing throughout the work day. They're so simple that we can use them quickly, without having to worry about becoming distracted.
学习啦在线学习网 2. Take more breaks. 多休息。
More breaks = More productivity. It may sound wrong, but it's true. Breaks allow us to re-group our thoughts and focus for the task at hand. They also keep us fresh so that we don't end up burning out after only a few hours work.
学习啦在线学习网 更多休息=更多生产力。听上去不是那样,可其实是对的。休息让我们理清思路,对手边的工作重新集中思想。还能让我们保持良好精神状态,不会只工作了几小时后就累趴下。
3. Smaller tasks to check off. 先完成小任务。
学习啦在线学习网 When you're planning your day, make sure that your "action steps" (aka items in the checklist) are small actions. Instead of "Paint living room", try breaking it down into many tasks, like "buy paint, buy rollers, pick colors", etc.
学习啦在线学习网 4. Keep a steady pace. 保持一定节奏。
学习啦在线学习网 Don't try to do too much. Keeping the pace manageable allows you to keep your focus. Unfortunately, people can confuse this with "Work till you drop without breaks". See number 2.
5. Keep a daily "purpose" card. 每天做 “目的”卡片。
学习啦在线学习网 It's pretty easy to get lost staring at the computer all day long. We'll find rabbit holes to wonder down (ie. Youtube, Myspace, etc.) if we're not careful. Having your daily purpose card gives you clarity and a reminder4 as to what you're doing today.
学习啦在线学习网 人们很容易茫然地盯着屏幕就是一整天。不小心的话就会进入一个个神奇世界(例如Youtube,Myspace等等)。有了当天的“目的”卡片,你就能清楚自己的任务,卡片可以随时提醒你。
学习啦在线学习网 6. Develop the mindset that the computer is only a tool. 养成“计算机只是工具”的心态。
学习啦在线学习网 It's easy to try and use the computer for too much. At its core, the computer is merely a tool (albeit a freakin' awesome5 one) that allows to do work more efficiently6. If we're using it as something more than that, (like as a solution for your life), you'll ultimately fail. It's like trying to eat a steak dinner with only a spoon.
学习啦在线学习网 人们很容易用电脑过度。从本质上说,计算机只是一个工具而已(尽管强大地惊人),它让人们更有效地工作。如果你不只把它做为一个工具,(例如把它作为生活的答案),那么最终你会失败,就好像只用一个勺子来吃一顿牛排晚餐。
7. Plan your day to the T. 计划到细节。
If you're finding sporadic7 periods of laziness throughout the day, it could be because you don't take enough breaks (see #2), and you don't have the day mapped out as efficiently as you could. Make sure your list of todos has lots of small, actionable steps that can be done quickly. This will gives a really satisfying feeling when you're crossing things off your list like crazy.
8. Notice your lazy routines. 注意懒惰规律。
Everyone has recurring8 lazy spots throughout the day. Plan to have your breaks for those times. You're going to be lazy then anyway, right?
9. Plan the night before. 提前一天计划。
Planning the night before is a great way to really get focused on the next day. "Sleeping" on your tasks and goals for the following day can really help your mind expect what's going to happen the next day. Essentially1, you're preparing your mind and focus for the following day.
学习啦在线学习网 10. Turn off extra inputs2. 屏蔽扰乱你注意力的东西。
学习啦在线学习网 These are IMs and emails for me, but we all have our Achilles heel. Completely turn off any distracting piece of technology that you own. Every one of these inputs tries to steal bits of your focus. And they won't rest until they do.
11. Set time limits for tasks. 给任务设定时限。
There's no motivation like a deadline. Giving yourself real deadlines is a great way to stay motivated and focused on the task. Given the fact that we human are natural procrastinators, it's no surprise that we'll take as long as we're allowed to finish something. Setting real but attainable3 limits is a great way to keep the project humming, so to speak.
12. Keep a journal of what you did throughout the day. 记录每天都做了什么。
I like to use a moleskine notebook for my lists just so I can go back and review it every now and then, to see what I've done. Knowing how far you've come can keep you sharp and motivated to finish.
学习啦在线学习网 我喜欢用一本记事本记录工作清单,这样我就能不时回顾,看看都完成了什么。知道自己的进展可以帮你保持头脑清晰,有动力完成工作。
13. Use programs to track where you spend your time. 用工具跟踪你把时间都花在了哪儿。
This is a real eye-opener. Knowing just how much time you spend every day/week/month on a certain site or with a certain program can quickly show you where your priorities lie. I recommend Rescue Time, and there are many others.
结果会让你相当惊讶。知道每天、每周、每月在某个网站或某件事上花了多少时间,能迅速告诉你什么最重要。我推荐Rescue Time这款工具,另外还有许多类似的工具。
14. Visualize4 the day in the morning, before it starts. 一天开始前想象下这一天。
学习啦在线学习网 A little pre-work meditation5 on the day's events is a great way to start the day off focused and productive. Don't worry about a full 30 minute session, a quick review before you start the day is fine.
学习啦在线学习网 思考一下当天的事务,能让你这一天集中注意力并富有成效。别以为得花30分钟来进行思考,其实在头脑中简单地过一遍就可以了。
15. Start the day right. 良好的开始。
学习啦在线学习网 Starting the day with a good breakfast, some quiet time and/or exercise is a great way to set your day up for success. Sounds like a cliche6, but it really works.
16. Clean yourself up. 打理好自己。
学习啦在线学习网 It's why my track coach in high school made us dress up for big races: you perform the way you feel. And if you feel polished, groomed7 and ready, you'll be more likely to be productive. For me this is just taking a shower, brushing my teeth and putting on casual clothing. I used to work all day without taking a shower in my PJ's, but I never got much stuff done. Let's be honest here… if you're dressed really casually8, odds9 are you'll be working really casually. Just taking the time to clean up a bit before you buckle10 down for the day is never a bad idea.
