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学习啦在线学习网   什么赚钱、存钱对有些人来说那么容易,对另一些人来说那么难?接下来,小编给大家准备了赚钱为何有人容易有人难,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。


学习啦在线学习网   Why is making money and keeping money so easy for some, and yet so difficult for others? I’ve been helping1 people who struggle with money for almost two decades and I’ve noticed they all have one thing in common. Let me describe it this way --


学习啦在线学习网   Picture a line where one end represents being very creative and the other end represents being very structured. We all sit somewhere on this line. Some people are very creative but unstructured, while others are very structured but not very creative. The closer to the center of the line we are, the easier both money and life become.

学习啦在线学习网   想象一下一根线。线的一端代表很有创造性,另一端代表很有条理。所有人都“坐”在这根线的某个位置上。有些人非常有创造性但没有条理;另一些人很有条理却不那么有创造力。越接近线中央,越容易赚钱,生活越轻松。

学习啦在线学习网   For example, if a person is at the very structured end of the line, then they may have difficulty thinking outside of the box. So while they may manage what money they have well, they are unable to create a flow of abundance and could live a life which lacks the luster2 that spontaneity brings. If they learn skills and techniques that help them become more creative, then it creates new possibilities for them and is beneficial to their financial wellbeing.


  Conversely, if a person is at the very creative end of the line, then they may have difficulty bringing creative ideas to fruition. So while they may be fun-loving, spontaneous, and visionary people, they never quite put their creative pieces together. If they learn skills and techniques that help them fit their ideas into the more structured format3 of the money system, then it creates new possibilities for them and is beneficial to their financial wellbeing.


  Consider where you are on the line. The closer you are towards the center of creative/structured line, the easier making and keeping money becomes. Where we are on this line depends on our habits, patterns, and beliefs. Some of these have been inherited from family and others have been developed over time. We are more balanced individuals when we learn the skills that help us become more centered on this line. For creative-minded people, it means learning how to structure creative ideas. For the more detailed-minded people, it’s a matter of learning techniques to help them think more creatively and outside the box.

学习啦在线学习网   考虑一下你在这条线上的位置。越是接近这条“创造性/结构性”线的中央,那么赚钱、存钱就越容易。我们在这条线上的位置取决于我们的习惯、规律、信仰。有一些是遗传的,另一些是长期养成的。当我们学习到帮助我们置中的本领后,我们就能更加平衡。对于创造性人群,意味着学习如何组织想法;对于考虑细节的人群,需要学会一些技巧,让自己进行更有创造性、不拘泥思考。


  Whether or not the US economy has hit a recession, one thing is clear these days: Uncertainty1 is in the air, and it affects nearly every economic sector2, including the job market.

学习啦在线学习网   不论美国经济是否在消退,如今有一件事是明朗的:不确定性弥漫。而且它几乎影响到了每个经济领域,包括就业市场。

学习啦在线学习网   Adjust Your Approach? 调整策略?

学习啦在线学习网   "The unemployment rate has risen, but it is not at a point that should cause job seekers to panic," says John Challenger, CEO of outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc. "Even at 5.2% or 5.3%, there is still demand for workers. Those seeking jobs in construction or mortgage lending might have a more difficult time finding employment, but we have not seen a significant downturn in hiring in other sectors3."

  再就业公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas的首席执行官John Challenger说:“失业率上升了,但还没有到引起求职者恐慌的地步。即便失业率在5.2%-5.3%,依然还有人员需求。 建筑业和抵押贷款行业的求职者日子是不好过了,不过其它行业的人才需求还不至于太低迷。”

  Alexandra Levit, author of "They Don't Teach Corporate4 in College," suggests job seekers may want to alter their approach due to economic uncertainties5.

  《企业那些事,学校教不了》一书作者Alexandra Levit建议求职者在面临经济不确定时改变找工作的策略。

  "Perhaps this means earning a paycheck at your current job while conducting interviews over your lunch break or doing volunteer work on the weekend that might lead to a paid gig," she says. "If you are currently unemployed6, you may have to settle for a situation that's not 100% ideal in order to keep yourself afloat through the downturn."


学习啦在线学习网   David Bach, a workforce7 development specialist in San Francisco, says job seekers can "improve their competitive edge by becoming more aware of the top ongoing8 employers." Fields that are less affected9 by the evolving economy -- such as education, health care, and energy -- make an ideal focus right now, he adds.

  旧金山劳动发展专家David Bach说,求职者能”对那些热门雇主多加关注,提高自己的竞争优势“。他还说,可以赶紧关注那些受经济变化影响较少的领域,例如教育、医疗和能源。

  Tips for Reaching Your Goal 实现目标的提示

  Experts recommend the following actions to increase your job-search success in an uncertain economic climate.


学习啦在线学习网    Tailor your presentations; don't be generic10. "In developing a resume and other promotions11 materials, think about how your current skills and talents apply directly to the responsibilities you'll hold in the new job," says Levit.


学习啦在线学习网    "Create a target list of companies," says career coach Julie Jansen, author of "You Want Me to Work with Who?" She suggests sending the list to 25 people, asking them if they can put you in touch with an employee at one of the listed companies.

学习啦在线学习网   职业教练、《你想要我在哪家公司工作》一书作者Julie Jansen说:"列出一张目标公司清单” ,将这张清单发送给25个人,并问问他们是否能让你和所列出公司的一位雇员取得联系。

学习啦在线学习网    "Make yourself and your skills more visible," says Bach. He suggests posting and refreshing12 your resume in more places, such as online job boards, and going to job fairs.

学习啦在线学习网   Bach说:"让自己和技能更受关注。“ 他建议在更多地方贴/刷新简历。例如:在线求职公告栏,参加招聘会。

学习啦在线学习网    "Create an advisory13 board of smart and empathetic people and confer with them regularly about your job search," says Jansen.


学习啦在线学习网    "Hone and utilize14 your 'elevator pitch' as often as possible," says Bach, referring to a 30-second summary of your professional assets.

学习啦在线学习网   Bach说:“尽量多磨砺、利用好你的‘自我提示演讲’”,他指的是三十秒对职业价值的概括。

   Keep your spirits high. Don't let the process overwhelm you or weigh you down. Jansen advises, "Make a list of your five favorite things to do, and do them!"

学习啦在线学习网   保持良好的精神状态。不要让找工作将你压得喘不过气或打垮你。Jansen建议:”列出自己最喜欢做的五件事,然后去做吧!“

学习啦在线学习网    Make an effort daily. "Do one thing each day -- like emailing a new contact or attending a networking event -- that moves your job search forward," says Levit. "Your worst enemy is inertia15."










什么赚钱、存钱对有些人来说那么容易,对另一些人来说那么难?接下来,小编给大家准备了赚钱为何有人容易有人难,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 赚钱为何有人容易有人难 Why is making money and keeping money so easy for some, and yet so diff


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