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【BEC中级真题听力】第四辑Test 3 - Part 1 Conversation 2








Hello, Mike, have you got a moment? Sure, what is it? The location? Yes, we can't put it off any longer. Hm, especially as we chose the site for the new warehouse last night. We need to get organised. Exactly. We need a decision today. Where should the discount shop be, then? Well, not too close to our existing branches, that's for sure. I think it'd better be in the out-of-town retail centre. I know that's easier for customers, but the business park, which is the other out-of-town site, would be better for deliveries, which is important. But the trend is towards more and more people using the retail centre, isn't it? Well, the survey we did shows people will visit the business park if we open there. Really? I wasn't expecting that. Is it because we produce specialist goods? Does that make a difference? Yes. Are there any local grants available? Hm, not as such, but there are tax benefits if we take on premises in the business park. Right. That's settled, then. How about...

【BEC中级真题听力】第四辑Test 3 - Part 2 Section 2


project - that

学习啦在线学习网customers - it






学习啦在线学习网Our last campaign was the most successful ever. Always worried about the cost, we were on a tight budget, but the results were fantastic. Research had shown our rivals' products were more attractive, but while the ad was running, one of them had some bad publicity about their products, and we picked up a lot of their trade. Sometimes, it's not how much you invest or who you use,but just being in the right place at the right time. Last year's TV campaign took the market by storm. In the past, we'd depended heavily on sending out samples to customers - it was a cheap and, we thought, effective way of targeting our core customer base. But last year, we had the good fortune to recruit a dynamic young Marketing Manager who brought with him a group of people who are changing the way we do things. We're looking to produce another even more successful series of TV commercials next year. Spend money to earn money! That's been the philosophy of our organisation for years. The directors liked expensive-looking TV commercials, which appealed to our core customers in the old age bracket. However, our last campaign proved that you don't always have to go over budget to win new customers. We thought of a new approach, which our agency developed, and it turned out to be cheaper and, to our delight, brought us to the attention of a new, younger market. Successful TV campaigns can be costly, and good market research is absolutely vital. We've always researched thoroughly before a campaign, but there's something else which was the key to last month's success. Although some people attribute it to our main rival's bankruptcy, it was the fact that we found a management group who we brought in to recommend ways of improving our marketing that really helped. A suggestion to use a TV campaign to advertise in-store promotions and mail-order facilities paid off handsomely. Consultants recommended hiring a whole new marketing team for the company, but I rejected this.We've got a good experienced team in the company. It would've been an unnecessary expense.We decided we should put more effort into the groundwork for the campaign. Our team carried out a more detailed customer survey, and on the basis of that, our production company was able to create a commercial that was more accurately targeted.

【BEC中级真题听力】第四辑Test 4 - Part 1 Conversation 3


Janet Edwards

Nick Brown


学习啦在线学习网clue - we're


'Better Sales Techniques', etc.

too - Daniel Christie.




New Vision, Conference Department, Janet Edwards speaking. Hello. This is Nick Brown from Business News. I hear you're running a rather special conference in Newcastle. You mean our event on the tenth of October? Yes. Can you tell me something about it, so I can mention it in our paper? Certainly. The name should give you a clue - we're calling it 'Innovations'. Not the usual 'Better Sales Techniques', etc. That sounds very forward-looking. I assume it's about new developments in technology? We thought there were too many seminars on that. We're focusing on human resources instead. New ways of approaching it, I suppose. Interesting! So, who have you got to lead it? Well, this is a little different, too - Daniel Christie. Is he the man from Cambridge Business School who's just written that book on incentive schemes? I believe teamwork is actually his field. So, for example, the way people interact... Any other special features? We're planning some practical and very unusual workshops about motivation. I think that'll cause a few surprises. How 'unusual'? Come and see for yourself. I'll send you a complimentary ticket. Thank you. I will.

【BEC中级真题听力】第四辑Test 4 - Part 2 Section 2


themselves - our


学习啦在线学习网area - ideally



学习啦在线学习网see - sales



学习啦在线学习网that - we'll


year - we



I'm afraid we really need to finish the project as soon as possible. If we don't keep to the schedule, the delay could lose us our external funding. Losing that could lead to various problems, including salaries not being paid on time. Don't forget as well that the budget depends on us finishing by the end of the summer. No, we need to keep to our original plans and keep that money coming in. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves - our model EXG surpassed all forecasts in its first year. Because of our competitive pricing policy, it has been selling extremely well. However, we want to extend this trend and build on it. We now need to come up with a campaign to make sure we increase the number of models we sell abroad, not just on the domestic market. Japan is our main target. Right, let's see where we've gotten to. We've agreed to recognise when staff have worked hard and achieved their goals. Sales need to have done reasonably well in their area - ideally better than the forecasts while keeping within budget. And, if we feel a person is worth substantial investment, we can go with a five-per-cent pay rise, as well as offering a bonus in exceptional circumstances. The figures show quite clearly that we didn't reach the target we set last year. If anything, I think we ought to cut back on spending, at least for the next few months. If sales pick up in the new year and we manage to add new clients to our base, maybe we can think about buying more estate and equipment then. If I may say so, we have to be realistic. What were last year's figures? Hm. Not too good, I see - sales in the US were down, but it looks as though they were more or less constant in Asia. However, the worldwide market's pretty buoyant at the moment, forecasts do seem more optimistic, and our investment looks sound, so yeah, let's go along with that - we'll allocate 0,000 for the first quarter. That's an eight-per-cent increase on last year - we should be able to keep within that.

【BEC中级真题听力】第四辑Test 4 - Part 3


Ah, Gareth,

Trident Appliances




doing: just


engineers: what's

Parts Services Department


学习啦在线学习网Chief Executive


them; the layout —— ~~~~(>_<)~~~~ 我没听到the的说




Ah, Gareth, do sit down. Thank you. Now, presumably you've considered this case study about Trident Appliances? Yes. Good. Well, let's start with the present situation. Trident manufactures photocopiers, which they sell in bulk to retailers and large organisations. Now, why do you think they're having trouble selling them? It's strange, because there's a big demand for photocopiers, and Trident's are competitively priced. But the specifications just don't compare with what's expected these days. It's a shame, because they've got plenty of technical expertise in their engineering support team. OK. Now, the company is owned by a large multinational. How do they see Trident? Well, the group is largely in the mining sector, and Trident doesn't fit in with that, so you'd expect the parent company to want to sell it. Or alternatively to be active, say by helping it to expand its markets. But really it seems quite content to take a hands-off approach, as long as Trident is generating some income. Hmm... There's clearly poor morale among the employees. Why do you think that is? Well, weak line managers are often a reason, but I can't find any evidence for that here. And even the recent changes, like the cut in bonuses, have been accepted fairly calmly. I think it reflects people's uncertainty about their long-term prospects with the company. What would you say about the sales staff? There's a lot about them in the case study. They're doing the best they can in the circumstances. There's a system for helping them to develop their selling skills, and that's working. The way customers are allocated to each salesperson could be improved maybe, to reduce unnecessary travel. But they're getting contradictory signals about what they're supposed to be doing: just responding to enquiries, or going out looking for new business. Uh-huh. And what about the service engineers: what's the main weakness in that department? They seem to miss a lot of opportunities. When they visit a customer to install or repair a photocopier, it's their chance to look at all the equipment there and suggest how Trident could supply the company's needs better. Then there's their problem with spares, the Parts Services Department keeps stocks low, for financial reasons, but that means the engineers often can't get the parts they need for call-outs, and the customer has to wait. Now, what about communications within the company? I'm sure you'll agree they're not as good as they could be. Why do you think that is? Well, I was a bit surprised, because, in fact, middle managers hold regular meetings with their departments. But that's because they're given information by the top management about policy issues and plans, for instance, which they have to pass on. But I have to say that some of them don't seem to think their staff can have anything to say that's worth hearing. And, of course, this creates ill feeling. OK. Now, if you think about the Chief Executive's problems for a moment, what do you think he needs to tackle first? There are so many problems! Something needs to be done about the workforce, because some departments employ staff without the necessary training. In the long term, of course, they need to develop the photocopiers themselves. But the priority must be to reverse the fall in revenue, even if it means cutting prices, in order to increase the sales volume. Unless they do that, they'll go out of business very soon. And what about their advertising? Well, they're using modern media, like the Internet, and targeting their advertising more than they used to, for instance by moving from magazine ads to direct mailshots to companies. But these have an old-fashioned feel to them; the layout and graphics don't seem to have changed for 20 years. Right. Now, let's go on

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