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大家都知道bec中级考试难度不算低,所以我们要好好复习,为了方便大家备考,下面小编给大家带来BEC中级听力真题第二辑Test 3 - Test4,一起来学习吧。

【BEC中级真题听力】第二辑Test 3 - Part 1 Conversation 3


A-P-T Office Equipment

John Raymond

Planet Design Shops




学习啦在线学习网Hello, A-P-T Office Equipment. Hello. This is John Raymond, from Planet Design Shops. I'm calling about our order for a security camera. It's being dispatched tomorrow and the driver will need delivery instructions. OK. Address first, the order confirmation gave the retail park as the delivery address, but your invoice has our central branch. Oh. That's not where we want it to be delivered. The confirmation was right. OK. Now, parking, the spaces opposite the shop are for disabled drivers only, so your driver should use the loading area while he sets up the equipment. I've got that. We'll have payment ready for you. That's fine. Thanks. I'll make out a receipt for the driver to give you when he makes the delivery. Will you be paying by cheque? Yes. And you have something for the driver to collect, I understand. Yes. We've come to the end of the rental period on our photocopier. We've bought a new model, so the old one's to be returned. Right, the driver will call you tomorrow with a definite time

【BEC中级真题听力】第二辑Test 3 - Part 3



学习啦在线学习网state-of- the-art

学习啦在线学习网Ministry of Industry

World Bank



As you know, the main supplier of our components announced suddenly last month that they were closing down shortly, leaving us in a very difficult situation. I shortlisted four potential replacement suppliers, and have visited them all. I'll report on each, though I've only found one company that meets our needs entirely. Initially, I was optimistic about the first company I saw. I was given an enthusiastic welcome and generous hospitality by the MD, but when he took me on a tour of the factory, I began to have a few doubts about his commercial expertise. The factory is enormous, a converted aircraft shed, I think, almost too big to be practical. There is certainly enough machinery to produce the quantities we need, and that, of course, is vital. However, I had one main concern. The company has recently invested heavily in state-of- the-art production equipment and in a comprehensive training programme for machine operators. But I was surprised to see that half the factory wasn't in use because several important customers had cancelled orders. I was reassured that orders are dispatched quickly, and delivery times are impressive, and distribution isn't a problem, but I'd need to inspect their products more closely to see if the quality's what we require. The second company looked promising too, because they are based in the region that produces the natural resources to make our components. Everything needed for their activities is available on their doorstep. They have a good working relationship with the local mine owners, who are known to have good safety records. During my visit, the company went into great detail about the quality inspections carried out on the material before it leaves the mines. This company seemed to have no problems with transport, until I looked more closely. The factory is in a very mountainous region, about 600 kilometres from the capital city. Passenger flights are fairly frequent, taking under two hours, but the journey by road can take days. The roads are really inadequate. The whole infrastructure needs massive investment. There is a seaport just over the border with the neighbouring country, which would certainly cut down on distance, but, as far as I can see, it might also bring other problems. Now we simply can't risk depending on such fragile communications. The third company I looked at, on the other hand, is on the coast, with good access to the main seaport. Transport and shipping of goods are well organised and, in fact, they own a haulage company as one of their subsidiaries. The production unit is new, built and equipped with the help of investment from the Ministry of Industry. What's more, company workers are involved in decision-making, and industrial relations are excellent. Perfect so far. Unfortunately, though, their finished products are not of the quality we demand. The specifications are right for our components, so no modifications in design would be necessary. But when I did a quick inspection, I found a higher percentage of faults than we'd be prepared to tolerate. If we chose them, we'd certainly have to negotiate longer warranties than those they're offering at present. The final company I visited seems to have everything, though. It's ten years old, well established, located between the capital and a major seaport. The company has grown rapidly and has just modernised its factory, thanks to a loan from the World Bank, which has enabled it to install the most up-to-date equipment available on the market. The production unit is now fully automated, and efficiency is the company's great strength. This company has a well-deserved reputation for the quality of its finished goods. Given their high standard, it's not surprising that the costs are considerable, and they're asking higher prices than the other companies I visited. But I'm confident we'll be able to negotiate on this. The key point in their favour, in my opinion, is their ability to meet deadlines for the duration of a long-term contract. It's easy to meet one deadline, of course, the difficult thing is to do it all the time. To sum up, th

【BEC中级真题听力】第二辑Test 4 - Part 1 Conversation 2


学习啦在线学习网Mike Shepherd

学习啦在线学习网Karen Peterson








Mike Shepherd. Hello, it's Karen Peterson here, from Marketing. I've been called away on urgent business, but I wanted you to have my report on the MusicMate cassette player to discuss at the Directors' meeting this morning. Right. OK then, I'd better make a note of this. Right. MusicMate has been our second all-time best-seller, with a reputation based on quality design at an inexpensive price. OK, I've got that. Sold originally only on the Asian market it was then launched in Europe, which rapidly overtook Asia in sales volume, giving us a sure sign that the USA, an even bigger market, should be our next target. Fine. I don't think we'll be making any decisions about new markets, though. OK, back to the UK market then. I think it's important not to neglect our loyal customers here. What would be really helpful would be a new advertising campaign, but I'm aware there's not enough in the budget for that. So I'm suggesting that the way forward is to offer greater discounts. This should form the basis for our marketing plan. That's it. And, also, any rumours of my department wanting to phase out MusicMate are false. We're very optimistic about its future. Fine.Well look, it's been a pleasure talking to you.


【BEC中级真题听力】第二辑Test 4 - Part 2 Section 2




学习啦在线学习网18 I think where we went wrong was in assuming that price is always the most important concern, and simply keeping our margins low. Clearly, by doing this we haven't managed to regain market share. Our marketing consultant has suggested that we change our strategy and give increased attention to other things which are very important to people, such as reliability of quality and of delivery, even if it involves charging more. 19 We'll be implementing various measures as quickly as possible. In the short term, we're going to reduce the number of quality control staff on the factory floor. We think we can do this without causing too many problems. We're also looking at the supplier of our metal casings. We think we can negotiate a better deal for these elsewhere. And we also need to give serious thought to the question of overheads. 20 I've looked at the figures for the last five years and they're rather worrying. I feel we must do something to retain people longer. As things are, the cost to the company isn't easy to quantify. We don't have any reliable method of calculating it. But it must be considerable. After all, it takes quite a few weeks, or months, depending on the type of work, for anyone new to achieve maximum productivity, because there's so much information to acquire. 21 Our assets are very healthy. The capital value of the hotel building has almost doubled since we acquired it. But although we've renovated about 1/3 of the rooms, we can't complete the programme without funds, and we can't generate any substantial income until we start trading. So we've decided to open for business immediately, and offer discounts to compensate for the inconvenience of the ongoing building work. We're sure there'll be a market. 22 Research suggests that saturation point was reached in this country some time ago, despite falling prices. So we shouldn't expect consumption here to increase much more in the future. However, income levels in our traditional overseas markets are steadily rising, so a product like ours, which is regarded as a luxury there right now, will soon be regarded as a necessity. So, in general terms, the figures will be much as they were.

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