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学习啦在线学习网  bec的真题对我们的备考非常有参考价值,为了方便大家,下面小编给大家带来【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 1,望喜欢!

      【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 1 - Part 1 Conversation 1

  Hints:Sarah WilliamsMarkProductionHolly9:30英式拼写对话人之间以换行区分Sarah Williams speaking. Hello. It's Mark here, from Production. Holly should be taking some visitors around today, but she's off sick, so I was wondering. If I'd do it? Exactly. No problem. Who are the visitors, sales directors again? Not this time. It's the plant managers. There's about ten, from France, Germany, all around Europe really. And the programme? I thought you could meet them at 9:30 by the packing area. I would suggest meeting at reception, but it'll be busy then. Do you want me to show them around the warehouse first? I think they've been there before. Perhaps you could take them around the shop floor instead? Good idea. What about after coffee? The delivery yard maybe? There's a lot going on there and visitors usually find it interesting. I'm not sure they'd like a presentation, especially not before lunch. I agree. Thanks again.

  【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 1 - Part 1 Conversation 2

  Hints:ARZ RecruitmentFraser-HillQuality Control Design Sectionoh等语气词不写英式拼写对话人之间以换行区分Hello. ARZ Recruitment. Hello. I'm calling from Fraser-Hill. I spoke to you earlier about a vacancy we want to fill. Yes, for the mechanical engineer? Electrical actually. Yes, sorry. I was looking at the wrong file and you were going to check some of the details. That's right. I think I told you the post was in Quality Control, but apparently it's in the Design Section. Someone's just handed in their notice there. OK, and is the salary still the same, between 21,300 and 24,800? That's right, depending on previous experience. Yes, OK, I've got that, and are there any particular requirements? When we talked earlier I think you mentioned language ability. That's right. We're export-oriented and all our major clients are overseas, so that would be an asset. And we must have someone with a diploma, not just a certificate. That's the main thing. OK, that shouldn't be a problem, but I'll get back to you if it is.

  【BEC中级真题听力】第三辑Test 1 - Part 2 Section 1

  Hints:'em英式拼写写数字编号,编号之后空格写说话内容13 No matter what kind of business situation I'm in, it's always important to know exactly who the individual is I'm communicating with. The worst mistake you can make is to fail to find out what drives them, money, status or whatever. Once you've worked that out, you'll be able to ensure you communicate what's in it for them personally. This should essentially govern the way you respond to people, enabling you to stay in control of the situation and achieve the desired outcome. 14 I've learnt some valuable management lessons over the years, not least in how to avoid the failure of a project. No matter what your position is, you always have to be prepared for opposition. And it's important to anticipate this by getting as many colleagues as possible on your side, so that if, in discussions, someone objects to your plans, you, and a number of others, are able to give an immediate response in order to silence your opponent. 15 When I first started running my own business I made some dreadful mistakes in the way I handled staff. The worst thing you can do is stick to one strategy and apply it to every situation. Sometimes you just need to show 'em who's boss. Other times some gentle persuasion is more effective, in my opinion, anyway. I'm sure I was often criticised for my management style, not that I let it bother me, though. 16 I've found if you want to stay in charge of a situation, the worst mistake you can make is not keeping people up to speed with what you're doing at every single stage of the process. Of course, that doesn't mean you need to be seeking universal agreement or approval for your actions and opinions. Some people will always be critical. But at least adopting this approach will encourage an atmosphere in which everyone feels included. 17 There are always going to be things in a company people don't like, and if you've created an atmosphere in which they're encouraged to contribute ideas freely, you have to learn to deal with complaints. Revealing that you are, for example, upset by their comments is a crucial error. You will have shown a weakness in your character that others may try to exploit, and may lead to a general lack of support for you.


  据ESOL发布的BEC成绩报告显示:中国考生的通过率明显低于其他非英语国家考生通过率。造成这一情况的主要原因是听力部分过低的得分。而对BEC听力试题有所了解的同学一定对听力考试中第二部分Matching(8选5)印象深刻,堪称是Killer Question,这无疑是整个听力考试中难度最高的题型。下面老师将结合BEC官方考纲并以一个实例来全面解读8选5的解题技巧。

学习啦在线学习网  8选5的最大难点: 设有3个纯粹的干扰选项(这是三个选项里的一些单词一般会在多段录音里多次重现)

学习啦在线学习网  解题关键:了解干扰项设计原则,快速排出干扰项,缩小选择范围


学习啦在线学习网  译文:不能仅凭题目选项中单词在听力原文中出现来判断答案,这种原词的重现往往是起到干扰作用。

  分析:可排除(错误)选项的特点---原词重现(word match)




学习啦在线学习网  You will hear five short recordings.


  For each recording, decide what the speaker’s strategy is for success in management.


学习啦在线学习网  A. Be the first to state an opinion

  B. Don't respond to others immediately

学习啦在线学习网  C. Let people know your plans

  D. Prepare for the worst

  E. Understand each person's motivation

学习啦在线学习网  F. Be flexible in your approach

  G. Don't appear to the things personally

  H. Win widespread support for your ideas

学习啦在线学习网  Step1 提前扫读一遍选项,快速反应出选项中文意义,如果选项是句子则快速划出关键词:

学习啦在线学习网  A. 成为第一个陈述观点的人

  B. 不要马上回应他人

  C. 让别人了解你的计划

  D. 准备面对最坏的结果

  E. 明白每个人的动机

  F. 做事方式尽可能灵活

学习啦在线学习网  G. 做事不要表现得易怒

  H. 为你的想法赢得广泛的支持

  Step2 带着选项大意和关键词听第一段录音

学习啦在线学习网  No matter what kind of business situation I'm in, it's always important to know exactly who the individual is I'm communicating with. The worst mistake you can make is to fail to find out what drives them - money, status or whatever. Once you've worked that out, you'll be able to ensure you communicate what's in it for them personally. This should essentially govern the way you respond to people, enabling you to stay in control of the situation and achieve the desired outcome.

学习啦在线学习网  Step3 听到有原词重现的选项一律排除

  D Prepare for the worst(worst)X

  G Don't appear to the things personally(personally)X

学习啦在线学习网  B Don't respond to others immediately(respond)X



  Step4 从5个选项中选出正确答案,如果无法直接判断出正确答案,先记下可能的答案选项,在做完后面的题目后再用排除法来判断。


学习啦在线学习网  此题显然考察的是”话题”. 每段录音对应一个strategy ,也就是管理策略(题目说明:speaker’s strategy is for success in management.)。听懂第一段音频的关键就是把握下面的单词和词组的同义对应:

学习啦在线学习网  ….The worst mistake you can make is to fail to find out what drives them - money, status or whatever. Once you've worked that out, you'll be able to ensure you communicate what's in it for them personally….

学习啦在线学习网  同义转换:drive sb = motivate sb = motivation = what‘s in it for sb 激励、原动力、动机

  E. 明白每个人的动机

学习啦在线学习网  注:后面每一段录音可以根据本文提到的几个原则来做



学习啦在线学习网  干扰选项设计原则--- word match(原词重现)

学习啦在线学习网  可排除(错误)选项的特点--- 原词重现


学习啦在线学习网  正确答案的特点--- 转述或同义置换

学习啦在线学习网  题目来源:BEC官方真题,第三辑Test 1 Listening Part2

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