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学习啦在线学习网   几乎每一个工作场所都有这样的人:总是唱反调、否定团队成员的创意;爱出“抢风头”,将同事的功劳据为己有;还有那些不利合作的人。接下来,小编给大家准备了公司里最烦人的六种同事,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。


  1. The Naysayer. 唱反调的人。This office dweller3 delights in shooting down ideas. Even during "blue sky" brainstorming4 sessions, where all suggestions are to be contemplated5 with an open mind, the Naysayer immediately pooh-poohs any proposal that challenges the status quo.

学习啦在线学习网   这类人以攻击他人的观点为乐。即便在“天马行空”、对所有建议都予以考虑的集体讨论中,唱反调的人会对任何向现状发起挑战的提议进行抨击。

  The right approach: Because great solutions often rise from diverse opinions, withhold6 comment -- and judgment7 -- until the appropriate time. Moreover, be tactful and constructive8 when delivering criticism or alternative viewpoints.


  2. The Spotlight Stealer. 抢风头的人。There is definitely an "I" in "team" according to this glory seeker, who tries to take full credit for collaborative efforts and impress higher-ups. This overly ambitious corporate9 climber never heard a good idea he wouldn't pass off as his own.


学习啦在线学习网   The right approach: Win over the boss and colleagues by being a team player. When receiving kudos10, for instance, publicly thank everyone who helped you. "I couldn't have done it without..." is a savvy11 phrase to remember.

学习啦在线学习网   正确做法:通过作为团队成员来赢得老板和同事的认可。例如,在获得名誉的时候,公开感谢曾经帮助过你的所有人。“如果没有……就没有今天”是一句要记住的聪明话。

学习啦在线学习网   3. The Buzzwordsmith. 术语专家。Whether speaking or writing, the Buzzwordsmith sacrifices clarity in favor of showcasing an expansive vocabulary of clichéd business terms. This ineffective communicator loves to "utilize12" -- never just "use" -- industry-specific jargon13 and obscure acronyms14 that muddle15 messages. Favorite buzzwords include "synergistic," "actionable," "monetize," and "paradigm16 shift."

  不论在口头还是书面表达中,术语专家都会避简就繁,拼命展示自己丰富的、专业的陈词滥调。这类失败的交流者喜欢“利用”——而不仅仅是“用”专有的行话及意义模糊的缩写。 他们最喜欢用到的专业词汇包括:“协同的”, “可诉讼的”,“货币化”以及“范例转变”。

  The right approach: Be succinct17. Focus on clarity and minimize misunderstandings by favoring direct, concrete statements. If you're unsure whether the person you are communicating with will understand your message, rephrase it, using "plain English."

学习啦在线学习网   正确做法:言简意赅。用直接、具体的语言使语意清晰、尽量减少误解。如果不确定对方是否理解你,用“白话”再解释一遍。

  4. The Inconsiderate Emailer. 不考虑别人、随便转发邮件。Addicted1 to the "reply all" function, this "cc" supporter clogs2 colleagues' already-overflowing inboxes with unnecessary messages. This person also marks less-than-critical emails as "high priority" and sends enormous attachments3 that crash unwitting recipients4' computers.

学习啦在线学习网   这类喜欢“转发”的人对“回复所有人”的功能上瘾,他们用不必要的信息阻塞同事们已撑满了的收件箱。他们把并不重要的电子邮件标记为“紧急”,发出大体积的附件,让不知情的收件人电脑崩溃。

  The right approach: Break the habit of using email as your default mode of communication, as many conversations are better suited for quick phone calls or in-person discussions. The benefit? The less email you send, the less you're likely to receive.

学习啦在线学习网   正确做法:改掉把邮件作为默认沟通方式的习惯,打个简短的电话或当面讨论更适合许多交流需要。 好处? 你发的邮件越少、收到的可能就越少。

学习啦在线学习网   5. The Interrupter. 常常打扰别人。The Interrupter has little regard for others' peace, quiet or concentration. When this person is not entering your work area to request immediate5 help, the Interrupter is in meetings loudly tapping on a laptop, fielding calls on a cell phone, or initiating6 off-topic side conversations.


学习啦在线学习网   The right approach: Don't let competing demands and tight deadlines trump7 basic common courtesy. Simply put, mind your manners to build healthy relationships at work.


学习啦在线学习网   6. The Stick in the Mud. 刻板的员工。This person is all business all of the time. Disapproving8 of any attempt at levity9, the constant killjoy doesn't have fun at work and doesn't think anyone else should either.

学习啦在线学习网   这类人任何时候都是一副工作面孔。这种煞风景的人反对任何玩笑,在工作中毫无乐趣,也认为别人不应该有乐趣。

  The right approach: Have a sense of humor and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself once in awhile. A good laugh can help you build rapport10, boost morale11, and deflate tension when working under stressful situations.


  It's fairly easy to spot the qualities that make the above individuals irritating -- at least when the behaviors are displayed by others. It can be a challenge to recognize when you exhibit them yourself. You may not realize, for instance, that you always pepper your communications with industry- or company-specific jargon12, even when speaking with new employees or outside contacts. Though you may not be a full-fledged Interrupter or Stick in the Mud, take care to avoid heading down their paths.


  The best advice: Remember common courtesy and act toward others as you want them to act toward you.







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几乎每一个工作场所都有这样的人:总是唱反调、否定团队成员的创意;爱出抢风头,将同事的功劳据为己有;还有那些不利合作的人。接下来,小编给大家准备了公司里最烦人的六种同事,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 公司里最烦人的六种同事 1. The Nay


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    学习啦在线学习网当你不具备公司想要的一切工作经验或背景时,怎样才能获得一份工作?接下来,小编给大家准备了新人求职没有经验怎么办,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 新人求

  • 不要说人家失业了
