雅思写作真题:Environmental problem is too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
学习啦在线学习网 雅思写作真题:Now many people think that we are spending too much money and time on protecting wild animals. The money should be better spent on human population. Do you agree or disagree?
雅思写作真题:Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away” culture, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To what extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend reducing this problem?
学习啦在线学习网 雅思写作提示:关于一次性用品如何处理,分两个方面讨论,不能一刀切。一次性用品对于人类的好处,也是它存在的意义不能被忽视。但滥用一次性用品带来的环境污染不可小觑。如何解决此类问题呢,最经典:reduce, reuse, recycle。
雅思写作真题:Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, are used in many countries. But in some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy, including wind and solar power, are encouraged. Is this trend a positive or a negative development?
学习啦在线学习网 话题延伸:石油、淡水资源紧张如何解决?提高油价就能减少石油使用,从而保护环境?
学习啦在线学习网 雅思写作真题:One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in several years’ time, but they cause the same amount of pollution. So some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, rather than to limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
本场写作话题为:Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?4月14日场的雅思写作真题时比较常见政府类话题和环境类话题的综合
Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility, and this starts with the government making people understand the importance of the environment. To a large degree, such responsibility should be shared by both the government and the local people.
学习啦在线学习网 It is quite obvious that all people should do their part in taking care of the local environment, but there are always some people more committed to their environmental obligations than others. One important reason is that those who do less harbor a misconception that individuals can do little or nothing to make a noticeable difference. In fact, all individuals have created the environmental problems by neglecting the environment, and that must mean that together they can fix most problems, whether they are making large or small contributions. Another reason is that, in the name of economic development, people pollute the local rivers and lakes by putting into them dirty water or industrial wastes.
学习啦在线学习网 Then, apart from enforcing regulations and using penalties or fines as a means to hold individuals accountable for their damage to the environment, the government should do more to alert people to the way the environment is going, then people would be more likely to do their bit. If people are not reminded of the risks that affect their own local environment, they will often forget. Unless there is a particular crisis going on, it is always the case that the public will become immune to shocking statistics or terrible photos, for they have seen too many of them and tend to neglect them. It is, therefore, the job of the government to keep informing the public (through television or other media) of the current environmental issues.
学习啦在线学习网 因此,除了执行法规,并以处罚或罚款作为手段来追究个人对环境造成的损害,政府还应采取更多措施,提醒人们注意环境的现状,这样,人们将更有可能尽好他们自己的职责。如果不提醒人们注意影响当地环境的风险,他们往往会忘记。除非有某个危机发生,公众往往对那些令人震惊的统计数据或可怕的照片无动于衷,因为他们已经看过太多这样的东西,往往会忽视它们。所以,政府的工作就是不断(通过电视或其他媒体)向公众宣传当前的环境问题。
学习啦在线学习网 To a great extent, the responsibility for looking after the local environment must be shared by the government and individuals. The government should let the public know that environmental protection is everybody’s business. Otherwise, what seems to be everybody’s business would become nobody’s business.(330 words)
学习啦在线学习网 在很大程度上,保护当地环境的责任必须由政府和个人共同承担。政府应该让公众知道环境保护是每个人的事。否则,似乎是每个人都该管的事就会变成人人都不管的事。
学习啦在线学习网 to look after 照顾,爱护
学习啦在线学习网 to a large degree 很大的程度上
学习啦在线学习网 apart from 此外
学习啦在线学习网 to alert 提出警戒
to do one’s bit 负起责任
学习啦在线学习网 to remind 提醒
to inform 告知
学习啦在线学习网 to enforce 强迫执行
学习啦在线学习网 to be immune to... 对......免疫的
学习啦在线学习网 shocking 令人震惊的
学习啦在线学习网 to neglect 疏忽,忽略
regulations 规定条例
to hold someone accountable for something 要人负起责任
noticeable 看得出来的
to fix 修理,整顿
Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 大家的事情变成没有任何人的事情
题目为:Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.人类活动对植物和动物物种有负面影响。有些人认为对这个问题做任何事情都为时已晚。另一些人认为,可以采取有效的措施来改善这种状况。讨论这两种观点并给出你的意见。
Human being and many animal species used to share the same planet. However, the harmonious co-existence has not been the case since the accelerating pace of human civilization. Regardless of some pessimistic views that the conflict between human and nature is irreconcilable, I am of the opinion that it is never too late to reverse this situation.
学习啦在线学习网 To some extent, it is true, that the development of human civilization has undermined the natural evolutionof many plant and animal species. Population growth, which began with the advent of industrialization, has broken the balance between human beings and the nature. More untouched and primitive forests have disappeared, and increasing numbers of animals are slaughtered due to the unquenchable desire of human beings for some valuable resources from animals and plants.
学习啦在线学习网 However, the circumstances are not so bleak as the pessimists suppose and there are more methods to handle this problem. The growingly in-depth research into animals and plants gives access to more effective means to protect some endangered species from dying out. For example, the genetic technology can be fully utilized to reproduce some animals and plants which are on the brink of danger and extinction, and GPS can be employed to locate and pinpoint some rare animal species, making it more convenient to collect some first-hand information which can be used for the protection of the corresponding species.
Personally, I hold the belief that there are likely to be a rosy picture of the relationship between human and the nature. As human being’s awareness of sustainable development increases, chances are that more regulations and laws will be issued to guide and curb human being’s behavior. Some dirty practices such as poaching, deforestation and over exploitation of animal resources will possibly be alleviated.
1、对健康构成潜在威胁 pose a threat to health
学习啦在线学习网 2、供应不足 be in short supply
3、化学污染物 chemical pollutant
学习啦在线学习网 4、节水的习惯 water-saving habit
学习啦在线学习网 5、水的分布 distribution of water
6、水资源保护 water conservation
学习啦在线学习网 7、水资源短缺 water shortage
学习啦在线学习网 8、饮用水 drinking water
学习啦在线学习网 9、有害物质 hazardous material
10、在危险中 at risk
11、被耗尽 be exhausted
学习啦在线学习网 12、城市垃圾 urban garbage
学习啦在线学习网 13、达到高效 achieve high efficiency
14、当场处罚 on-the-spot fine
15、对环境不利 be unfriendly to the environment
16、环境恶化 environmental degradation
17、火灾隐患 a fire hazard
学习啦在线学习网 18、垃圾的回收和处理 litter collection and disposal
19、垃圾分类 garbage classification
学习啦在线学习网 20、破坏环境 ruin the environment
