学习啦在线学习网1. Issue task(30min),要求作者根据所给题目,完成一篇表明立场的逻辑立论文。
2.Argument task(30min),要求考生分析所给题目,完成一篇驳论文,指出并且有力的驳斥题目中的主要逻辑错误。
学习啦在线学习网C. 拼写:保证没有太多拼写上的错误,特别是开头结尾和每段主题句这种批阅考官必然会看的部分。绝不能出现拼写方面的低级错误。
学习啦在线学习网首先说精确的ISSUE开头,最精确的ISSUE开头是什么?恩,"I agree with the speaker that (把题目抄一遍)",这个开头绝对不跑题。问题是,除了"I agree",这个开头还有什么信息量么?
类似的开头还有"Is (把题目抄一遍)? I agree.""Who (把题目谓宾成分抄一遍)? I think it's (把题目主语抄一遍)""The (题目抄一遍) has been widely discussed. I think it's 题目一部分"等等
另外还有30%左右的ISSUE是这种开头的发展型,通常会在后面接个"However, under certain conditions..."于是成了经典的让步结构,或者直接否定题目观点,以However为转接后面讨论特别情况,这种用在题目叙述比较绝对的题中比较多,比如“Only _x can make _x”这种。
学习啦在线学习网第一类开头的缺点很明显--没有信息量,其实写成"I don't agree with the speaker."就行了,这种开头对于题目内容比较简单的ISSUE用起来很合适,省下的时间可以用到BODY中去。然而由于信息量不足,它容易造成的影响是作者在之后的论点发展中缺乏方向,经常出现分论点重叠、车轱辘话来回说的问题。
第二类开头比第一类略好,至少让步段和主观点段不会观点重叠,但第一,certain conditions/specific situation/...这种“分情况讨论”的前提没有信息量,说到底还是废话,第二,由于让步条件不明,这样的文章写出来经常前后自相矛盾或者跑题。
学习啦在线学习网来看个板油的习作(我随便从第一页的ISSUE中抽的,感谢RayTong同学 )
TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
The issue that the technologies' effects on our society has been widely discussed. Somebody assert that technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics while others argue that technologies can not determine our custom and ethics. However, I have my special opinion that technologies indeed have great affected all aspect of our lives even traditional customs and ethics, but in contract, it is determined by our customs and ethics.
To begin with, as the developing of the technologies, the conditions of our lives have changed grandly from the old days.……
学习啦在线学习网Moreover, the change of our daily lives bring by technologies exert a subtle influence on social customs and ethics. ……
学习啦在线学习网However, technologies cannot determine social customs and ethics all the time, and in contrary, it is determined by the social customs and ethics.
……这里我截选了开头和各段主题句,从结构上来讲这个开头是属于第二种(陈述+转折),但是内容却是第一种(复述题目陈述观点),However之前的内容并不是作者的观点,只是重复了题目的观点,However之后是作者观点。本质上讲这个开头跟I don't agree with the speaker说的内容是一样的。
学习啦在线学习网接下来看三个主题句,有什么问题么?第一、二个都是在说Somebody,第三个转到I have的内容--作者把第一种观点的内容按第二种观点来展开了,他并没有说自己同意somebody的说法(从howeve来看是反对的),却花了两段去论证somebody的说法。这时开头的定位不明确导致了文章的方向不明确。
TOPIC: ISSUE12 - "People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic."
According to some common experiences, some people assert that "people's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic". I think this kind of statement is rather assertive and lack of comprehensive understanding about the relationship between people's attitudes and its causing factors. Merely from its literal statement, I think the most majority of people probably can hardly accept this kind of opinion as well as mine. Certainly, immediate situation or surroundings shall make a great influences on people's attitudes , but internal characteristic of people can also make a difference. We get to have all-round and insightful thoughts to think it over.
On one hand , undeniably, people's attitudes are sometimes greatly influenced by outside surroundings.
On another hand, to some extent, sometimes our attitudes are also affected by internal characteristic.
这是个典型的由第二类开头模式造成的跑题,在讨论个别情况的限定条件时作者没有给出具体的限定条件,于是造成在论证过程中两面没有比较性,这个方面,如何如何,那个方面,如何如何,最后,两个方面,怎样怎样。注意题目的叙述是“more”,就是说作者没说一定哪个方面有哪个方面没有,而是一个比较型的题目,因此要对这两种情况的条件进行比较,因此在开头需要表明态度,至少说一句"Since the situations vary so diversely, we cannot make an absolute conclusion that ... is more than ....“ 不然文章论证内容跟题目就没有了契合点。
"In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists -- people who can provide broad perspectives."
In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and generalists.
非常简短的开头,一个分句给出背景,然后给出观点:call for a balance。同样是题目说到more,作者用了非常直接的手段点明立场,平衡,没有什么more不more的,谁也不more,然后后文就从两个方面来阐述这个问题。有人可能说,这不是还是没有重点么?没错,作者在二选一的选择中没有做出选择,但是他的立场很明确:我就是不选择,因为我有这些理由……
学习啦在线学习网同样道理,在遇到题目绝对叙述的时候,我们可以用平衡观点来说,Admittedly....However, we cannot neglect....或者I don't agree...since in some aspects...这种时候开头在两个不同情况存在的前提下为二者达成共识形成一个中心句,就能有效统领全文了。
学习啦在线学习网以上两种开头可以说是最简洁有效的,通常不超过半分钟就能搞定,对于时间有限的同学而言很实用。但需要注意的是,这种开头不仅仅千篇一律破坏阅卷官对你的印象,而且由于缺乏对后文内容的暗示而使文章不能有效组织。我们知道写PAPER的时候前面会出现KEY WORDS和ABSTRACT两个部分,用以向读者介绍本文的结构和内容。GRE AW当然做不到这一点,但是开头却能起到同样的作用。有了对后文的暗示,读者会在过程中更有效的follow your ideas, 同时这种写法也强迫作者在文章开始之初就规划好全文,避免了一边想一边写搞得分论点混乱的问题。
"It is unfortunate that today's educators place so much emphasis on finding out what students want to include in the curriculum and then giving it to them. It is the educator's duty to determine the curriculum and the students' duty to study what is presented to them."
As an elementary educator, I believe this stance is extremist. Educators and the public must come to a middle road. The high road and the low road are intimated in this statement. I believe the high road on this topic (from whence should curriculum come) represents a nouveau approach. Ask the students what they want to learn and study for the year; then meander, research and branch off of their interests. The low road on this topic (directly endorsed by this statement) is old fashioned and outdated. The assumptions behind this view include a magical ability by teachers to infuse reams of information, data and knowledge into students' brains that then become internalized and applied by the students.
"The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things."
I can agree with the statement above that, "The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. " The statement is an accurate description of how many people form great ideas from ordinary things in life. Sports are all great ideas that are made from commonplace things. What makes sports some of the best ideas is not what they began as but what they evolved into.
非常眼熟的开头呵呵,"I can agree with...抄题", 但之后作者用三句话把文章的大体意思介绍了下,说体育如何能证明这个观点,从而把一个很大的话题细化,方便了后文的展开。当然这篇的出发点不太好,只局限于一个领域,在评论中也认为这是此文无法拿到满分的原因。
学习啦在线学习网背景介绍也分成几种,比较常见的是社会背景介绍,即“With the development of society/technology/information”“Modern world is becoming so..."这种内容比较泛而且比较好写,一般遇到大部分题倒都能套上。但由于这个概念非常泛化,所以很容易就跟观点脱节,从而导致文章的开头逻辑不明确,背景介绍成为废话。
学习啦在线学习网150"Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete."
Evolving with the development of technology, television and computer on internet supply human beings more and more information of the great world, such as pictures and literal introductions of many places. Should the information on television and computer take place of tourism? I do not think so. Even our visions are broadened by the information, television and computer would not prevent people from traveling, but stimulate people to do so.
第一句能不能联系到第二句?可以,但并不直接。supply more information跟取代旅游有什么必然联系么?红字部分和蓝字部分的转折缺乏联系,这期间缺掉了一个环节,即问题的产生:由于电脑电视带来的信息越来越多,很多地方不去都可以知道,于是乎,有的人认为旅游过时了。然后再提问,水到渠成。
学习啦在线学习网因此,背景式开头很重要的一点就是提供的背景与提出的观点光滑过度(smooth transition),存在必然逻辑联系,这样一来文章的开头就会显得比较有力度,而后文也可以有效利用介绍的背景来作为论证依据。在写作背景式开头的时候,考虑起始句如何引出观点,如何利用背景是关键,不要为了背景而写背景。
引用式。开头引用名人名句,最俗的就是翟少成老骂的那个"a coin has two sides”,这种开头难度很高,想用好也很难,在不知道题目的情况下谁也不能直接找出一句跟题目对应很好能用于引出观点句子,所以只适用于写过的文章。如果撞大运撞上了自己找过句子的题目,那么无疑用这种开头会比较占便宜。
学习啦在线学习网疑问式。这里说的疑问式不是把题目用问句写一遍然后自答,而是提出一些与题目相关的问题引起思考,从而引出文章观点,从某种意义上说,是间接复述题目,然后将中间的逻辑点用叙述方式加以连接,从而引出主题。比如上面说到的Issue150,开头说"Ever wanted to go somewhere far in universe? Ever complained about insufficience of money which keeps you from dream place? Now with the development of internet and television, such problems can be easily solved.“
叙事式。这种开头在长文章新闻中非常常见,似乎也是老美比较喜欢的一种开头,我看过的杂志里至少有一半文章是这么写的。但由于叙事对篇幅要求比较多而且不易掌握,所以在ISSUE实战中不是很常用。还是Issue150举个例子。"I sit down in front of my PC, turn on internet and login in a cyber world. Myriad images appear, as if I have got into the opposite side of the earth. How convenient it is! So you may wonder, is tourism in need any more?" 有时间的同学不妨尝试下。
"The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things."首先要说这是一个非常庞大的开头,对于非疯牛级人物不推荐。
Even the most brilliant thinkers, from Socrates to Satre, live lives in time.(用事实提出题目观点的发展背景:牛人生活在时代中) A childhood, an adolescence, an adulthood; these are common to me and you as well as the greatest writers.(解释事实,进一步连接题目“common") Furthermore, many of the great thinkers we esteem in our Western culture lived somewhat unevetful lives.(再深入,将事实泛化为普遍情况,从而提供大背景) What distinguished their life from say a common laborer was their work. Therefore, what provided the grist for their work?(间接提问引出观点:grist of work) One might say that they were brilliant and this alone was sufficient to distinguish their lives from the masses.(提出一种回答,他人观点,用以做完善的底子) Intellect alone can not devise situations or thoughts from no where; there must be a basis and that basis is most common, if not always, observation of the common, of the quotidian.(批驳他人观点进而进行完善,引向自己的观点basis) Critics of this idea may argue that these thinkers were products of fine educations and were well schooled in the classics. This, they may point to, is the real basis for their knowledge.(再提出一个他人观点,将话题进一步引向自己观点) I would agrue (主题句先行词,阐明观点) that although it may be a benefit to study classics and be well schooled in diverse disciplines, these pursuits merely refine and hone an ability each and every person has, the ability to study human nature. Where best to study human nature than in the day to day routine each one of us can witness in him or herself or those around us.
回到开篇的话,背景式写作由于提供了更多样的可能性,所以能够令文章更具有个性,一个好的背景可以让文章开头就光彩十足,引出观点也更为舒服,因此在选择自己要讨论的背景时也需要斟酌,即使是最俗的development of technology/society...也要用细节来使其与自己的论题对应,避免出现空泛的背景,这样不但不能精确发挥作用,也不能突出个性。
论点:Demand for this product wii go up。
学习啦在线学习网论据:The price of the product is sliding.
学习啦在线学习网推理依据:Whenever prices of a product go down , demand for it rises.
(说明:由论据“the price of the product is sliding ”推出论点“Demand for this product will go up”,这个过程是否有效取决于推理依据“whenever prices of a product go down , demand for it rises”是否成立。下面每一种论证方法都是如此)
学习啦在线学习网论点:Radical feminists are not good citizens.
学习啦在线学习网论据:Radical feminists lack family values.
推理依据:Family values characterize the good citizes.
学习啦在线学习网论点:The internet may be causing depression.
学习啦在线学习网论据:When a group of people increased their use of the Internet , they felt depressed.
推理依据:There are no other reasons for the group's depression.
论点:Everyone likes the movie.
论据:I know three people who like the movie.
推理依据:Three eaxmples are enough.
论点:The child has chickenpox.
学习啦在线学习网论据:The child has red spots.
推理依据:These spots are signs of chickenpox.
学习啦在线学习网用我们已知的、熟悉的事物同未知的。不熟悉的事物加以比较,并用前者的情况解释者 的情况。分为三种:纵向类比(过去的事物同现在的、同一类事物的类比)、横向类比(同一 时期、同一事物之间的类比)、比喻式类比(不同类别事物之间的类比)。例如:
学习啦在线学习网1.纵向类比(Historical analogy)
论点:Many people will die of SARS.
论据:Many people died of the Black Death.
推理依据:SARS and Black Death are similar.
2.横向类比(Literal analogy)
论点:China should have its fighter carriers.
学习啦在线学习网论据:A neighboring country has a powerful carrier fleet.
学习啦在线学习网推理依据:The two countries are similar enough to draw such a comparison.
3.比喻式类比(Metaphorical analogy)
学习啦在线学习网论点:Reading a difficult book should take time.
学习啦在线学习网论据:Digesting a large metal takes time.
推理依据:Reading and eating are sufficiently alike to be compared.
论点:China's economy will grow 8 poercent this year.
学习啦在线学习网论据:Professors and scientists say so.
推理依据:These experts are reliable.
论点:The university curriculum should be multicultural.
学习啦在线学习网论据:A multicultural curriculum will contribute to equality and acceptance.
推理依据:You value equality and acceptance.
论点:You should support this candidate premier.
论据:The candidate can help you get job security and safe neighbourhoods.
推理依据:You want job security and safe neighbourhoods.
学习啦在线学习网论点:She was very kind to me.
学习啦在线学习网论据:She treated me with the best tea she had.
学习啦在线学习网推理依据:A treatment with the best tea is an expression of kindness.
论点:An industrious man must also be thrifty.
论据:With only industry but without thrift ,the person will end uo bankrupt.
推理依据:An industrious person ending up bankrupt sounds absurd.
学习啦在线学习网论点:We should end the current poverty-relief program.
学习啦在线学习网论据:It costs million per year.
学习啦在线学习网推理依据:This is too much;it proves we should end it.




