学习啦在线学习网 语言是强大的,它能营造浪漫氛围,能建立商务关系,也能倾覆巍巍帝国。接下来,小编给大家准备了四个沟通技巧助你人气倍增双语美文,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
学习啦在线学习网 Have you ever stopped to listen? The conversation of the masses is almost entirely predictable. Where’s the excitement? Where's the spark? It's as if the world has been invaded by robots. "Hope it doesn't rain." "Good game, huh?" "Would you like fries with that?"
Do you want to stand out from the crowd and have a greater influence on others? Do you want them to listen and respond to what you have to say? If so then consider a change in your communication habits. Words are powerful. They create romance, build business and topple kingdoms. Use them to your advantage. Here are four ways you can create greater influence in your life by using the right words.
学习啦在线学习网 想不想从众人中脱颖而出,对别人产生更大的影响力?想不想让他们聆听并回应你的话语?如果你想的话,那么就考虑改变你的沟通习惯吧。语言是强大的,它能营造浪漫氛围,能建立商务关系,也能倾覆巍巍帝国。让语言为你所用吧。以下四个技巧,帮助你用对语言,在人生中创造更大影响力。
学习啦在线学习网 Avoid the standard rhetoric: Don't answer the question, "How are you?" with anything your listener has ever heard. Instead, let them in on what's really happening. Did you just get a new job, go on a blind date, get bit by a dog? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Tell them. They asked didn't they? It's what they get. And use words they are not accustomed to hearing. People perk up and listen when you tickle their ears with sounds they don't expect.
Be expressive: "The service was absolutely spectacular." "The meal was absolutely fantastic." The word "absolutely" increases the power of practically anything you suggest. "We will absolutely give you the best price ever." Who could argue with anyone that is this absolute? Whether you are asking for a date, selling a product or encouraging a wounded soul, the confident approach moves your influence into a higher level.
Ask for what you want: The price is less when you ask. The sale awaits the person who has the nerve to make the offer straight up. And why is your loser friend Tommy dating a girl that is out of his league? Because he asked. When we don't let our thoughts be known we often end up with what others want us to have instead of what we actually want. Stick your neck out there. When your head gets lopped off, put it back on and go again.
Use a little humor: "I have the dumbest question of the day," I've often said to a receptionist when attempting to break through the keepers of the gate. It sure beats, "May I speak with Mr. Rejection?" Defensiveness melts like butter in the face of an amusing remark. They usually laugh and let me know the dumbest question of the day is one I couldn’t dream of asking. It's like we're friends already. First cousins in a matter of seconds. Humor lets people know you are human which allows them to relax and tell you what you really need to know.
Do you want to be like everyone else, lost in the monotone humdrum that is every day conversation? Then say what everyone else is saying. But to be noticed, to influence others, to stir interest so that they respond to what you have to say, adjust your speaking habits. It will bring cheer to those around you and great benefits to your life.
学习啦在线学习网 你想和别人一样,埋没在单调乏味的日常对话中吗?那么你就和其他所有人一样说话好了。但是,如果你想得到关注、想影响别人、想激发兴趣、想让别人来回应你必须要说的话,那么你就需要调整一下说话的习惯。这么做,既能让你周围的人感到愉悦,也会给你的人生带来诸多益处。
My friend Glenn has a standard answer to anyone who asked, "How are you doing?" He looks them right in the eye and says, "I have had the diarrhea for three days." Different, but not recommended.
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