学习啦在线学习网 有时候自己会对某种事物感到害怕,恐惧,那么我们要用什么办法来解决它呢?接下来,小编给大家准备了超越恐惧双语美文 ,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
学习啦在线学习网 When I was told last year that my 2-year-old son had an illness that threatened his life, I tried to strike a bargain with fate――I would do anything, I would trade my old life away, if only he would get better. We learned that our son would need months of treatment, maybe even a year, before we would know whether he would recover. My husband and I settled into a deadening routine; one night at the hospital, the next night at home to be with our daughter, then right back to the hospital. The days and nights were a blur of medical reports. Fear and despair engulfed me.
I watched the other mothers at the hospital. I saw the mother of the child with cystic fibrosis faithfully administer physical therapy, heard the hollow thump-thump-thump as she pounded the child's chest, her efforts a talisman of dedication, hope and pain. I ached for the mother whose infant twins both had cancer and who managed somehow to write thank-you notes to the nurses after the babies' many hospitalizations. I worried that I could not live up to these mothers' heroism. They did what good mothers are supposed to do,what mothers of sick children have to do,and what I did, too.
I worried that I could not live up to these mothers' heroism. They did what good mothers are supposed to do,what mothers of sick children have to do,and what I did, too.
学习啦在线学习网 我担心自己可能做不到像这些母亲那样坚强。她们做的正是好母亲该做的,也是病儿母亲不得不做的,也是我所做的。
学习啦在线学习网 But I did not feel selfless, the way those other mothers seemed to feel. I was ashamed to admit it, but mingled with my terror and grief. After the first three weeks, we realized we were only at the start of a marathon. The friends who knew me best started telling me I should go back to work. It would be good for you to get a break, they said. I resisted. Good mothers, I thought, do not abandon their sick children for work. Yet when my son's doctor told me he thought it would be fine, that he could E-mail his assessments, I tore myself away.
I could not work a normal schedule――far from it. But as the months of my son's treatment dragged on, he was able to stay out of the hospital for longer periods. My husband and I still took turns at the outpatient clinic or at the hospital. I was lucky that my family and my baby sitter could also relieve me so that my son was never alone.
学习啦在线学习网 我无法正常工作--远远不能。但儿子的治疗挨过了一个月又一个月,他可以出院在外待较长时间了。我和我丈夫仍然轮流去门诊所或是医院。幸运的是,我的家人和保姆也能减轻我的负担,所以儿子一直有人陪着。
There were still long stretches when I needed to drop everything to be with him. But to my surprise, I found that going to work when I could eased my sense of helplessness. I could be distracted: there were phone calls and deadlines and a rhythm to be swept into. I could be in control of something.
学习啦在线学习网 Master's Degree:硕士学位。
学习啦在线学习网 Open admission:开放式入学。也就是不管申请者条件如何都会给他入学许可。
Pass/fail grading system:一种以通过/不通过来计分的方式,有的学校全用此系统,有的则只用于某特别课程或学生。
Placement test:安置测验;学生到校后的程度考试,如果考的好可直接上较高的课程。
Quarter system:学季制,一学季长度约十二周,通常一学年会分为春、秋、冬三学季外加暑季。
Residency requirement:大部分学校规定学生需在校内修数个学期的课程(除独立研究和别校转来的学分外),才能毕业。另一意为要得到州民身份所需居住的年限。
学习啦在线学习网 Residence hall:即宿舍。
学习啦在线学习网 Rolling admission:先到先审制;以循环方式,入学申请没有一定的截止日期,申请资料随时寄到就随时开始审核。
Semester system:学期制,一学期长度约十五到十六周,通常一学年会分为春、秋两学期外加暑期。
Social security number:社会安全号码,简称SSN。
学习啦在线学习网 Stipend2:每年发给学生的奖助学金。
学习啦在线学习网 Test of English as a Foreign Language 或TOEFL:托福测验,为美国大学及研究所用来评量外国学生英文能力的考试。
学习啦在线学习网 Transcript3:成绩单。
学习啦在线学习网 Transfer student:转学生。以大学部而言,是指已经上了一学期到三年的大学课程,而欲转往另一所大学继续就读的学生。
Unit:与学分(credit) 通用。
Undergraduate study:大学部课程。也就是高中毕业后所上的两年制或四年制的大学课程。
Upper-Division courses:通常指大三或大四上的进阶课程。
Upper-Division schools:提供学士学位中后两年课程的学校,但学生需先在别的学校完成前两年的课程。
Vocational school:职业学校
Vitae: 见curriculum vitae
学习啦在线学习网 Work-study:学生可做的校内工作,为美国联邦奖助学金的一部分。
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