学习啦在线学习网 撒谎是个极恶劣的习惯,好多人都不幸成为谎言受害者。接下来,小编给大家准备了十招教你识破它的谎言双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
Telling lies is a very bad habit that many people have fallen prey to. People often lie to escape from speaking the truth and view it as something that is important for survival. Unfortunately, most humans aren’t very good at detecting lies; however, there are a few simple things you can do to determine whether or not a person is lying. Just asking the right questions and observing a person’s body movements can reveal the truth.
Below are a few techniques that can help you avoid being a victim of deceit.
学习啦在线学习网 下面的技巧可以帮你避免成为欺骗的受害者。
Look for Facial Expressions
The face is often the first place that reflects a person’s true personality. When a person is happy or sad, it shows on his entire face. While telling lies, micro-expressions appear for a fraction of a second and reveal the person’s true character.
学习啦在线学习网 脸部能第一时间反映一个人的真实性格。无论是开心还是悲伤,都会展现在他的整张脸上。当对方说谎时,会闪现一丝细微的表情,这能揭示其真实性格。
Prolonged Eye Contact
学习啦在线学习网 长时间的眼神接触
学习啦在线学习网 A person who is lying usually avoids eye contact or holds prolonged eye contact to convince the other person to trust him. He will do the job well to assure you that what you think you hear is the truth and nothing else.
学习啦在线学习网 Notice Body Language
A person who is lying usually uses his hand to touch his nose, comb his hair, pull up his socks, wipe away sweat, tug on his clothes or rub his lips. Another thing to watch out for is that a liar does not typically sit up straight while telling the lie. He might feel a bit uncomfortable sitting in the same position and might even fidget or fuss for no reason.
Establish the Baseline
学习啦在线学习网 Before looking for particular clues to catch a liar, it is important to set a baseline. A baseline reveals how a person behaves in normal circumstances. This can be done by asking some simple and basic questions to which you already know the answers. People normally answer these questions truthfully, and you can note the behavior and mood to establish the baseline.
学习啦在线学习网 在寻找特定线索抓骗子的时候,设定底线很重要。底线可以展示他在寻常情况下的表现。询问一些你早就知道答案的简单基本的问题就可以做到。人们通常会如实回答这些问题,因此你可以通过观察其表现和行为来建立。
Notice the Pause
学习啦在线学习网 When a liar is making up a story to cover the truth, you may notice him taking a long pause so that he can create a sequence of events. This only happens when he is asked a question for which he didn’t prepare an answer beforehand. A liar usually makes up the events as he talks.
Check for Sweating
学习啦在线学习网 If you’ve seen some detective shows then you might have noticed that people sweat more when they lie. Sweating occurs in stressful situations and when you lie, it is very stressful. It is one of the indicators along a group of other signs which indicates that there is something fishy going on.
学习啦在线学习网 Inconsistencies in the Story
Even if you have the slightest doubt that the other person is taking you for a ride, ask him to repeat the story after discussing a couple of things in between. If the person is lying, he might add a few details or remove couple of things that were previously mentioned. Any deviations in the story could indicate that the person is lying.
学习啦在线学习网 如果你有丝毫的怀疑某人是在骗你,那就在讨论了几件事情之后,让他重复其中的故事。要是对方说谎了,那他可能就会添加一些细节或删除先前提到的一些事情。故事里出现的任何偏差都足以说明他在撒谎。
Proclaims Honesty Repeatedly
A liar often repeats phrases to emphasize the validity of his statements. Frequently used phrases like “to be honest”, “believe me”, and “to tell the truth” are often clear-cut indications that there is something wrong in the story. Most people don’t use these statements so often.
Excessive Lip-Licking
Excessive lip-licking is a common sign of dishonesty. When a person lies, it puts a lot of stress on his body, which can result in repetitive physical behaviors.
Changes in Voice or Tone
学习啦在线学习网 Closely observe the voice or tone of the person you think is lying. Any changes in voice (i.e. slower or faster-than-normal speech patterns) indicate dishonesty. Stammering or stuttering may also point to a lie.
