Business is filled with opportunities, and it's nice when you can say yes to customers, employees and vendors. But there are absolutely times when saying yes will lead to difficulty or even disaster.
学习啦在线学习网 Here are seven scenarios where no is the only way to go. Some may seem obvious, but I have often witnessed smart people get themselves in trouble by thinking they will somehow work everything out. Don't put yourself in a bad position unnecessarily. Recognize these 7 scenarios and just say No!
学习啦在线学习网 1. Say NO! When No One Is Ready
学习啦在线学习网 1.当谁都没有准备好的时候,说no!
Many people say yes to a boss or customer request when the pieces of the puzzle aren't in place. Great work requires preparation. Great teams require alignment. If your team isn't prepared or aligned, agreeing to take on difficult initiatives is a disaster waiting to happen. Young companies often try to speed forward before their organizational structure or business model is ready. They instead end up burning investor money while killing dreams and reputations. Say No! so you can get everything and everyone on board and ready. Then you can say yes with confidence.
学习啦在线学习网 2. Say NO! When It's Not a Fit
学习啦在线学习网 2.在不合适的时候,说no!
Salespeople and entrepreneurs alike tend to see the potential in everything and everybody. But a ton of time is wasted on prospects who are never going to be customers, never going to invest, or never going to be amazing employees. Instead of looking for all the reasons why things will work out, save time by focusing on the reasons they won't. Even if you say No!, you can always revisit the opportunity if compatibility improves.
学习啦在线学习网 销售人员和企业家倾向于在每件事和每个人身上都看到潜在的商机。不过也就是因为这样,大量的时间都浪费在了发展那些不可能成为客户,不可能投资或是不可能成为疯狂的职员的那些人身上。与其把所有精力花在研究为什么会成功上,不如花时间去关注它们为什么不会成功。即使你一开始说了no,当你自身水平提高后,你还是有机会再去抓住那些潜在的机会的。
3. Say NO! When You're Overloaded
Some people are afraid to say No! even when they have too much on their plates. They think it's necessary to respond positively all the time to avoid disappointing others. Then they let things fall through the cracks, get sick or have a breakdown. In this case, an impossible yes causes far more frustration then just saying No! in the first place. Have a realistic sense of your capacity and don't go past your limit.
4. Say NO! When It's Unrealistic
学习啦在线学习网 You can't assume that every request has been thought through in detail. Often people ask for what they want with little or no consideration of what's involved for delivery. I never subscribe to the "customer is always right" theory. As a consultant, I wonder, if they are always right, why would they want to pay me? Be the expert when someone asks for something. If you don't know how it works, do your homework and say yes only when you know it can really happen. Otherwise, keep that "maybe" handy.
学习啦在线学习网 你不能指望每个要求都已经得到了充分的考虑。很多时候,人们提出他们想要什么的时候根本就没有好好考虑要做到这些需要哪些必要条件。我从来不会同意“顾客永远是对的”这种理论。作为一位顾问,我总是会想,如果他们永远是对的,他们为什么又要花钱来请我?当别人向你要求什么的时候,你一定要专业。如果你不知道那件事如何才能成功,你一定要做好功课,只有当你完全明白它要怎么做才能成功的时候才说yes。不然的话,就只能说“可能”。
学习啦在线学习网 5. Say NO! When You Have to Go Backwards
It's hard enough to move steadily toward your goals without having to regain lost ground. When approached with an opportunity that doesn't obviously propel you forward, ask yourself: "Why am I even interested in this?" You may be surprised to find there is simply no justification for saying yes. When that happens, loudly declare No! and move on to opportunities that better align with your goals.
学习啦在线学习网 想要在稳步前行的同时又不失去已获得的东西是很难的。当你遇到一个机会,而那个机会并不一定能帮助你前进的时候,就要问问自己:“我对这个东西到底感兴趣吗?”你或许会惊讶地发现,根本就没有理由说yes。当这种情况发生的时候,果断说no!然后转向另一个和你的目标更相符的机会。
6. Say NO! When It's Unprofitable
学习啦在线学习网 You are in business for many reasons, but nearly everyone--founders and employees alike--is in it to profit. Not all profit is related to money, although young entrepreneurs should take note that consistent monetary profit does help your sustainability and your valuation. Sometimes a transaction can pay off in connections, exposure, learning, satisfaction or, yes, money. But when a transaction does nothing to better the people involved, then the word No! should be used.
学习啦在线学习网 你在商界是出于各种各样的原因,但几乎所有人进入商界都是为了盈利。并非所有的盈利都和钱有关。虽然年轻企业家必须明白持续的金钱盈利对你的可持续发展和价值的成长是非常有帮助的。但有时候一项交易也能让你在人脉、曝光率、知识以及满意度上获得回报。但是当一项交易对所有人都没有好处的时候,就该说no!
学习啦在线学习网 7. Say NO! When You Can't Meet Expectations
学习啦在线学习网 7.当你不能达到期望的时候,说no!
People are often optimistic about how quickly and how well they can get things done. Combine that hopefulness with the desire to please a customer, and you are left over-promising and under-delivering. Save yourself the mea culpa and say No! to what you know you can not do. Be accountable and manage expectations. Whatever you do, don't say yes to get the deal signed if you're assuming that, once the prospects are in the door, they'll have to adapt to your change in quality, timing or price. After they realize what's happened, few will come back to say yes and do business with liars.
