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学习啦在线学习网   作为大学生在刚步入社会的时候,应该持有什么样的态度来应对就职问题呢?接下来,小编给大家准备了人生如菜双语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。



  I have worked in a company, then the company closed down, I became unemployed....... I had to find another work, but looking for half a year still in the home work, I felt very depressed.

学习啦在线学习网   父亲问我:“这半年里,难道就没有一家公司愿意录用你?”我说:“有,可是工资太低了,月薪大多只有七八百元。”父亲说:“七八百就七八百吧,先干起来再说。”

  The father asked me: "these six months, is there not a company willing to hire you?" I say: "yes, but the salary is too low, most only 700 yuan to 800 yuan a month." Father said: "it is all right, do it first."


学习啦在线学习网   I say: "how ca I ? In the original company my salary is 2000 yuan a month, so I'm sure to find a work with a monthly salary of 2000 yuan." Father laughs then said: "go with me to sell a day's food." Due to have nothing to do, I agreed it.


  What my father sold is cauliflower, when set in the market, a middle-aged woman came to ask: "how much do you want to sell the cauliflower?" Father said: "0.5 yuan a kilo." Middle-aged woman said: "somebody else's cauliflower most just 0.45 yuan per kilo, why do you want to sell 0.5 yuan per kilo?" Father answered: "my cauliflower is the best." Middle-aged women went away without bargaining again.


学习啦在线学习网   Our cauliflower is really the best, sell 0.5 yuan per kilo is really reasonable. But after a few people asking the price, without anyone buy it. I'm in a hurry a little, and said to my father: "how about selling 0.45 yuan per kilo?" Answered my father: "don’t worry. Our cauliflower is so good, why fear nobody buy?"

学习啦在线学习网   说话间,又有一个人来问价了。父亲依然说1块钱一斤。这人实在喜欢我们的菜花,就是嫌太贵了,他软磨硬磨,一定要父亲减一点儿,可父亲就是不松口。那人咬咬牙说:“减5分,9角5分钱一斤,我全要了。

学习啦在线学习网   ”父亲说:“少一分不卖。”那人只好叹了口气,走了。

  During the talking, there was a man came to ask price. Father still insisted 0.5 yuan per kilo. Although this man likeed our cauliflower very much, the price is too expensive, with the bargaining again and again The man bite yaoya said: ‘minus 5 points, nine Angle five cents a jins, I'm all for’ , but my father didn’t agree,finally the man gave up.


  After the man leaving, time is not earlier, fewer and fewer people to buy vegetables, the price became to decline. Others cauliflower mostly sold out, left to sell has fallen to 0.3 yuan per kilo, we have to drop to0.35 yuan per kilo. I said: "how about 0.3 yuan a kilo" Father said: "no, our cauliflower is the best."

学习啦在线学习网   中午过后,菜价跌得更历害。菜花不能隔夜卖,接下来价格跌得更惨,6角、5角、4角,黄昏的时候,有人干脆论堆卖,2块钱一堆。我们的菜花经过一天日晒,早已毫无优势了。天快黑时,一个老头过看着我们的菜花问:“这一堆一块五,卖吗?”父亲扭头问我:“卖不卖?”我没好气地说:“反正不值钱了,卖了吧。”结果,老头用1块5角钱买走了我们的一大堆菜花。

  After noon, price declined more sirously. Cauliflower can't sell overnight, and the rest of the price to fall more miserable, 0.3, 0.25, 0.2 yuan per kilo. At dusk, someone sold it 2 yuan a pile. Our cauliflower after a day of insolation, had no advantages. The sky getting dark, an old man had looked at our cauliflower ask: "how about 1.5 yuan a pile?" Father twisted and asked me: "for sale?" I said angrily: "anyway it is worthless, sold." Then, the old man bought our a lot of cauliflower with 1.5 yuan a pile.

学习啦在线学习网   回家的路上,我埋怨父亲说:“早上人家给九角五一斤你为什么不卖?”父亲笑笑说:“是呀,那时候出手该有多好,可早上总以为自己的菜花值1块钱一斤,就像你现在总以为自己月薪必须2000一样。”

  On the way home, I blamed my father: " why don't you sell when someone want to buy it 0.45 yuan per kilo this morning?" Father smiled and said: "yeah, it’s the best time to sell with a good price in the morning, but in the morning we always think highly with the price just as you now you always think your salary must be 2000 yuan a month."

学习啦在线学习网   父亲的话使我深感震撼。人生其实就像卖菜一样,要卖个好价钱是不容易的,有时候,越想卖高价,越卖不出去,最后烂贱如泥。做人不能自视太高,还要善于把握时机。

  I was deeply shocked by father's words. Life is like selling vegetables, to sell a good price is not easy, and sometimes, the more want to sell high, the more harder to sell, and finally worthless just as mud. Don't be thinking too high of yourself, and be good at seizing every opportunity .


  The next day, I went to a company to work with 600 yuan a month.


  Small story truth: " don't be thinking too high of yourself, and be good at seizing every opportunity ". This sentence is especially important for college students those who just took to the society. Before you still have to prove your worth to others, don't expect you can success easily, you should cherish every opportunity,and for a better fight.






5.励志美文摘抄 励志美文欣赏
