学习啦在线学习网 逻辑清晰,结构紧凑的段落无疑是托福写作的加分项之一,为了帮助大家备考托福写作,下面小编给大家带来 高分托福写作技巧之段落展开,来学习一下吧!
学习啦在线学习网 第一句:topic sentence:书本上获得的知识更全面,含量更大
学习啦在线学习网 从这里,逻辑展开:从书本→浓缩了丰富的知识变成了书本→其性质是把各种经验做整理和记录→浓缩了丰富的知识。也就是说,说理部分是在简单的逻辑(工厂→污染)中间加上一环(工厂→运营难免排放废水废料废气→污染)。这样看似简单,可是这样中间的一环却是必须的,否则你说工厂会导致污染,判卷人会觉得:为什么工厂就会导致污染呢?逻辑跳跃太大了,托福作为就是给一个6岁小孩讲道理,所以要像照顾小孩子一样对待阅卷人,逻辑展开一定要一步一步的来。
学习啦在线学习网 其实,到这里说理部分就结束了,展现了你的思考问题的逻辑结构。后面的“如果没有”,“引用例子,数据”之类的都是增加文采,扩充文字的,依据时间长短,自己随便挑两到三样加上去即可。
学习啦在线学习网 1 引用例子:the example of__ matches my point of view perfectly; To look for better illustration, one can look no further than___; one case in point involves___, 自己编一个例子即可,可以是真的,也可以是编的,甚至是自己生活中的。引用例子的时候参考一下上面的句型,别总用for example 和such as
2 引用“权威”调查和数据。A recent survey, revealing that___ can also serve to demonstrate this point; A research, in which__ were investigated, suggests that____. 调查和数据都是自己编的,别太离谱就行了。
学习啦在线学习网 3 如果没有: seldom can we imagine the situation without___; hundreds of years ago, when there was no__, people_(生活多么麻烦和困难)__
学习啦在线学习网 第一句Knowledge obtained from books is more diverse and has larger quantity. (论点)
第二句正面阐述对象特征Books are written form of documentation of facts and phenomenon, which, although obtained through numerous efforts, can be put down in only a few simple words. Therefore, compared to practicing,比较兼插入 reading books can bring people numerous amounts of knowledge in a more convenient and efficient way.
后面的随便捡两样。如果没有Hardly can we imagine the situation without those concise expressions of ideas. Without the benefits of books, the brilliant ideas of predecessors will be lost due to the lack of recording; students will have no material to go over when they are faced with examinations; all the essence and beauty of poems and novels will never be appreciated by the descendents.(排比,是一个亮点,如果考场想不起来可以不写的)
引用例子More specifically, take the biological class as an example. If the teacher wants his students to grasp Mendel’s law of inheritance, instead of guiding the students to grow some pea, he will open up the textbook and tell the students what the result of the experiment that had been conducted is and what law Mendel has found.
引用数据Besides, investigation showing that books account for 90 percent of the sources provided for students to obtain knowledge can also support my side.
学习啦在线学习网 大家也许可以看出来,后面三个部分即使扔掉一部分段落还是基本完整的,实际上本人在考试的时候,刚开始没有把三种都用上,是写完作文还有时间才再把个别段落加个数据调查,或者再加一句如果没有的。
学习啦在线学习网 另外补充一点:写完例子的时候最好要再收尾一下,比如说,from the example, we can see that by reading books, we can obtain the most knowledge within a short time 之类的。这样论述就更完整了,逻辑在老外作文里是很重要的,骨头长正了肉才能长好,人才能漂亮。
学习啦在线学习网 当我们单纯的看到“字数越多越好”的时候,可以说这是有一定的道理的,因为如果你的字数越多,那么就越能更好的阐明自己的观点,但是很多考友特别喜欢将这种思路发挥到极致。要知道其实托福作文如果能达到350字-450字就已经很好了,只要达到这个范围内基本上就不会对你的分数产生任何负面的影响了。
学习啦在线学习网 误区二:刚开始写作文,就要限定时间。
学习啦在线学习网 殊不知,任何一个考试都是要循序渐进的,作文也是如此。当我们刚开始准备作文的时候,首先要追求的是成功率,也就是完成度,而不是时间。换句话说,在准备托福以及sat作文的前期,首先要做的,是完成作文,也就是不管花多少时间,一定要让自己的作文达到300字以上,而且如果自己准备考试的时间比较充分的话,最好刚开始的3-5篇作文都是不给自己限定时间,首先追求的是能把作文写完,然后当我们感觉有话可说的时候,在提升自己的新托福写作速度,换句话说也就是限定自己在30分钟之内完成自己的独立作文。
学习啦在线学习网 现在的很多考友是生活在用英语的环境之中的,比如说现在有很多考友是在美国或者英国上高中的,当然也有很多考友是在国内纯英语的国际学校求学,这些环境往往是全英文的环境,本来一个全英文的环境是十分有助于英语水平的提升的,但是实际上,纯英语的环境对于英语的语法要求并不严格。
学习啦在线学习网 语法得分(Grammar)
ETS工作人员可以事前通过电脑程序输入写作中不同难度的语法现象及常犯的语法错误事例,因而对于考生的任何一篇文章电脑可以自动识别该习作是否犯了类似的语法错误及其是否使用了较为高级的语法现象。具体来讲,语法能力考查涵盖以下几点:动词使用是否错误、代词指代是否不明、物主代词是否使用正确、主谓是否一致、是否存在不完整句、是否存在粘连句等。毋庸置疑,电脑对于如上语法的判断要比人为操作更为严谨、准确。因为写作是依赖键盘操作,故需要对句子学习啦在线学习网完整性和粘连现象进行评定。但依据笔者的经验,很多考生在短短30分钟是难以达到“语法完美”的程度的,但是他们的作文得分并不低。由此可见,虽然E- raters关注写作的语法得分,但是其重要性位阶是低于ETS 的评分原则的。
内容表达载体得分(usage score)
该考查点主要关注学生能否用“较为正式的文体”来阐述自己的观点以及单词本身是否使用恰当。该评价并不关注内容是否全面、论证是否有效,而仅仅关注表达文章信息的载体语言是否满足以下几点:表达中冠词是否出现错误、是否使用不准确的词汇、单词使用形式错误(排除拼写)、比较信息表达错误、表达信息偏向口语或者不正式。这些信息点的测试也是通过ETS官方人员事先输入相应程序来实现的。通过电脑评价,这些缺憾更容易被识别,因为个人的主观见解在评分中是容易出现偏差的。但是这里需要提醒一点:我们不能把这些考点的重要性过于夸大,过于苛求我们的学生在托福作文考试中做到正式文体加正式的表达。根据赵质明校长的教学经验,虽然很多学生在托福作文中使用了诸如 “let me take an example of myself”, “okay, that’s very amusing”之类非正式的语言,但是其习作依旧有可能获得满分的成绩。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important quality for a politician or leader to have is good communication skills. 政客最重要的性格特征就是拥有良好的沟通技巧,是否认同?
Politicians and leaders have many responsibilities. As representatives of government or social organizations, they play the delicate role of communicating with the people they represent. They also are responsible for, through discussions, finding a consensus among other leaders in order to write laws and policies. Finally, leaders have the important job of serving as a spokesperson, promoting government or association programs and rallying people’s support behind important issues. Communication skills are essential for a leader to successfully complete these tasks.
学习啦在线学习网 The support of the people is essential in most governments in the world. To get the support of the people, a political leader must gain their trust and support on many issues. People expect their political representatives to help fix problems in the community and society, but sometimes politicians have to make unpopular decisions for the overall good. For example taxes. Taxes are never popular, but they are necessary to support governments and maintain order. A political leader that can persuade the people to support these unpopular but necessary issues will have a more successful government than a political leader who is constantly at odds with the people. A political leader that is not good at speaking could very easily offend the people. Good command of rhetoric and debating skills determines the success of any politician.
In addition, leaders have to effectively communicate with each other. Consensus is the very foundation of successful political governments and organizations in general. Leaders, politician in particular, often differ in opinion on the best way to address an issue, like the annual budget. Being able to express clearly their individual approaches to the budget plan is important to arriving at a consensus. If a leader has an amazing budget plan, but cannot explain it clearly, she will not be able to persuade others to support her plan. A politician or leader who has no communication skills will not successfully implement his or her policies.
学习啦在线学习网 Leaders, whether they are politicians or social reformers, have the responsibility of rallying and maintaining support for these policies and movements. Oratory skills are vital to achieving this goal. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the face and voice of the Civil Rights Movement. Many of his ideas, like non-violent civil disobedience, helped define the Civil Rights Movement. But Dr. King would have been just another protester marching for civil rights if it were not for his amazing communication skills. Through his eloquent speeches, his message for equality caused millions to join the cause. Language, if used skillfully, is a powerful weapon for leaders.
学习啦在线学习网 A politician that cannot speak to his or her people will not succeed. Leaders are those who can make plans and carry them out. Speech making and general communication skills are vital to maintaining a leadership position.