学习啦在线学习网 雅思阅读考试不算很难,但还是要大家认真备考,为了方便大家,下面小编给大家带来雅思阅读材料大集合:高额学费导致英国大学生减少17%。
The government says undergraduate numbers have 'returned to record levels'.
学习啦在线学习网 英国政府表示本科生数量“降至新低”。
There was a 17% fall in the number of first year undergraduates at UK universities in the first year of higher tuition fees, official figures show.
In 2012-13 UK universities were allowed to treble their yearly fees to £9,000.
学习啦在线学习网 在2012-13年间,英国大学被默许增加每年的学费至9000英镑。
学习啦在线学习网 England saw a 12% fall in new full-time undergraduate students overall.
学习啦在线学习网 The government acknowledged the fall but stressed that demand for full time higher education has already "returned to record levels".
A spokesperson for Department for Business, Innovation and Skills said the figures were influenced by a higher number of students taking up places the previous year, rather than having a gap year.
"A reduction in entrants in 2012 was well documented and the numbers were affected by the significant number of students who opted not to defer their place from the year before," she said.
学习啦在线学习网 "Hello Reddit - I'm Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Microsoft founder. Ask me anything."
学习啦在线学习网 “Reddit你好!我是比尔-盖茨,比尔与梅琳达盖茨基金会联合主席及微软创始人。你可以问我任何问题。”
And so they did.
学习啦在线学习网 结果人们真的就什么都问。
Fresh from helping to choose the next CEO to run the company he co-founded nearly four decades ago, Gates descended from the mountaintop to mix it up with the new media masses with his second Reddit appearance in the last year.
学习啦在线学习网 大约40年前,比尔-盖茨创办了微软公司,而他在帮忙选完微软的下届CEO后,开始与媒体打起了交道。去年他已经参加过一次Reddit问答了,今年是第二次参加。
Even before the festivities officially got underway, Gates posted a video where he answered a question ahead of time by someone left on the Reddit board asking whether he would pick up a 0 bill if he saw the money lying on the ground.
学习啦在线学习网 在正式参加问答活动前,比尔-盖茨还在网上发布了一则视频,视频中他回答了此前网友在Reddit留言板上提出的问题,比如:如果你发现地上有100美元,你会去捡吗?
学习啦在线学习网 "Well, all my thoughts about money were formed at a time when 0 really was a substantial amount of money...if it's lying there and maybe it belongs to somebody and you ought to find it for them and return it to them," he said. "It'd be nice. They'd probably be fairly distraught about having dropped it. But i would pick it up and give it to the foundation because there, 0 actually buys quite a bit."
学习啦在线学习网 比尔-盖茨回答说“在我还认为100美元是一大笔钱的时候,我就已经形成了对待金钱的观念。所以,一张钞票掉在地上,也许是其他人掉落的,而你应该捡起来还给失主。这是善举,因为掉钱的人可能因为掉了钞票而懊丧不已。如果是我的话,我会把100美元捡起来并放进基金会,因为这100美元可以派上很大的用途。”
学习啦在线学习网 High-tech glasses developed at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis may help surgeons visualize cancer cells, which glow blue when viewed through the eyewear.
学习啦在线学习网 The wearable technology, so new it's yet unnamed, was used during surgery for the first time today at Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine.
学习啦在线学习网 Cancer cells are notoriously difficult to see, even under high-powered magnification. The glasses are designed to make it easier for surgeons to distinguish cancer cells from healthy cells, helping to ensure that no stray tumor cells are left behind during surgery.
"We're in the early stages of this technology, and more development and testing will be done, but we're certainly encouraged by the potential benefits to patients," said breast surgeon Julie Margenthaler, MD, an associate professor of surgery at Washington University, who performed today's operation. "Imagine what it would mean if these glasses eliminated the need for follow-up surgery and the associated pain, inconvenience and anxiety."
Current standard of care requires surgeons to remove the tumor and some neighboring tissue that may or may not include cancer cells. The samples are sent to a pathology lab and viewed under a microscope. If cancer cells are found in neighboring tissue, a second surgery often is recommended to remove additional tissue that also is checked for the presence of cancer.
The glasses could reduce the need for additional surgical procedures and subsequent stress on patients, as well as time and expense.
学习啦在线学习网 Margenthaler said about 20 to 25 percent of breast cancer patients who have lumps removed require a second surgery because current technology doesn't adequately show the extent of the disease during the first operation.
"Our hope is that this new technology will reduce or ideally eliminate the need for a second surgery," she said.
学习啦在线学习网 The technology, developed by a team led by Samuel Achilefu, PhD, professor of radiology and biomedical engineering at Washington University, incorporates custom video technology, a head-mounted display and a targeted molecular agent that attaches to cancer cells, making them glow when viewed with the glasses.
学习啦在线学习网 In a study published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics, researchers noted that tumors as small as 1 mm in diameter (the thickness of about 10 sheets of paper) could be detected.
学习啦在线学习网 Ryan Fields, MD, a Washington University assistant professor of surgery and Siteman surgeon, plans to wear the glasses later this month when he operates to remove a melanoma from a patient. He said he welcomes the new technology, which theoretically could be used to visualize any type of cancer.
"A limitation of surgery is that it's not always clear to the naked eye the distinction between normal tissue and cancerous tissue," Fields said. "With the glasses developed by Dr. Achilefu, we can better identify the tissue that must be removed."
In pilot studies conducted on lab mice, the researchers utilized indocyanine green, a commonly used contrast agent approved by the Food and Drug Administration. When the agent is injected into the tumor, the cancerous cells glow when viewed with the glasses and a special light.
Achilefu, who also is co-leader of the Oncologic Imaging Program at Siteman Cancer Center and professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics, is seeking FDA approval for a different molecular agent he's helping to develop for use with the glasses. This agent specifically targets and stays longer in cancer cells.
"This technology has great potential for patients and health-care professionals," Achilefu said. "Our goal is to make sure no cancer is left behind."
Dr. Achilefu has worked with Washington University's Office of Technology Management and has a patent pending for the technology.
学习啦在线学习网 The research is funded by the National Cancer Institute (R01CA171651) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
据美国媒体报道,这副能够“看见”癌细胞的眼镜由华盛顿大学(W U)放射学和生物医学工程学教授塞缪尔?阿基里弗教授领队研发成功,在理想状态下,它可以帮助外科医生在手术时一次性彻底切除所有癌变组织。
学习啦在线学习网 据马格塔勒介绍,依靠现有的技术,无法准备判定癌变组织的全部范围,所以大约20%至25%的乳腺癌患者接受首次手术切除肿瘤后,还需经受第二次手术。
学习啦在线学习网 “借助这种癌细胞可视眼镜,可以在首次手术时一次性切除所有癌变组织。这意味着,没有必要再进行后续手术,病人也无需承担随之而来的病痛和手术费用。”马格塔勒希望,这项新技术能够降低、甚至完全消除二次手术。
It’s not that I’m necessarily unhappy with my body, but if I’m going to be showing a picture to the world (or my world, at least) on Facebook or what have you, I want to look my best. I want to know how to pose, how to find my best angles, and all the things they try to teach you on America’s Next Top Model. I’m no Tyra Banks, but if you’re in the same boat, then I’ve got some excellent tips to look skinny in pictures you may be able to use!
1. Get the Camera above You 将镜头置于头顶
学习啦在线学习网 A lot of tips to look skinny in pictures are actually subtle little tricks that any photographer can use. One such trick is to make sure that the camera above you. You don’t have to place it incredibly high; you can just hold it above your head or place it on a shelf that’s taller than you. Because of the angle, you’ll need to look up, which elongates your neck and makes you look wonderfully slim。
2. Watch Your Head 看着你的头部
学习啦在线学习网 The position of your head actually makes a huge difference about how you look in a picture. You shouldn’t pull your head back at an angle, for instance. That can make your chin look longer, so even if you’re thin, your face will look much bigger. Instead, position your head forward; even if you have a double chin, that will minimize it and create the illusion of slimness。
3. Twist It 扭动身体
Positioning your body correctly is another great tip to look skinny in pictures. You don’t want to face the camera full on, because no matter what, that’s going to make you look larger. Keep your spine straight and your shoulders squared, and twist yourself away from the lens. You can instead turn halfway to the side, put one foot in front of your other one, and keep that toe pointing toward the camera, while your weight rests on your other foot。
4. Suck It In 收腹
This kind of goes without saying, except you’ve got to be careful about it. It’s important, again, to have terrific posture when you do this, with your back and shoulders straight. You only want to suck in your stomach a little – don’t do it so much that your ribs are visible. That makes it incredibly obvious to any viewer that you’re sucking in to look skinnier。
5. At Arms 注意你的胳膊
The way you position your arms is vital if you want to look slim in a photo. You can either hold them out from your sides just a little, so that your upper arms don’t flatten, thereby looking wider, or you can turn three quarters away from the camera and put your hand on your hip. Not only will you look fierce, you’ll look skinny, too!
6. Wear Dark Clothing 穿深色衣服
Not every tip to look skinny in pictures involves the positioning of your body, though. How you dress makes a huge difference, as well. If you wear darker clothes, they will instantly slim you down. Black is always the new black for a reason, and besides that, the resulting picture will look wonderfully dramatic. Remember, the type of clothing you wear matters too – anything too large will make it look like you’re trying to hide something, while tight-fitting clothes will show bulges that aren’t even there。
7. Choose the Right hairstyle 选择合适的发型
The hairstyle you have can make you look thinner – or not – as well. If you know you’re going to be having pictures taken, try to avoid anything too sleek, like a ponytail pulled all the way back. Having tendrils of hair around your face creates a softness, taking away from any harsh angles that could make your head, neck, and shoulders look larger or wider than they are。
I really hope that my tips to look skinny in pictures have given you some great ideas. Bear in mind, you should love your body no matter what its shape or size. However, if you feel self conscious in front of the camera, there are some things you can do. Do you have any other tips on how to make yourself look stellar in a photo?、
