雅思口语Part1:Natural Places自然风光
1. Do you like the country life?
No. I’m a city girl (boy). I don’t think I will survive even one night on the countryside. It’s too quiet, too dirty, and too tacky… I’m sure it will drive me nuts.
学习啦在线学习网 不,我是个在城市长大的孩子。我觉得我在农村一天都没法活。太安静,太脏,太土了。农村能让我抓狂。
2. Do you like visiting natural places?
学习啦在线学习网 Yes. Visiting beautiful places has been one among the many factors that helps an individual to get relaxed from the tiring urban life.
3. Have you ever gone camping?
I camped alone for a couple of nights in the Yellowstone last year. I had one small lake that was my favourite. It had a tiny barren island in the middle where I would set up camp. It was absolutely marvelous.
4. Would you ever consider living in a place such as in the mountains?
Yes. I personally think people in the cities have bad relationship with neighbours. They are impolite, aloof and most of them do not even know the name of the next-door. I want to get away from the city life and live in a mountain.
学习啦在线学习网 5. Do you like to do outdoor activities?
Yes. I like anything and everything you could think of to do outside with the exception of fishing. I don’t have the patience to sit there that long with a stick.
学习啦在线学习网 我喜欢除了钓鱼之外你能想到的可以在户外做的任何事情。我可没有举根竿子坐在一个地方那么久的耐心。
When I was a university student, I went to a village which was the living place of my best friend's grandfather's house. It was in a remote area and the natural scenery I saw there was the most beautiful natural scenery I have ever seen. It was in (...say a place name...) and the small river, the hill, the green fields and the blue sky made a combination that I felt something out of the world. I saw it in one autumn evening when I went to explore the surroundings of the village. That was an awe-inspiring scenery that I will never forget. I saw this scenic beauty in 2011 and it was mid-autumn season then.
My friend, I and one of my friend's cousin were present at that time and I heard from my friend that his village was a very beautiful place. I could not believe how much beautiful it was until I saw it with my own eyes.
We left for the river in the evening and I was amazed to notice the hill and slopping road track beside it. The river was flowing gently and the vast paddy fields were all around us. I heard the chattering of the birds in the green trees and the sound was creating a harmony in my ears.
To me this was a truly amazing feelings to witness a natural scenery that could exists only in our imagination. I have seen many rivers, hills and paddy fields but in my friend's village they were arranged in such a way which is only possible in an artist's picture. The blue sky seemed very nearer to the horizon and the vast green all around us make me feel like visiting in a fairy land.
Tips for talking about this Cue Card Topic:
学习啦在线学习网 For this cue card you are expected to talk about a natural scenery that you have seen and think is the most beautiful. First talk about the place and scenery. This can be a particular thing (like river, forest, hill, sky, rainbow, view from mountain, fountain, ocean etc.) or can be a place that has a really eye-catchy landscape. If this place/scenery has a name, say that and then mention where it is situated. Then mention when you saw that and how awestricken you were witnessing this out-of-the-world scenery. Now give the details of the view/ scenery and mention when you saw it. If you had companies and relatives, mention who they were and why they went with you. Also mention if this was a planned trip or a sudden encounter of the scenery.
学习啦在线学习网 The final question is a tricky one and in your answer you have to convince the examiner why you think that was the most beautiful scenery you have ever seen. The debate for most beautiful scenery is ever ending and in fact the most beautiful scenery to someone should be based on his/her personal experience. So emphasize your personal experience and feeling when you witnessed this scenery. Mention that you are yet to explore lots of beautiful places of the world and so far in your small experience this was the most beautiful scenery you have ever seen.
Your ability to answer this cue card should enable you to answer the following cue cards as well:
1. Describe a worth visiting place.
2. Describe a trip you recently had.
学习啦在线学习网 3. Describe a picnic spot you know about.
学习啦在线学习网 4. Describe a natural place near water or sea.
5. Describe a place you would like to visit.
学习啦在线学习网 The scenery of … is gorgeous. There is a peaceful lake being embraced by a chain of small hills. When it is breezing, the surface of the lake swings so the shadow of trees and sky also swag a little bit, it is truly a paradise, the longer I stay near the…, the more I feel like being in a water-color painting.
学习啦在线学习网 Keep eye contact. 保持眼神交流
Don’t confess your English is poor. 决不坦白
有些考生本来英语不差,但在开始作自我介绍时就和考官说:My name is……My English is not very good. 提醒大家的是,即使英语真的不咋样,也不能坦露。考生答题时一定要表现出足够自信,面带微笑,声音洪亮,保持眼神交流,给考官留下良好的第一印象。
Listen carefully and respond quickly. 仔细听题、快速反应
学习啦在线学习网 不少考生备考口语考试时,忽略了加强听力练习,殊不知,口语交流的前提是听懂问题。不少考生口语考试时因听力不足而交流不畅,无法做到快速反应。
Don’t pretend you understand the questions when you don’t. 不可不懂装懂
有些考生考试时由于紧张或听力不好没听清考官的问题,但又不想暴露,于是便连蒙带猜给出一个答案。但是,如果考生不懂装懂,答非所问,万一答案错误,就会给考官留下听力很差的印象。其实在考试中要求考官重复或确认很正常,尤其是问题比较长而复杂时。所以,与其猜测不如确认或请考官重复问题,比如:Sorry, what was that? I’m sorry?
学习啦在线学习网 Use hesitation devices appropriately. 巧用停顿技巧
Q:Do you enjoy singing?
A:Singing? Well, I’m not very keen on singing, but I do like listening to music。
考生答题时可先重复问题中的一些关键词作为确认,同时给自己时间思考。well, actually, you see, you know what等都是英语中最常用的停顿表达方法。