很多同学都在寻觅GRE阅读的真题资料,其实最权威的整理还是GRE阅读官方指南。具体的GRE阅读真题及答案之OG Passage 11-13都有哪些内容呢?下面小编为大家整理具体的内容,供大家参考复习!
GRE阅读真题之OG Passage 11
Passage 11
学习啦在线学习网A ten-year comparison between the United States and the Soviet Union in terms of crop yields per acre revealed that when only planted acreage is compared, Soviet yields were equal to 68 percent of United States yields. When total agricultural acreage (planted acreage plus fallow acreage) is compared, however, Soviet yield was 114 percent of United States yield.
1. From the information above, which of the following can be most reliably inferred about United States and Soviet agriculture during the ten-year period?
学习啦在线学习网A. A higher percentage of total agricultural acreage was fallow in the United States than in the Soviet Union.
B. The United States had more fallow acreage than planted acreage.
C. Fewer total acres of available agricultural land were fallow in the Soviet Union than in the United States.
D. The Soviet Union had more planted acreage than fallow acreage.
E. The Soviet Union produced a greater volume of crops than the United
学习啦在线学习网States produced.
GRE阅读真题之OG Passage 12
Passage 12
学习啦在线学习网For hot desert locations with access to seawater, a new greenhouse design generates freshwater and cool air. Oriented to the prevailing wind, the front wall of perforated cardboard, moistened and cooled by a trickle of seawater pumped in, cools and moistens hot air blowing in. This cool, humidified air accelerates plant growth; little water evaporates from leaves. Though greenhouses normally capture the heat of sunlight, a double-layered roof, the inner layer coated to reflect infrared light outward, allows visible sunlight in but traps solar heat between the two layers. This heated air, drawn down from the roof, then mixes with the greenhouse air as it reaches a second sea-water-moistened cardboard wall at the back of the greenhouse. There the air absorbs more moisture, which then condenses on a metal wall cooled by seawater, and thus distilled water for irrigating the plants collects.
学习啦在线学习网For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
学习啦在线学习网1. It can be inferred that the process described in the passage makes use of which of the following?
A. The tendency of hot air to rise
学习啦在线学习网B. The directional movement of wind
C. The temperature differential between the sea and the desert
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
学习啦在线学习网2. It can be inferred that the greenhouse roof is designed to allow for which of the following?
A. The avoidance of intense solar heat inside the greenhouse
学习啦在线学习网B. The entry of sunlight into the greenhouse to make the plants grow
学习啦在线学习网C. The mixture of heated air with greenhouse air to enhance the collection of moisture
GRE阅读真题之OG Passage 13
Passage 13
Many critics of Emily Bront?’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counter point that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a romantic reading receives more confirmation. Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novel’s sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts.
Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue for an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts. However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novel’s diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet.
1. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights?
A. The second part has received more attention from critics.
B. The second part has little relation to the first part.
C. The second part annuls the force of the first part.
D. The second part provides less substantiation for a romantic reading.
E. The second part is better because it is more realistic.
2. Which of the following inferences about Henry James’s awareness of novelistic construction is best supported by the passage?
学习啦在线学习网A. James, more than any other novelist, was aware of the difficulties of novelistic construction.
B. James was very aware of the details of novelistic construction.
C. James’s awareness of novelistic construction derived from his reading of Bront?.
学习啦在线学习网D. James’s awareness of novelistic construction has led most commentators to see unity in his individual novels.
E. James’s awareness of novelistic construction precluded him from violating the unity of his novels.
学习啦在线学习网3. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should
A. not try to unite heterogeneous elements in the novel
学习啦在线学习网B. not be inflexible in its treatment of the elements in the novel
C. not argue that the complex use of narrators or of time shifts indicates a sophisticated structure
学习啦在线学习网D. concentrate on those recalcitrant elements of the novel that are outside the novel’s main structure
学习啦在线学习网E. primarily consider those elements of novelistic construction of which the author of the novel was aware
学习啦在线学习网For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
学习啦在线学习网4. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about Hamlet?
A. Hamlet has usually attracted critical interpretations that tend to stiffen into theses.
B. Hamlet has elements that are not amenable to an all-encompassing critical interpretation.
C. Hamlet is less open to an all-encompassing critical interpretation than is Wuthering Heights.
学习啦在线学习网11 A
学习啦在线学习网13 D B B B
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