学习啦在线学习网 其实我们在准备托福考试的时候,需要的只有口语真题集, 这一个材料就够了。在这个材料里面将之前考过的口语真题都给出了答案,而我们要做的,也很简单,就是将里面的口语答案用自己的话在进行转述,就好了。具体该如何执行呢?很简单。
学习啦在线学习网 第一步:每一次练习的时间是1小时,时间再长我们就注意力不集中了,就该休息了。
学习啦在线学习网 第三步:将选出的一个题目的答案,首先读10-20遍,来熟悉答案,争取做到能够背下来的水平,就是为了给自己以充分的准备。换句话说,这段内容对于你来说,不再是一串单词,而是一个段中文的讲话印在你的脑中。
学习啦在线学习网 第四步:将这份材料放在一边,再按照自己的脑中所记忆的内容,或者说记忆的中文的内容,将每一句话复述出来。是的,你在这个时候说的很差,你都想杀了自己,了断余生,但是别急,其实这只是你通向成功路上必经的崎岖。
这样, 经过大约30-60个小时的训练,其实绝大多数的人都已经有了很好的通过自己的大脑进行组织语言,或者说组织英语的能力了。换句话说,你也就满足了托福考试的口语线的要求了。 但是在这里请注意,其实要达到托福口语线还是有一些前提的,第一点就是听力不能有瘸腿,否则你听都听不懂,3-6题,就没办法回答了。第二点就是不能有发音错误,如果你有很强烈的口音,以至于印巴的兄弟都会用很亲切的目光看着你的话,那么你还需要进行纠音的练习。但是,对于绝大多数的考友来说,其实弄一个满足托福100分的口语分数,其实只要按照今天的方法进行30-60小时的练习,就完全可以满足了。
Task 1
Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Students who like to help each other, knowledgeable teachers or strict rules?
学习啦在线学习网 I think a good school should definitely have strict rules for the following reasons. My first reason is that strict rules can motivate all kinds of students to work harder because most of the times, students, especially teenagers need a little push in life. For example, when I was in high school, all students in my school were required to arrive at school at 7am to memorize English vocabulary. The school forced everyone to make wise use of the time before the first class of the day officially started. I hated it back then. But when I look back now, I realize that I couldn’t have possibly gotten such a good grade in English if my school didn’t push me. I probably would have spent my morning sleeping in or procrastinating if my school didn’t have such a strict rule. Plus, strict rules can teach students about discipline. Sometimes it’s not exactly about the rules themselves, it’s the concept of obeying the rules when asked to that matters.
5月7日托福口语真题Task2 – Some college students like to join clubs and enjoy club activities, others like to spend their time studying another courses or doing schoolwork. Which one do you think is better and why?
From my point of view, attending social activities is definitely a very important part for students. First of all, students should develop their skills from all aspects apart from the academic knowledge. Some clubs like sports and debating clubs can help students cultivate some practical abilities that cannot be obtained from traditional classroom, like interpersonal skills, and team-work spirit. Also, students need to attend different activities to explore their interests. You know, one will be more motivated and devoted in the area that he is interested in.
