学习啦在线学习网It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend all the time. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 一个人不可能永远对于朋友诚实(2011年12月17日托福考题)
首段:背景介绍 +作家立场:
你最看重的朋友的品质是什么?答案可能因人而异, 但是,很多的人看重的是彼此的坦诚相待。有人认为,和朋友在一起永远诚实是很困难的,甚至是不可能的,我基本认同这个观点,尽管诚实是维持友谊的重要元素。
学习啦在线学习网1. People may differ greatly in their standards as to what is the most significant quality of a true friend. 真正的好朋友的品质是什么,人们的标准也许因人而异。
学习啦在线学习网2. A trustworthy friend is valued among a large proportion of people. 一个值得信赖的朋友是很多人珍视的。
解析:trustworthy adj 值得信赖的
3. It is impossible to be entirely honest with our friends. 对朋友完全诚实是不可能的。
学习啦在线学习网4. We may,sometimes,make a white lie to our friends out of the reason of benevolence. 处于善意,有时候,我们也许会对朋友说一些善意的谎言。
解析:bene(好)+ vol(心灵)+ence(名词尾缀)= benevolence n 善意
学习啦在线学习网解析:white lie n善意的谎言
5. One hundred percent honesty amongst friends is, sometimes, hard to maintain. 有时候,朋友之间百分百的诚实是很难做到的。
6. Indeed,I have to concede that = granted,I have to confess that ……,的确, 我不得不承认……
7. Sometimes we might lie to our friends out of the purpose of protection,comfort and encouragement. 有时候,我们可能出于保护,安慰和鼓励的目的,对朋友说谎。
8. a case in point is that ……一个例子就是……
学习啦在线学习网9. From our life experience, it is easy to find out plenty of evidences to justify that …… 从我们的生活中,很容易找到很多的例子来证实……
10. If a friend falls into incurable illness,his friends of relatives, in most cases, will conceal the truth and comfort him that the chance of recovery is good. 如果一个朋友得了难以治愈的疾病,其亲人或者好友多数情况下会隐瞒病情,安慰朋友说康复的机会是非常好的。
11. Virtually,this white lie could instill new hope and confidence into the patient’s heart. 实际上,善意的谎言给患者的心中注入了希望和自信。
学习啦在线学习网12. Although a white lie is unblamable, sincere friendship and harmonious relationship should be based on mutual trust. 尽管善意的谎言是无可指责的,但是,真诚的友谊以及和谐的关系应该基于彼此的信赖。
解析:unblamable adj 无可指责的
13. Well-intentioned lie is acceptable and understandable. 善意的谎言是可以被接受的和理解的。
14. After all,honesty is the best policy. 毕竟,证实为上策。
15. Frankly speaking out our inner thoughts could earn trust, respect and friendship. 说出我们的真实的想法可以赢得信赖,尊敬,友谊。
16. with a view to satisfying one’s sense of vanity or making personal profits 出于满足虚荣心和个人盈利的目的
解析:with a view to doing sth 出于……的目的
学习啦在线学习网点评:to 为介词,+ doing sth
解析:sense of vanity n虚荣心
学习啦在线学习网17. A disingenuous lie will ruin one’s reputation and make one lose his or her close friends. 一个虚伪的谎言会损害一个人的名誉,使人失去失去朋友。
解析:close friend n亲密的朋友
拓展:intimate friend n亲密的朋友
学习啦在线学习网拓展:bosom friend n 知己
学习啦在线学习网18. Sincerity is the most precious quality in many people’s heart of hearts. 在很多人的心灵深处,真诚是最重要的品质。
学习啦在线学习网19. In closing, I would like to re-affirm my conviction that ……总之,我想重申我的立场 ……
学习啦在线学习网20. Although honesty helps us win lifelong friendships and make us have no misgivings, it is extremely hard for us to be honest with our friends all the time. 尽管证实帮助我们赢得终生的友谊以及远离不安,但是,对于朋友永远诚实是很难做到的。
解析:be honest with sb v 对于……是诚实的
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion. 朋友之间的竞争对于友谊有消极影响,是否认同?(2016年7月2日)
【头脑风暴】 江湖中,一个高手打遍天下无敌手的时候,也就是他的武功即将废掉的时候。竞争对手亦可为友,因为彼此的敬重和欣赏。
【写作立场】 朋友之间的竞争有助于增进友谊,维持友情。
学习啦在线学习网友谊是建立在互相尊敬和欣赏的基础之上的,所谓英雄相惜,因此,只有通过竞争, 我们才能发现朋友的优点,进而产生一种敬意。和优秀的人在一起也是人的一种本能。所以,竞争有助于增进友谊。
这个争议是我想起一个体育故事,NBA 球星James 和 Paul 是一对好友,他们在比赛中互不相让,为了各自的团队荣誉而战,但是,在生活中他们是好友,甚至亲人,他们因为彼此欣赏,互相帮助, 他们的友谊并没有因为竞争而淡化。
学习啦在线学习网1. Sincere friendship is what every individual aspires after. 真诚的友谊是人人渴求的。
2. However, people differ greatly in their views as to whether or not true friendship can withstand the test of competition. 然而,关于是否真正的友谊是否可以经受住竞争的考验,人们的观点各异。
3. As I see it,competition can be a promoter of friendship rather than a barrier for interpersonal relationship. 我认为,竞争可以促进友谊,而不是人际关系的阻碍。
4. As a proverb goes, excellent people usually appreciate each other. Hence, true friendship should be based on mutual respect and appreciation. 友谊是建立在互相尊敬和欣赏的基础之上的,所谓英雄相惜。
学习啦在线学习网5. Only by means of competing with friends, can we find the personal strength of our friends, naturally, respect grows. After all, such is human nature to stick with elite people. 只有通过竞争, 我们才能发现朋友的优点,进而产生一种敬意,因为和优秀的人在一起也是人的一种本能。
学习啦在线学习网6. This debate reminds me of a story. 这个争议是我想起来一个体育故事。
7. James and Paul are noted for their basketball talents and skills on the NBA court, during the basketball game, they compete with each other fiercely for the honor of respective team. However, competition never alienate their friendship, they are close friends in real life for the simple reason that they appreciate each other. 球星James 和 Paul 是一对好朋友,他们在比赛中互不相让,为了各自的团队荣誉而战,但是,在生活中他们是好友,他们因为彼此欣赏,才结为朋友,友谊没有因为竞争而淡化。
学习啦在线学习网8. One's reaction in time of hardship or crisis, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, will be one of the most crucial criteria to evaluate friendship. 衡量友谊的一个很重要的标准就是朋友在患难或者危机时刻的表现。
9. From our life, we can find plenty of evidence to prove that many people are just good playmates, however, it is extremely hard for them to maintain friendship if personal interests are involved, especially when a person intentionally sell friends out. In this case, competition might make two people go from being best friends to bitter rivals. 生活中例证很多,很多人是玩耍的好伙伴,但是,一旦遇到竞争,尤其是涉及到个人利益的竞争,如果一方为自我的私利而做出有损于友谊的事情,这时,友谊很难维持。
10. What I want to rebut, however, is that those who do things for personal profit at another's expense in the hot competition are never trustworthy friends. 但是,我想反驳的是:为了个人的利益就可以在竞争中卖友求荣,损人利己的人,不值得结交。
It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends. 迁居到新的城市和国家不是一个好主意,因为人会失去老友,是否认同?(2009年10月31日)
学习啦在线学习网People who move out of native village or town are more successful and happier than people who stay in their native village or town. 远走他乡这比久居故土者更加成功幸福? (2013年10月12日=2011年2月20日)
1. 很多年轻人,出生于乡村,求学于都市,城乡生活的差异让他们很难再回家乡生活,都市生活才是他们的梦想,因为大都市充满了发展的机遇。我的叔叔保罗就是很好的例子:大学毕业学习啦在线学习网,他没有像一些同龄人一样回到家乡小城,他选择在青岛谋生和发展,他经历了最初异地生存的坚辛,也体味过没有好友陪伴的孤独。现在,叔叔事业有成,生活幸福。叔叔说:异地择业生活虽然意味着不断地面对生存的压力和迎接事业的挑战,但是快节奏的生活令人感到充实,多种职业技能学习的机会通常会开发人的无限潜能。
2. 外面的世界诱惑人去探险,逼迫人去奋斗。有时候,逃避压力意味着拒绝机会,我们,不能以自闭的心态,安于现状。更不能以留恋老友为理由,不去争取和体味更加精彩的人生。我读过一篇文章,访谈中很多人声称他们喜欢异地生活,即使前途未知,他们也要在真正喜爱的城市生活,动荡的生活带来的持久的新鲜感,无悔的选择不会留下人生的遗憾。
1. to explore the outside world v探究外面的世界
学习啦在线学习网2. dwell in one’s native hometown permanently v永远久居故土
学习啦在线学习网3. savor the constant sense of refreshment v品味持续的新鲜感
4. acquire various vocational skills v学习多样的职业技能
5. chasten one’s sense of independence v 锻炼人的独立性
6. tap one’s unlimited potentials v 开发人的无限潜能
7. instead of residing in one’s native hometown v没有在家乡生活
8. attract sb to do sth v 吸引某人做……
学习啦在线学习网9. spur sb to struggle for dreams v 激励某人为梦想奋斗
10. regretless choice n无悔的选择
11. might lose sense of belongs v也许会失去归属感
12. live far from home v 背井离乡
学习啦在线学习网13. share all the joys and sorrows of life v 分享生活的喜怒哀乐
14. uncertain future n 未知的前途
15. carve out your own career v 开拓自己的事业(创出一片天地)
1. Modern young adults are generally attracted by splendid job opportunities and modernized lifestyle. 现代年轻人总是被更好的工作机会和更现代的都市生活所吸引。
2. It is up to us to find our favorite city or country to achieve that happiness each of us long for 我们自己要寻找心仪的城市或国家,并且去获得我们渴望的幸福。
学习啦在线学习网3. The decomposition of friendship might unavoidably ensue because one might lose familiar circle of friends 因为失去了熟悉的朋友圈,友谊的淡化也许随之而来。
4. Geographical barrier might estrange oneself from those intimate friends 地域的障碍也许会疏远一个人和老友的距离。
解析:estrange v使疏远
学习啦在线学习网5. True friendship can always withstand the test of spatial separation and the elapse of time 真正的友谊可以经受住空间隔离和时光流逝的考验。
解析:elapse n 流逝(时间的)
6. Spatial separation can never pose a real barrier for sincere friendship 空间的分离不是真诚友谊的障碍。
学习啦在线学习网解析:pose a real barrier for v阻碍……
7. One is more likely to accumulate rich working experience and establish well-connected interpersonal network in some metropolises. 人在大都市更加容易积累丰富的工作的经验和建立广阔的人脉资源。
解析:metropolises n大都市
8. Instead of enjoying a stable and mediocre life in one’s native hometown, a great many young adults, especially those cherish the dream of exploring the outside word, prefer to struggle for a better future in their favorite cities. 没有在家乡享受稳定的平凡的生活,很多年轻人怀有探究外面的世界的梦想,他们更加喜欢在心仪的城市为更加美好的未来奋斗。
学习啦在线学习网解析:mediocre adj 平凡的
9. Splendid future and wonderful life might be waiting for you in your dream cities. 辉煌的前景和美丽的人生也许在你渴望的城市等待着你(风景在别处,他乡是故乡。)
学习啦在线学习网10. In the world of animal, migrant bird is a sort of vigorous and robust bird,who takes pleasure in migration. 在动物的世界里,候鸟是一种最精壮的鸟,它们不安居一地,以迁徙为乐。
解析:vigorous and robust adj.精力充沛的
11. Just like those migrant birds,some people pursue the quality of life,wherever they settle down, they will take new habitation as new hometown, they will quickly enlarge their circle of friends. 对于随性随缘,追逐生命质量的人而言,落地处即是家乡,四海内皆可交友。
学习啦在线学习网解析:settle down v.定居……
12. They deliberately chosen the lives they want to lead and are fully aware of the consequence, they dare to brave challenges only for the purpose of savoring the freedom that their hearts desire 他们深思熟虑地选择了自己渴望的生活方式,并且,愿意承担一切,仅仅为自由飞翔的梦想。
13. Therefore,it won’t hurt to move to pursue a desirable life in a new city or new country. 因此,在新的城市或国家追逐渴望的生活是好的。
学习啦在线学习网解析:it won’t hurt to do sth v 做……是无害的
【友谊类 + 观点类】
学习啦在线学习网Two people can become good friends even if one of them has more money than the other. 两个经济基础不同的人可以成为好友,是否认同?(2012年2月25日)
1. Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships, do you agree? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion. 朋友之间的竞争通常对于友谊有不良影响,是否认同? (2012年9月2日)
2. The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from? 你喜欢交可以给你带来快乐的朋友还是可以帮助你的朋友? (2012年12月22日)
1. 两个能否能成为好友,友谊是否能经受住时间的考验和财富无关,和性格有关,和经历有关。我的朋友形形色色,他们有些财力雄厚,有些身居底层。也有一些和我一样,身为人师,满足于读书写作的生活。我们友谊的基础或是志同道合,或是愉快交流,或是互相扶持,或是同甘共苦。拥有相同的财富从不是我,也不是很多人,交友的准则。
2. 两人成为知己一定是有相互吸引的地方。比如,穷爸爸和富爸爸的孩子成为好友,可能就是因为他们都被彼此身上的优点吸引,穷孩子喜欢富孩子的自信,慷慨,乐观,才艺。 富孩子喜欢穷孩子的坚强,朴实,热情,勤奋。二者成为好友的一个坚实基础就是从对方身上发现的自己欠缺的,但是,又是特别欣赏的品质。我读大学时,我班的两个女生, 来自不同的家庭背景(一个家境殷实,一个家境普通),却成为挚友,也许就证明了我的立场。
学习啦在线学习网我承认,人们对于朋友的期待是不同的。怀疑我立场的人也许说:物以类聚人以群分。经济背景相似的人,某种程度上,更加容易成为好友,因为相似的可支配收入会使他们的娱乐方式相似,礼尚往来的方式也会领对方感到舒服。 但是,这样的友谊不一定是长久的。物质的快乐通常是短暂的,珍贵之物不是金钱可以购买和衡量的,例如真爱,例如友情。愿意风雨同舟,同甘共苦才是友谊永恒的动力之源。
学习啦在线学习网1. like-minded friends = congenial friends n 志同道合的朋友
学习啦在线学习网2. close friends = bosom friends = intimate friends n 知己;好友
3. have deep pockets v 财力雄厚
4. come form humble background v 身居底层
5. become very good friends v成为好友
点评:我曾经找到一组形容好友的形容词问美国外教Jim 哪个为最佳,老外沉思的片刻说,We just use very good friends. 因此,文本创作中,文风朴素也是一种美丽。托福写作,推荐亮点词汇和朴素词汇搭配使用。
6. similar disposable income n 相似的可支配收入
7. to some extent v 在某种程度上
8. the principle of making friends n 择友的准则
学习啦在线学习网9. bear little relevance to v 和 …… 关系不大
学习啦在线学习网10. …… might justify my stand v …… 也许就证明了我的立场
11. maintain a harmonious relationship v保持和谐的关系
12. lifelong friends n一生的朋友
13. confidence, generosity, optimism and talent 自信,慷慨,乐观,才艺
14. tenacity, simple, enthusiasm and industry 坚强,朴实,热情,勤奋
15. sb are more likely to become bosom friends v 某人更有可能成为知己
学习啦在线学习网1. A sincere friendship is what every individual aspires after. 真诚的友谊是人人渴望的。
学习啦在线学习网2. A life without a friend is a life without sunshine. 人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光。
3. People have been pondering, for many years,the connotation of truth friendship 人们很多年以来一直在思考友谊的真谛。
解析:connotation n内涵
4. The journey of life will become smoother and happier if we can enjoy the company of our good friends. 若有好友陪伴,人生旅途更加顺利,快乐。
5. It is highly possible that two people owing different economic backgrounds can become intimate friends. 两个经济背景不同的人成为好友是极为可能的。
学习啦在线学习网6. They made friends with each other not because of similar economical background but due to respective personal charm. 她们成为好友的原因不是相似的经济背景,而是各自是人格魅力。
学习啦在线学习网7. The most important thing about friendship is that you feel good when get together with your beloved. 对于友谊而言,最重要的是你和朋友在一起的时候,可以感到很舒服。
解析:your loved n你喜欢的人
学习啦在线学习网8. A good friend is someone you feel comfortable when you get together 两个在一起很舒服,才是好朋友。
9. There is nothing more joyful than enjoying the company of your close friends. 没有什么比享受知己陪伴更加快乐。
10. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚人以群分。
11. People’s expectations differ greatly in choosing friends. 人们对于朋友的期待是不同的。
12. One of the best ways to keep friends is to mutually return the other in the same way. 最好的维系友情的方式之一就是礼尚往来。
解析:mutually return the other in the same way v礼尚往来
学习啦在线学习网13. Two people could become close friends even if one is financially richer. 两人可以成为好友,即使他们的经济背景不同。
拓展:one is financially richer = one enjoys a superior economic position 一个人更加富有
14. Even though financial differences might,sometimes, bring about some tension or uneasiness between two friends. 即使经济的差异,有时候,会带来朋友之间的一些紧张和不舒服。
学习啦在线学习网15. A sincere friendship cannot be undermined by factors such as money and social position. 金钱和社会地位破坏不了真的友谊。
解析:undermine v暗中破坏
学习啦在线学习网16. Many friends are various,some have deep pocket,some come from humble background,Some are similar to me,earning a living as a teacher, reading and writing, contented with such a simple life. 我的朋友形形色色,他们有些财力雄厚,有些身居底层。也有一些和我一样,身为人师,满足于读书写作的生活。
17. The solid foundation of our friendship can be attributed to like-mindedness, pleasant communication,mutual assistance or the willing to share hardships. Possessing the same amount of wealth is never the criteria of choosing friends for me and many of my friends. 我们友谊的基础或是志同道合,或是愉快交流,或是互相扶持,或是同甘共苦。拥有相同的财富从不是我,也不是很多人,交友的准则。
学习啦在线学习网18. Tow children can become good friends because they are mutually attracted by the personal strength finding in the partner, even though they have different family and economic background. 穷爸爸和富爸爸的孩子成为好友,可能就是因为他们都被彼此身上的优点吸引, 即使他们的家庭背景和经济基础不同。
19. Materialistic pleasure is usually short-lived,thing of great value can never be bought or measured by money,such as true love or sincere friendship. 物质的快乐通常是短暂的,珍贵之物不是金钱可以购买和衡量的,例如真爱,例如友情。
学习啦在线学习网20. The willingness to go through thick and thin is what keeps friendship going permanently. 愿意风雨同舟,同甘共苦是友谊永恒的动力之源。
★ 托福写作句型汇总
