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学习啦在线学习网   英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的最佳途径。小编精心收集了关于两人情景英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!


  Tea culture 茶色茶香

  Zhao: in China at least, coffee is often associated with an exotic, well-to-do bourgeois lifestyle. Coffee is often considered a hobby of the well-educated, middle-class people.


学习啦在线学习网   Tony: maybe that's why some young chaps often spend a whole afternoon in a coffee bar, surfing the net or just typewriting something with laptop. While they are savoring a coffee at a leisured pace, they are actually showing off!


  Z: yes. Behind a lifestyle, there is a culture. Young people easily become blind worshippers of a Westernized life. While they may not really life coffee, they think it desirable and enviable to be lavish with money in those high-consumption places.

学习啦在线学习网   嗯.生活方式背后就是文化.年轻人很容易就迷信西式生活.他们也一定喜欢咖啡,但坚信,在那些高消费场所花钱至少令人羡慕.

学习啦在线学习网   T: then what about tea? We need to bear in mind in the first place that tea, rather than coffee, jas been the most popular drink for the Chinese people.


  Z: well. Tea reprements another facet of popular culture. While a coffee bar is usually quiet and resonates with soft, elegant music, a teahouse is often a noisy, crowded, public space. People visit teahouses to associate with others, playing chess, chatting, or simply listening to operas.

学习啦在线学习网   嗯,茶大概是代表了大众文化的另一个侧面.咖啡吧是那种安静,高雅,余音缭绕的地方,茶馆则往往是嘈杂,拥挤的公共空间.人们去茶馆是想跟人说说话,下下棋,或者只是听听戏.

  T: what a pity that the traditional teahouses, as depicted Lao She, keep fading away so quickly in this metroplis. It is not easy to find an old-fashioned teahouse that suits the ordinary people's spending powerm either. Teahouses of today all feature a cozy, comfortable environment, and high-quality services, but can easily cost you a good deal—just like a coffee bar.

学习啦在线学习网   可惜啊,在北京这个大都市,老舍笔下那种传统茶馆正在迅速地销声匿迹.普通人去的起的那种老茶馆再也难找到了.如今的茶馆都是那种舒适,惬意的环境,还有高档的服务,但是太贵了,跟咖啡厅几乎不相上下.

  Z: well, that's true. In a sense, it is not so much what you drink that really counts, as where and how you drink.



学习啦在线学习网   At the Dinner Table 餐桌文化

  Liu: (having lunch with Joseph) have you ever been invited to a Chinese feast?


  Joesph:sure. Beijingers are distinguished for their warmth and hospitality.


学习啦在线学习网   L: as far as you could see, is dining at a Chinese table a distinct experience? To what extent does it differ from that in your homeland?


学习啦在线学习网   J: to begin with, I have to use chopsticks.

学习啦在线学习网   首先,我得改用筷子.

学习啦在线学习网   L: but you look quite proficient in using them now.


学习啦在线学习网   J: certainly. After all, I've been here for two years. It's not much uphill work for a foreigner to get used to Chinese dinner utensils. Though, I do feel hazy about how to behave appropriately at a Chinese dinner table.


  L: yes, table etiquette. There are a multitude of rules that foreigners might never know until they were told. Some practices even appear somewhat awkward or rude to Westerners, while they are the norm in China. Hey, your chopsticks, old silly! You should not stab them vertically into the rice bow!


  J: anything strang about that?


学习啦在线学习网   L: maybe you should have palced them horizontally over your bowl or plate. They resemble two incense sticks used at sacrifices. It's very inauspicious, and might enrage all present.


  J: oh, sorry! There's a long story even with a mere pair of sticks.

学习啦在线学习网   对不起,对不起!没想到连一双筷子都有这么多奥秘.


学习啦在线学习网   G: does tea-serving follow any special etiquette in China? Each time I dropped in at my Chinese frineds' homes, their parents would offer me a cup of hot, strong tea, though they never inquired of me about whether I want it.

学习啦在线学习网   在中国,给人上茶有什么特别的礼节没有?每次我上朋友家串门,他们总是给我泡上一杯热腾腾的浓茶,可是他们从来也不问我需不需要.

  Z: you've got the point there. It is a custom and good manners to serve tea to a guest who comes to pay a visit. There is no need to ask if he needs it or not, or if he wants something else. It might be an insult to the guest if he is left sitting there without being served tea.

学习啦在线学习网   你说到点子上了.给上门拜访的客人上茶确实是风俗礼节,不需要问他们要不要茶,或者要不要别的东西.要是把客人冷落在一边,连茶都不端一杯,会被认为是在侮辱人家的.

  G: so the guest is presumed to be thirsty and in need of some drink after the trip. In that case, I guess, in return, the guest doesn't have to drink it if he wouldn't like it.


学习啦在线学习网   Z: it wouldn't be considered rude behavior if he doesn't even take a single drop. But he'd better receive the teacup with both hands and bow his thanks when the cup is brought before his face. When the host pours hot water into his cup, he may also choose to tap his index finger on the table, meaning "Thanks". No matter if he likes it or not, it is impolite if he doesn't even lay a finger on the cup.


  G: so next time, I'd better take a few sips, to 'save face' at least, right?

学习啦在线学习网   所以,下次我还是喝几口,”给面子”,对吧?

  Z: sure. The guest is welcomed by being served tea. But if after chatting for a while, the host asks servants or family memners to serve a new cup of tea, or add some hot water, he is giving another signal.


  G: what does that imply, then?


  Z: more often than not, the understatement is 'I'm afraid it's time you leave'.






