学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Christian can you talk about the summers in Norway.
学习啦在线学习网 Christian: Yeah, a lot people think the summers in Norway are really cold, but actually they're not. Maybe everything, the weather is changing because of El Nino effect, I don't know, but we've had, for the last four or five years, we've had pretty warm summers. It gets close to 30 degrees centigrade, and which is enjoyable I guess, and there's no humidity. It's nice and dry and it's just pleasant weather really. Yeah, and what we do in the summers is different. Some people have a house on small islands on the coast, or some people have a house on the mountains, and you can either go to the mountains and enjoy the lakes, the forests, or you can go to the coast and enjoy the beach, the water, go fishing, so there's plenty of things to do in the summer, yeah, and we get a lot of tourist coming in the summer though, because it's not that hot. It's just pleasant and enjoyable.
Todd: Wow, sounds like a good place.
Christian: Yeah, it is.
Todd: Selvam, what is your favorite food?
学习啦在线学习网 Selvam, 你最喜欢什么食物啊?
Selvam: My favorite fruit is grapes.
Todd: Grapes.
Selvam: Yeah.
Todd: Oh, really!
学习啦在线学习网 Selvam: Yes.
Todd: OK. Do you like wine? Do you drink wine?
Selvam: No, no, I don't drink anything, but I like grapes, the taste is very good.
学习啦在线学习网 不不不,我什么都不喝,但我喜欢葡萄,味道很棒。
Todd: Do you like...?
Selvam: It's very sweet that's why I like them.
Todd: Do you like green grapes or purple grapes?
Selvam: Green, Green grapes.
Todd: Green grapes.
Selvam: Yeah.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: OK, are there many grapes around your hometown in India?
Selvam: Yes, yeah. We have, I used to eat everyday grapes, because I like them very much that's.
学习啦在线学习网 恩,对,有很多。以前我天天吃,因为我真是太喜欢葡萄了。
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: OK, actually in my home in America we have many grapes where I live also.
学习啦在线学习网 Selvam: Oh.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Yeah, and how about what is your favorite season?
学习啦在线学习网 嗯,那你最喜欢哪个季节呢?
Selvam: My favorite season is winter.
Todd: Winter.
Selvam: Yeah, because in India, most of the days will be summer. Winter will come for only two months. That's why we love winter season.
Todd: Really?
学习啦在线学习网 Selvam: Yeah, it is very summer, very hot. That's why people are very black as a reason.
Todd: You like the cool, cool weather.
学习啦在线学习网 Selvam: Yes.
Todd: Oh, nice. I'm the opposite. I like warm weather
学习啦在线学习网 哦不错。咱俩正好相反,我更喜欢暖和一点的天气。
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: So, Christian, you're into skiing. What is it about skiing that you like?
Christian: It's just fun to go out with your friends, enjoy a day and have fun cause you can do so many things when you're out there on the slopes. You can go jumping and just cruise down and, there's just so many things you can do. Just the fact that you can hang out with your friends all day. It's just fun, it's just a relaxed atmosphere.
学习啦在线学习网 就是跟朋友出去会很开心,那一天过得都会很快乐。因为在斜坡上的时候你可以做很多项运动。可以跳起来,可以冲上去,反正就是你可以做很多你想做的事儿。其实事实就是你可以整天都跟朋友呆在外面。这就很有意思,而且氛围很轻松。
Todd: Now do you go skiing in Japan?
Christian: I haven't yet but I want to go. I mean, Nagano prefecture has, as far as I know, a lot of good places because of the Olympics and everything so. I would like to go and check it out but so far, I haven't had the chance, no.
Todd: What do you need to know to be a good skier? See, actually I don't ski, so I went one time and it didn't work out to well, so.
学习啦在线学习网 要成为一个好的滑雪者需要了解些什么呢?像我,我就不会滑雪,我就去过一次,滑的也不是很好。
Christian: Well, you know, practice makes perfect, right! So it's all about practicing. You go out there, you go someone who knows the game and they'll teach you. Spend a couple of days and you'll be a full-blown skier.
学习啦在线学习网 嗯,你知道的,熟能生巧!所以多练练就好了。你和会滑雪的朋友一起去,他们会教你的。滑上几天就能完全掌握要领了。
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Have you ever trained somebody how to ski?
学习啦在线学习网 你教过别人怎么滑雪吗?
学习啦在线学习网 Christian: Actually, I went skiing once when I was in Australia, that was in 2002, and I had a friend with me from Singapore and he'd never seen snow before, so we went out. I was snow boarding and he was actually downhill skiing, and it was a fun experience for him because he didn't know what was going on, so I taught him a bit but, yeah, he didn't really learn that much. Maybe I was, I don't know if I was a bad teacher or he was a bad skier, maybe a combination of both.
学习啦在线学习网 事实上,20002年,在澳大利亚滑雪的那次,我是和一位来自新加坡的朋友一起去的,之前他从未见过雪。所以我们就去了。我在高速滑雪而他是速降滑雪。而对于他来说那是一份很有趣的经历,因为他不知道接下来会发生什么,所以我就一点点地教他,但他却没有学到多少东西。也许我是个很糟糕的老师,也许他是个很糟糕的滑雪者,其实我也说不好,也许两者都有吧。
学习啦在线学习网 hang out with 与…出去玩;与…闲逛
as far as I know 我听说
practice makes perfect 熟能生巧
