学习啦在线学习网 Todd: So, Melissa, this week we're talking about buying things. Now, in terms of shopping,are you one those people that are like a shop-a-holic? You buy things you don't need?
Melissa: Yes, but recently I've been trying to veer away from that habit.
Todd: So, what influences you most to buy something? Is it like commercials or is justimpulse?
Melissa: I think it's kind of just having the money and feeling like I deserve it.
Todd: So, it's a reward?
Melissa: Yeah, it's always a reward for something.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Well, how about ... how persuaded are you to buy something by commercials oradvertising or things like that?
学习啦在线学习网 Melissa: Defintely food commercials persuade me to buy it. Like I'll see a food commercial oreven a picture of deliciously looking food and I'll want to have it, so I have two or threeconcrete examples over just the past month where I saw an ad for food and I went and boughtit.
学习啦在线学习网 梅莉莎:我看到食品广告后绝对会去买回来。如果我看到食品广告,或是看上去很好吃的食物的图片,那我就会想去买回来,我上个月这样做了得有两三次,我看到食品广告后,就会去买回来。
Todd: Oh, really. Like what did you buy?
学习啦在线学习网 Melissa: One was hot Hotto-Motto. It was like a kind of fast food chain and they were selling afried chicken on rice that looked really good, and the other was a McDonald's Cinnamon Role.
Todd: And you saw it and you're like, I gotta have it.
学习啦在线学习网 托德:你看到以后喜欢,就会去买。
Melissa: Yeah, and like one weird thing happened. I just saw a red and yellow sign and itreminded me of Wendy's and then I was craving a chocolate milkshake ...frosty ... so I wentsomewhere else and bought it.
学习啦在线学习网 梅莉莎:对,而且还发生了一件不可思议的事。我看到一个红色和黄色的标志,那让我想起了温迪快餐,然后我就想来杯冰冰的巧克力奶昔,所以我就去买了。
Todd: And you got it?
Melissa: Yeah.
Todd: Oh, Ok.
Todd: Looking back I think other roles were kind of traditional like I have two sisters andthey usually had the responsibility of doing the cleaning, and I had the responsibility of , youknow, mowing the lawn, and taking out the trash and cleaning up the yard and stuff likethat. Was it similar in your house?
Buddhi: Well, dad used to do stuff like that and my brother and I didn't do much work.
学习啦在线学习网 布迪希妮:一般是我爸爸做这些家务,我哥哥和我不太做家务。
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: You were spoiled.
Buddhi: Very, very, very, very .... yeah. Did you ever decide to shift work with your sisters?
Todd: No, of course, it never even occured to me. I mean, when you're young, you just dothey tell you to do, and to be honest I was very happy. I think I loved doing yardwork. I lovedmowing the grass and pruning the trees and, you know, taking about the trash — anything thatwas physical I enjoyed. I didnt enjoy cleaning. But you never had to do that?
学习啦在线学习网 托德:当然没有,我从来没想过这点。小的时候,一般你只会做被要求做的事情,说实话,当时我很开心。我想我喜欢整理庭院。我喜欢修剪草坪、修剪树枝,还有倒垃圾,所有体力活我都喜欢。我不喜欢打扫工作。你从没做过家务吗?
Buddhi: Well, I cleaned my own room and my brother cleaned his own, and I mean, it'sobvious and it's ... I mean... it's something we really should do, like at home. When we eat,you clean your dish, and maybe we ... when I grew up, I'd wash ... I'll do the dishes, and evenif I didn't do my mom wouldn't expect me to do it, and make sure I do it somehow. If it's notdone, she'd do it. If I do it, well, she'll be thankful.
学习啦在线学习网 布迪希妮:嗯,我要打扫我的房间,我哥哥打扫他自己的房间,显然这是我们在家里要做的事情。我们吃完饭以后,要洗碗,可能是在长大以后,我会去洗碗,但即使我不洗碗的话,我妈妈也不指望我洗碗,只是有时我会洗。如果没人洗碗的话,我妈妈就会去洗。如果我洗碗的话,我妈妈会很欣慰。
Todd: So, in your household, who mops the floor?
Buddhi: My dad would.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Your dad would. Who washes the windows?
Buddhi: My dad, yeah.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Oh, your dad! He's hardworking. OK, who does the laundry?
学习啦在线学习网 托德:哦,又是你爸爸做!他真勤劳。那谁洗衣服?
学习啦在线学习网 Buddhi: My mom or myself.
学习啦在线学习网 布迪希妮:我妈妈和我。
Todd: Or yourself? Really! OK. What does your brother do?
Buddhi: Most of the time, like, he's about eight years older than me, so as soon as hegraduated from high school he went abroad for high studies, so when he was doing the usualstuff, I was a kid, so I was not doing anything, so soon after he went I took over or somethinglike that.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Well you did some stuff.
学习啦在线学习网 托德:你也做些家务。
Buddhi: I did. I'm proud.