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学习啦在线学习网   Todd: What's the last cool thing you bought at a flea market?


  Melissa: I bought an old, vintage style radio but that wasn't at a flea market. The last coolthing I bought at a flea market? Well, I kind of went to a ... it was like a flea market. I mean,kids on the university campus were selling their old clothes and stuff and I got this very nicewinter jacket for about 50 cents.

学习啦在线学习网   梅丽莎:我买了一个老式收音机,不过并不是从跳蚤市场买的。我上次从跳蚤市场买的好东西?我去了一个类似跳蚤市场的地方。大学生们在大学校园里转卖旧衣服和旧物品,我花50美分从那里买了一件冬装夹克。

  Todd: 50 cents?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:50美分?

学习啦在线学习网   Melissa: Yes.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Wow!


  Melissa: Yeah. It's right there. That one. It's green.


  Todd: That's a nice jacket!

学习啦在线学习网   托德:那件夹克真不错!

  Melissa: Thanks.


  Todd: I like the price. Like, they said, "nope" — 75 cents — too much. 25 cents — too cheap.Now did you actually haggle for 50 cents?


  Melissa: No, now that jacket was actually that price, but some other kids at a different spot onthe same site were doing a game where you shoot down things with this kind of play gun andget points and then depending on how many points you got, you could choose from a differentgroup of stuff. So, I was shooting for a CD-Stereo, but I ended up only getting a jacket andand a hat and some accessories like a watch and a necklace. Yeah, so that was kind ofdisappointing cause I ended up walking away with a bunch of stuff I didn't want or need.That was good on their behalf. I thought that was good sales tactic, cause I thought I wasplaying a game and I was enjoying shooting stuff down and getting points but then I realizedI was acquiring these things I didn't need.


  Todd: Right, right.



  Todd: Hey, Melissa, we're talking about big events this week and what are some big eventsthat you really enjoy?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:嗨,梅丽莎,我们这周要谈论的话题是大型活动,你喜欢哪种大型活动?

学习啦在线学习网   Melissa: I like doing community events. I'm trying to get more involved in communityevents. There's a flea market this weekend.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: A flea market?


学习啦在线学习网   Melissa: Yes.


  Todd: Oh, yeah.


  Melissa: At the beachside, and there's going to be lots of different eco-friendly stuff going onthere, so it's kind of a mix of a reuse, resell your old stuff. Get new stuff for cheap.


  Todd: OK, so for people who might not be familiar with the term flea market, can youexplain?


  Melissa: A flea market is basically a place where people can take old clothes, old utensils, forks,spoons, knives, things like that from the kitchen, and other housewares either sell them or givethem away at a cheap price, and it's fun because the customers ... a lot of them like to comeand look at all the different stuff and even maybe haggle some prices, so try to get you to givea lower price, or if you're trying to get rid of a lot of stuff you might try to get the customer totake two things for the price of one. Things like that.


  Todd: Yeah, right. Like when I was a kid I used to always go to flea marts, or flea marketswith my grandparents, and what I thought was great is that you can haggle.


学习啦在线学习网   Melissa: Yeah.


  Todd: Right? Cause in the U.S. you can't haggle at a store.


学习啦在线学习网   Melissa: Yeah, exactly. And I like doing that when I'm travelling ... haggling. Trying to get agood deal, so it's fun to do it at a flea market when you're selling your own stuff.

学习啦在线学习网   梅丽莎:对,没错。我在旅行的时候一般都会砍价。因为要尽量买到便宜货,在跳蚤市场转卖自己的旧东西很好玩。

学习啦在线学习网   Todd: So, this weekend, are you selling or buying?


  Melissa: Well, I actually don't have that much stuff to sell cause I've recently moved so I'vegotten rid of a lot of stuff I don't need, but I do plan bring some old pieces of clothing andthings like that that I want to get rid of, and yeah, I'm really into flea markets and old thriftstores and stuff like that, so I just like to see what people have. If there's something cool, Imight buy it.







