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学习啦在线学习网   如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天学习啦小编在这里为大家分享一些两个人英语对话,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助!


  A: Are you crazy about sports?

学习啦在线学习网   B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan.

  A: Which is your favourite sport then?

学习啦在线学习网   B: Almost all the ball games such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc. How about you?

  A: I'm too lazy to go out to stretch my arms....In fact, I hate strong physical activities.

学习啦在线学习网   B: Oh, strong physical activities are usually considered not very suitable for the girl. But you can try some gentle and slow movements.

  A:It sounds not very bad. Maybe I can accept this kinds of sports. Can you introduce more?

  B:No problem! What you can do is like jogging or yoga. These may be suitable for your appetite. In my opinion, both of us should take up some sports, because sports can give us a perfect figure and can protect us from getting diseases easily.

  A: Is that so? I cant’t wait to work out..

  B: Let’s make sports become an essential part of our life! Let’s go!


  A :I have heard that you often sing songs in the dormitory. It seems that you like the music very much, don’t you?

  B:Yes, I enjoy music very much! And my tastes in music are quiet varied, from Beijing Opera to Italian operas. And you?

学习啦在线学习网   A: I have to say that we do have something in common. I have enthusiasm for most kinds of the music. En… But except jazz. They can just be described in a word—“noisy”. I prefer light music to stimulating music. So, what is your favorite musician or singer?

  B:I found Secret Garden ‘s songs great. I love the rhythm. The music combines the Irish and Norway’s style. It’s smooth, classical and natural. Each time I listen to their music, I found myself lost in their voices. How about you?

  A:Westlife is the group which I appreciate best. Their songs can show the most pure soul to us. They can touch the listener’s inner heart. It’s too hard for me not to love them. Oh…I nearly forget to ask you: Have you ever played any musical instruments?

  B:Of course yes. I have palyed Saxophone for a few years. I love the deep and serene tune made by Saxophone. When I play the Saxophone, I can express my happiness, longing, and sorrow. And they can give me a feeling as if time runs slowly.

学习啦在线学习网   A:Woo! Seems that you know so much! How I wish I can play an instrument!


学习啦在线学习网   A: Today we will talk something about fashion. At first, I will ask you a question: Do you spend money on fashion?

学习啦在线学习网   B:Yes! I think it’s worth to chase after the fashion. We can change our figure and our spirit easily just through spending some money. Why not do? Maybe someone will think it waste money and fashion changes so quickly that we don’t need to be interested in it. But I own the opposite idea. In my eyes, fashion is an essential part of life.

学习啦在线学习网   A:I am also a fashion follower. In my opinion, fashion is not just the representative of brand names, high prices and so on. It can be seen as a show of the beauty. We spend our money on fashion not only for giving ourselves a beautiful look, but also can give others beautiful enjoyment.

  B:Then I want to share you some ideas. Which way do you often use to get approached to the fashion?

学习啦在线学习网   A:Oh, I just read some fashionable magazines and movies. and < Confessions of a Shopaholic> are those movies which can bring us ideas of fashion. So how about you?

  B:I often shopping in the ship-flag store through which I can get the newest information of fashion. In fact, I love brand name clothes. Their qualities are more wonderful.

  A:Yes. And if the prices can be lower, I hold the belief that more and more people will be attracted by the fashion.


  A: Do you know that a severe flood has hit Jiangxi and Hunan provinces?

学习啦在线学习网   B: I have heard. It had a great damage to human life and property.

  A: Yes. The damage was seveve, but the fortunately , no one was injured.

  B: It, s really a good news.

  A: Have you ever been in flood?

  B: Yes. I have. It was a terrible experience that I will never forget.

学习啦在线学习网   A: When was that?

学习啦在线学习网   B: About two years ago, before I entered this college. My hometown was hit by a serious flood.

  A: What happened?

学习啦在线学习网   B: Well, it rained heavily for about two weeks and the river in our town overflowed. The water was about a meter deep. We had to be evacuated.

  A: It, s dangerous. May you be safe all your life.

  B: Thank you, you are a perfect (wo)man.

  unit 9 My dreams and ambitions

学习啦在线学习网   A: We all believe that we are capable of great feats, of reaching our fullest potential. Because, we have dreams.

  B: Yes, dream can nourish our spirit, dream keeps us going. What’s your dream when you were young?

学习啦在线学习网   A:I dreamed big when I was little. But, I didn’t do anything to approach it.

  B: It, s a pity. What, s your ambition now?

  A: Now, I have a dream that I can have my own firm. Because, my major is calculator, I can use my special knowledge to run the company. When I have a lot of money, I can donate some of them to help others.

  B:It,s a great dream, but dream will become a fantasy unless it is followed by action. Action is the food and drink which can nourish your success.

  A: I will take my every effort to accomplish my dream.

学习啦在线学习网   B: May you succeed at last!

  A: Thank you! It, s just my dream. I won’t let it become a fantasy! I will make it become true.


学习啦在线学习网   A: Are you happy with the computer you bought recently?

  B: Yes. I’m really pleased with it. It works fine for my needs.I can’t say how satisfied I am.

学习啦在线学习网   A: What do you think of the internet?

学习啦在线学习网   B: It’s perfect. The internet provides up-to-date information on a wide range of subjects.

  A: I think so, it covers almost every area of study, what’s more important, it gives you a sense of connectedness to people across the world.

  B: Yes, I can’t agree more.

学习啦在线学习网   A: Did you remember that I downloaded a software for you

学习啦在线学习网   I wonder whether you’re satisfied with it.

  B: To tell the truth, I’m rather disappointed. I find it difficult to use. It gives me a lot of trouble.

学习啦在线学习网   A: I am sorry to hear that. You can ask others to downloaded a new software for you.

学习啦在线学习网   B: It’s a good choice. Thanks for your advice.

  A: It,s my pleasure.









如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的!今天学习啦小编在这里为大家分享一些两个人英语对话,希望这些英语对话会对大家有所帮助! 两个人英语对话:sports A: Are you crazy about sports? B: Certainly


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