The chubby, inert pet dog has become a familiar household sight in richer countries. And yet there lies a possible boon to the out-of-shape among us. A recent study suggests that being told one’s pet is dangerously overweight might provide the impetus that gets an owner moving.
It might seem that having a pet dog would result in considerable physical activity, and that’s true, broadly speaking. A 2013 review of studies related to dog ownership concluded that as a group, dog owners spend almost an hour more per week walking than people without dogs. Even so, a survey from 2008 conducted in Australia found that nearly a quarter of all dog owners reported never walking their pets. This population of dog owners, studies show, actually engage in less physical activity each week than people without a dog.
A majority of dog owners, of course, are deeply attached to their pets, whether they walk them or not. That bond prompted a group of scientists, veterinarians and physicians at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, in Bethesda, Md., and other institutions to consider whether people might be willing to undertake ahealth-and-fitness regimen targeted at their dog, even if they had little enthusiasm for such a program for themselves.
当然,不管遛不遛狗,大部分狗主人都非常喜爱自己的宠物。这种情感联系促使马里兰州贝塞斯达健康科学统一服务大学(Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences)等机构的一群科学家、兽医和医生们开始考虑人们是否愿意采取针对小狗的健康健身生活方式——尽管他们对针对自己的这种项目没什么兴趣。
The researchers recruited 32 dog owners who visited a veterinary clinic in Maryland. Their dogs varied widely in age, breed and size, but all were overweight or obese and, by and large, sedentary. So, too, were most of their owners (although the only criterion for their participation was that their dogs be rotund). Half the volunteers were told by a veterinarian to watch their dog’s nutrition and monitor its health. The rest were told that their dog was overweight and needed more exercise. These owners were given specific exercise prescriptions, which generally advised walking the dog for at least 30 minutes every day.
学习啦在线学习网 Three months later, the volunteers and their dogs were re-evaluated. Both owners and pets in the dog-walking group had lost weight. But more interesting, those who hadbeen told only that their pets were worryingly heavy also began exercising their pets and themselves. They reported walking far more often than they did before theygot health warnings for their dogs, and both they and their pets were thinner.
The upshot, says Capt. Mark B. Stephens M.D., a professor of family medicine at Uniformed Services University and a co-author of the study — it was published in September in the journal Anthrozoös — is that “love and concern for a dog can be a powerful motivation for exercise.” Which is not to say, he adds, that people should adopt a dog as a kind of fitness device. Unlike a treadmill, Marley cannot be abandoned in the basement when you tire of working out. On the other hand, no device will ever be so happy to see you lace up your walking shoes.
这项研究9月份发表在《人与动物》(Anthrozoös)杂志上。美国军队卫生服务大学(Uniformed Services University)的医学博士、家庭医学教授马克·B·斯蒂芬斯上尉(Mark B.Stephens)是这项研究的合著者。他说,重点在于,“对狗的热爱和关心可以成为强大的锻炼动力。”他补充说,这并不是说,人们应该把养狗作为一种健身手段。你不能在厌倦锻炼时把小狗马利(Marley)像跑步机一样丢到地下室里。不过,从另一方面讲,没有哪个健身器材会在看见你穿上步行鞋后如此高兴。
Our bodies and needs change as we get older and the fitness regime that suited you in your early twenties may not be ideal in your forties or fifties. So what kind of exercise should you be doing? Read on to find out…
学习啦在线学习网 During your 20s your body is at its peak in terms of metabolic rate, strength, flexibility and muscle stamina. Doing weight training (and getting plenty of calcium in your diet) will help you to build good bone mass for the future. Building strong bones in youth is important, especially for women, who are three times more likely to develop osteoporosis than men.
Too much cardio work can burn muscle mass so avoid overdoing the aerobics classes in your teens and 20s. Instead, build up muscle by doing weight bearing exercises. Aim to do 20 minutes of weight training followed by 20 minutes of cardiovascular work three times a week.
学习啦在线学习网 Fitness levels drop in your 30s and your metabolic rate is about five per cent slower than it was 10 years ago. Your body also needs approximately 120 fewer calories a day than you did in your 20s, all of which can make losing weight and keeping it off more difficult.
Circuit training works the major muscle groups and ensures a good mix of aerobic activity and weight bearing exercise. A one-hour circuit training class once a week plus swimming or yoga for flexibility is ideal.
Your 40s are likely to be filled with responsibilities - career, taking care of children and/or parents, which can make it hard to find time to exercise. The risk of injury also increases with age, so build up to a new exercise regime gently. It also takes your body longer to recover, so leave a day or two between gym sessions.
学习啦在线学习网 40岁可能充满责任-事业,照顾孩子或父母,会很难有时间锻炼。受伤的风险随着年龄与日俱增,因此缓慢的用一种新的养生法锻炼。也会占据你身体更长的时间适应,因此在去体育馆的间歇留一到两天。
学习啦在线学习网 It’s important to look after your joints in your 40s and properly warming up and cooling down is a must to prevent injury. Joint-friendly activities include brisk walking, cycling, swimming and low-impact aerobics. A twice weekly yoga or Pilates class will help to keep you supple. Combine with a one-hour swimming session and 30 minutes of weight training each week.
The body’s metabolic rate slows down with age, so you’ll need around 180 fewer calories per day than you did in your 20s. Keeping active will help to delay ageing and improve heart and respiratory function, lower blood pressure, improve bone density and flexibility, and help to maintain a healthy weight.
When starting a new fitness regime build up slowly, and speak to your GP if you plan to embark on an intense activity for the first time. A brisk 30-minute walk five times a week with one or two light weight training sessions per week will help to maintain your weight.
学习啦在线学习网 We’re more likely to suffer from fractures as we age (particularly women) so it’s important to stay flexible and avoid falls. Yoga will help to improve your balance and improve suppleness. Consider taking up a hobby that will keep you active, such as golf, dancing or gardening
学习啦在线学习网 随着年龄增长我们更可能遭受骨折(尤其是女人)因此保持身体的灵活度避免摔倒是重要的。瑜伽有助于提高你的平衡和灵活性。考虑投入一种使你灵活的爱好,例如高尔夫,舞蹈或园艺。
学习啦在线学习网 Swimming is a good choice. The water supports the joints, which is great if you have injuries or back problems, and also gives you a good cardiovascular workout if you push yourself. Try a 30-minute swim three times a week and stay active by doing 30-minutes of exercise each day – like walking the dog or doing housework, anything that keeps you moving.
学习啦在线学习网 Is your cholesterol higher than your doctor would like? The good news is that with a few lifestyle changes – and taking medication if necessary – you can significantly reduce your cholesterol in just six weeks. Even if your cholesterol levels are fine now, they tend to rise as we get older, so following these tips can help cut your risk of heart disease in future.
学习啦在线学习网 你的胆固醇高于医生要求的水平吗?好消息是生活方式的改变-如果有必要的话吃药-你会明显的在六周内减少胆固醇。尽管你的胆固醇水平现在很好,当我们变老的时候胆固醇水平会上涨,因此遵循下面这些条有助于减少你未来患心脏病的风险
学习啦在线学习网 1 porridge
学习啦在线学习网 Start your day with a bowl of porridge. Oats (and barley) are both rich in beta glucan, a form of soluble fibre which helps bind cholesterol in the stomach and stops it from being absorbed.
学习啦在线学习网 2 almonds or walnuts
Snack on a handful of almonds or walnuts. Studies show that regular consumption of nuts can help lower cholesterol. Limit how many you eat though – nuts are high in calories, and being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease.
3 Soya
学习啦在线学习网 Soya contains special proteins which change how the body regulates cholesterol. Studies show that eating just 15g soya protein per day (choose from soya milk, edamame beans, tofu or soya meat alternatives) can lower your cholesterol levels by around 6%.
4 Soluble fibre
Soluble fibre acts like a sponge to absorb cholesterol in the digestive tract. Good sources include fruits and vegetables, dried beans, oats and barley. Switching to high-fibre bread is an easy way to up your daily fibre intake.
学习啦在线学习网 可溶纤维运作起来像一块海绵,会在消化区域吸收胆固醇。好的来源包括水果和蔬菜,干豆,燕麦和大麦。提到高纤维的面包,吃它是一种增加你日常纤维吸收的简单方式。
5 Avocados
学习啦在线学习网 Avocados are packed with monounsaturated fat, which can help to increase the levels of HDL or 'good' cholesterol in your blood, while simultaneously lowering levels of LDL or 'bad' cholesterol. They also contain beta-sitosterol – a plant-based fat which helps reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food.
学习啦在线学习网 鳄梨充满单不饱和的脂肪,有助于增加高密度脂蛋白水平或‘好的’血液中的胆固醇,然而同时降低低密度脂蛋白水平或‘坏的’胆固醇。它们也包含beta谷兹醇-一种基于植物的脂肪有助于减少食物中吸收的胆固醇数量。
学习啦在线学习网 6 Beans and pulses
学习啦在线学习网 Beans and pulses are high in fermentable-fibre, which isn’t easily absorbed by the body. Once eaten, they bind to cholesterol in the digestive tract and are then expelled through waste. Studies show that consuming a cup of beans – like kidney, chickpea or butter beans – once a day can reduce cholesterol by as much as 10% in six weeks.
学习啦在线学习网 豆类有很高的可发酵的纤维,不容易被身体吸收。一旦吃了,它们结合在消化区域的胆固醇,然后被排出体外。研究表明消耗一杯大豆-像腰子,鹰嘴豆或棉豆-一天一次会在六周内减少10%的胆固醇。
学习啦在线学习网 7 omega-3
学习啦在线学习网 The omega-3s (a type of polyunsaturated fat) found in oily fish like salmon, mackerel, herrings and sardines, is great for lowering cholesterol. Eat oily fish twice or three times a week for maximum benefits.
学习啦在线学习网 omega-3(一种多元不饱和脂肪的类型)在带鱼中发现例如鲑鱼,马鲛鱼,鲱鱼和沙丁鱼,对降低胆固醇是极好的。每周吃两次或三次带鱼会使你的身体最大化受益。
学习啦在线学习网 8 Green tea
Green tea is packed with heart-healthy compounds that can help lower LDL cholesterol. If you don’t like the taste of the tea, take green tea extract capsules.
9 Drinking alcohol moderately
学习啦在线学习网 Drinking alcohol moderately can raise levels of HDL 'good' cholesterol by as much as 10%. Women are advised to limit alcohol to one drink a day, while men can drink up to two a day.
10 Cut back on saturated fat
Saturated fats, found in fatty meat products, full-fat dairy and cakes, can raise bad cholesterol. Cut back on saturated fat but make sure you eat healthy fats too. Studies show that eating heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, such as olive, vegetable oils, nuts and avocados, can help improve your cholesterol levels.