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学习啦在线学习网 The more years you spend in full-time education, themore short-sighted you are likely to be, according toa large UK study.
The link appears to be that students have too littleexposure to bright natural light -- and the antidotesuggested by the researchers is for children to spendmore of the day outdoors.
学习啦在线学习网 原因似乎是由于学生们接触到的明亮自然光太少,研究人员建议的解决办法是让孩子们白天在户外多待一段时间。
学习啦在线学习网 The study, carried out by Cardiff and Bristol university scientists, analysed information on thegenetics, eyesight and educational background of 68,000 participants in the UK Biobankdatabase.
The findings, published in the BMJ, imply that a graduate who spent 17 years in education ison average one dioptre more short-sighted that someone who left school at the age of 16 afterspending 12 years in education.
学习啦在线学习网 发表在《英国医学杂志》上的这篇研究报告显示,平均来说,一名受过17年教育的毕业生,比一名受过12年教育、16岁就辍学的学生的近视程度要高100度。
That deterioration is equivalent to the difference between having perfect vision and needingglasses to drive safely.
学习啦在线学习网 这种视力退化相当于拥有完美视力和需要戴眼镜才能安全驾驶之间的区别。
"With the rapid rise in the global prevalence of myopia and its vision-threateningcomplications, together with the economic burden of visual loss, the findings of this study haveimportant implications for educational practices," said Jez Guggenheim, of Cardiff University'sSchool of Optometry and Vision Sciences.
学习啦在线学习网 卡迪夫大学视光学和视觉科学学院的杰斯·古根海姆称:“由于近视及威胁视力的并发症的全球发病率的快速增加,以及视力损失的经济负担,这项研究成果对教育实践有着重要的意义。”
Using Biobank data, the Bristol and Cardiff scientists analysed 44 genetic variants associatedwith risk of myopia and 69 variants associated with time spent in education.
学习啦在线学习网 They found that while the number of years at school and college strongly influenced eyesight, there was no effect in the opposite direction: propensity to myopia did not lead people toremain in education for longer.
学习啦在线学习网 他们发现,虽然在中小学和大学学习的时间对视力有很大的影响,但反过来却不成立:即近视倾向不会导致人们接受教育的时间延长。
The University of New Hampshire will become thefirst state university in the U.S. to accept the Gaokao -- a standard Chinese entrance exam similar to theSAT -- in an effort to attract more foreign students.
学习啦在线学习网 新罕布什尔大学将成为美国第一所认可高考成绩(与SAT类似的标准中国大学入学考试)的州立大学,以吸引更多的外国学生。
During of the 2015-2016 school year, almost 330,000 Chinese students were studying in the U.S., the largest number of any foreign country, and thatfigure is thought be closer to 375,000 for theacademic year that just ended.
学习啦在线学习网 在2015-2016学年期间,约有33万名中国学生在美国学习,成为外国学生人数最多的国家,而这一数字据信在刚刚结束的学年将接近37.5万。
学习啦在线学习网 Gaokao literally means High Exam. It refers to the annual National Higher Education EntranceExam in China, similar in format to the SAT in the United States.
Millions of Chinese high school seniors who sit through this highly competitive multi-subjectexams each year see it as a life-defining moment.
学习啦在线学习网 每年,数百万的中国高中生都会参加这个竞争激烈的多科目考试,他们将其视为一个定义人生的时刻。
学习啦在线学习网 Graduates who make it into top universities often end up in top companies and with goodcareers. Those who fail to enter university are often condemned to a life with little prospects.
There are already many universities in Canada, England and other countries who accept theresults of the Gaokao.