学习啦在线学习网 The Holy Grail is the cup that Jesus Christ used atthe Last Supper. Joseph of Arimathea, the man whogave up his own tomb so that Jesus could be buriedin it, kept the Grail and collected Jesus’ blood in itwhen Jesus was put to death on a cross. Joseph waswupposed to have taken it to Britain, where the cupwas passed down from generation to generation in his family. Because the Holy Grail hadbelonged to Jesus, it had magic powers. It could supply food for those without sin, and makepeople who were not pure enough blind or mute when they came close to it. Later, however,when the Grail fell into the hands of a man who was evil and unworthy of owning it, itdisappeared.
One day, when the Round Table Knights gathered in a hall in Arthur’s castle, the Grailappeared for a moment in the air accompanied with lightning, though most of the knightscould not see it. Then 150 knights decided to sarch throughout Britain for the Grail. The knightswent through many dangerous adventures during their search. Lancelot failed in the search,because of the sin of his love affair with Guenevere; Gawain gave up the search. Only threeknights---Bors, Galahad, and Perceval---were pure enough in life to find the Grail in the castleof Corbenic. They took the Grail to the distant city of Sarras. There, after Galahad died, Borsand Perceval saw the Grail rise into heaven. According to the legend, no one has been seen theHoly Grail since that time.
学习啦在线学习网 The great days of the Round Table were over when150 knights left to search throughout Britain for theGrail. But it was Sir Modred, a knight who waseither Arthur’s nephew or his illegitimate son,finally destroyed the fellowship of the Round Table.While Arthur was fighting Lancelot in France, Modredseized his kingdom and attempted to marryGuinevere. Arthur quickly returned to Britain and awar broke out between the forces of the two men. Arthur killed Modred in battle but he himselfwas badly wounded.
学习啦在线学习网 Facing death, Arthur ordered one of his knights Bedivere to throw Excalibur into a lake, so thatthe sword could not fall into the wrong hands. Then Bedivere carried Arthur on his shouldersand brought him to the edge of the lake. There they saw a boat with a number of fairies in it.The boat took him away to the island of Avalon, the land of heroes. People believe that Arthurwill return when Britain again needs him to defeat the nation’s enemies and to bring peace andsecurity to the land.
学习啦在线学习网 自从亚瑟王的150名圆桌骑士离开亚瑟,到各地寻找圣杯,亚瑟王的朝廷就冷落了下来。但最后使骑士们散伙的,是亚瑟的外甥(一说私生子)莫德雷德。正当亚瑟在法国与朗斯洛作战时,莫德雷德篡夺了王位,甚至要娶圭内维尔为妻。亚瑟匆忙返回与莫德雷德对阵。亚瑟杀死莫德雷德,自己也身负重伤。