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学习啦在线学习网   I Wish I Could believe


  "The best lack all conviction,While the worst are full of passionate intesity." Those two lines of Yeats for me sum up the matter as it stands today when the very currency of belief seems debased. I was brought up in the Christian church.

学习啦在线学习网   “优秀的人们信心尽失,坏蛋们则充满了炽烈的狂热。”对我来说,叶芝的这两行诗概括了今天的现实,信仰的货币似乎已经贬值了。我是在的熏陶下长大的。

  Later I believed for a while that communism offered the best hope for this world. I acknowledge the need for belief, but I cannot forget how through the ages great faiths have been vitiated by fanaticism and dogmatism, by intolerance and cruelty, by the intellectual dishonesty, the folly, the crankiness or the opportunism of their adherents.


  Have I no faith at all, then? Faith is the thing at the core of you, the sediment that's left when hopes and illusions are drained away. The thing for which you make any sacrifice because without it you would be nothing - a mere walking shadow.

学习啦在线学习网   那么,难道我就没有信仰吗?信仰存在于你的心灵深处,当希望和幻想渐渐枯竭,沉淀下来的就是信仰。为了它,你甘愿做出任何牺牲,因为没有它,你的存在就毫无意义——你只不过是一个会行走的影子。

  I know what my own core is. I would in the last resort sacrifice any human relationship, any way of living to the search for truth which produces my poem.


学习啦在线学习网   I know there are heavy odds against any poem I write surviving after my death. I realize that writing poetry may seem the most preposterously useless thing a man can be doing today. Yet it is just at such times of crisis that each man discovers or rediscovers what he values most.

学习啦在线学习网   我知道很有可能我写的每一首诗在我死后都不能流传。我也明白诗歌创作在今天或许是一个人所能做的最荒谬、最无用的事情。

  My poet's instinct to make something comes out most strongly then, enabling me to use fear, doubt, even despair as creative stimuli. In doing so, I feel my kinship with humanity, with the common man who carries on doing his job till the bomb falls or the sea closes over him. Carries on because of his belief, however inarticulate, that this is the best thing he can do.

学习啦在线学习网   然而,正是在这样的危难之时,每一个人才能发现或重新发现他最珍视的东西。于是我那诗人渴望创作的本能在胸中涌动,使我能让恐惧、怀疑,甚至绝望激发自己创作。在诗歌创作中,我觉得我和人类,和平凡的人紧密相连,他们坚守着自己的岗位,直到炸弹落下或是海浪席卷而来将他们淹没。坚守是因为他相信这是他最能做的事情,尽管这信仰难以用语言传达。

  But the poet is luckier than the layman, for his job is always a vacation. Indeed, it's so like a religious vacation that he may feel little need for a religious faith, but because it is always trying to get past the trivial and the transient or to reveal these as images of the essential and the permanent, poetry is at least a kind of spiritual activity.


  Men need a religious belief to make sense out of life. I wish I had such a belief myself, but any creed of mine would be honeycombed with confusions and reservations.

学习啦在线学习网   人需要有一种宗教信仰使他的生活有意义。我希望我也能有这样的信仰,但我的任何信念总会充满困惑和保留看法。

  Yet when I write a poem I am trying to make sense out of life. And just now and then my experience composes and transmutes itself into a poem which tells me something I didn't know I knew.


  So for me the compulsion of poetry is the sign of a belief, not the less real for being unformulated ... a belief that men must enjoy life, explore life, enhance life. Each as best he can. And that I shall do these things best through the practice of poetry.
