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学习啦在线学习网   The Ancient Architecture

学习啦在线学习网   中国古代建筑艺术

学习啦在线学习网   Chinese architecture is an independent art featuring wooden structures. It consists of various roof molding, upturned eaves and wings, dougong with paintings, vermilion pillars and golden roofs, ornament gates and gardening. All of these embody the maturity and artistic appeal of Chinese architecture. 7000 years ago, mortise and tenon and tongue-and-groove were used in Hemudu. The buildings of Banpo village had the division of antechamber and back rooms. Great palaces were built in Shangyin period. Bricks and tiles were used and the layout of Siheyuan emerged in the Western Zhou. There are even building drawings in Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods passed down.


  In Qin and Han, wooden building tended to be mature gradually. Complex buildings, like Epang Palace, were constructed. Temples and pagodas developed rapidly in the period of Weijin and Southern and Northern dynasties. Glass tiles used in Sui and Tang made the building more glorious. The city construction in the period of Five dynasties and Song was booming. Luxury restaurants and shops with lofts and railings were very beautiful. Many palaces and private gardens built in Ming and Qing are reserved today, which are more magnificent and stately than that of the Song Dynasty.



  The Basic Components of the Ancient Chinese Building

学习啦在线学习网   中国古代建筑的基本组成


  It is also called base pedestal, which is the base of the building. Its surface is higher than ground. Base is for bolstering the building and protecting it against damp or corrosion. In the meantime, it can make up for the imperfection that the single-building in Chinese ancient architecture is insufficient in grandness and height. Generally there are four kinds of bases.

学习啦在线学习网   也称基座。系高出地面的建筑物底U叫建筑时时潮防腐,同时可弥补中国古建筑单体建筑不甚高大雄伟的欠缺。大致有四种。

学习啦在线学习网   A. Common base


  It is almost 1 Chinese chi in height, which tamped and cemented with the mixed earth of white Clay or mud or brickbat. Common base is usually used for constructing the small type of building.


  B. Higher Class base


  It is higher than common base. The white marble banister is often built at the side of this type of base. Higher-class base is used for the less important building in big type buildings or palace buildings.

学习啦在线学习网   较普通台基高,常在台基上边建汉白玉栏杆,用于大式建筑或宫殿建筑中的次要建筑。

  C. Much higher Class base


学习啦在线学习网   It is the XuMi Base,which is also called Buddha's warrior Base. "XuMi" is a mountain in ancient India myth, which is said locating in world center and is the tallest mount,cosmos. The sun, moon and stars appear and disappear among it and all the structures of universe need to build up alongside its layers. Xu-Mi Base is used as base of the figure of Buddha or shrine to show the lofty greatness of Buddha. The ancient Chinese architecture uses the XuMi base to show the buildings' class. It is generally built up in layers with brick or stone, much higher class base has cave,convex line feet,and line decoration in it, and the white marble banister is built at its stage. It is used for constructing the palace and the big temple in common.


学习啦在线学习网   佛像或神鑫的台基,用以显示佛的崇高伟大。中国古建筑采用须弥座表示建筑的级别。一般用砖或石砌成,上有凹凸线脚和纹饰,台上建有汉白玉栏杆,常用于宫殿和著名寺院中的主要殿堂建筑。

  D. The highest-class base


学习啦在线学习网   It is folded by several XuMi Bases to make the building seem to be more large and grand. The highest-class base is usually used in the most superior buildings, for example, the three greatest halls of the Imperial Palace and Dacheng Hall of Confucian Temple in Qufu of Shandong,which are just towering aloft on the highest-class base.


学习啦在线学习网   Wood Cylinder


学习啦在线学习网   It is the cylindrical wood in common made of pine or bucket wood. Wood cylinder is placing on the stage of which the bottom is made of rock (sometimes bronze utensils). Many wood cylinders are used for propping up the purling of the house to form the beam.


学习啦在线学习网   Room Width


  The space that is rounded by four wood cylinders is called "Opening". Those openings which face the building are called "room width", 0r called "Miankuo". The vertical depth number is called "enter depth". The Chinese in ancient times took odd number as good luck numbers, so the great majority of openings in the flat surface combination are odd numbers; and more openings mean the higher grades. Taihe Hall of the Imperial Palace in Peking and the Main Hall of Ancestral Temple in Peking have 11 openings both.

学习啦在线学习网   四根木头圆柱围成的空间称为"间"。建筑的迎面间数称为"开间或称"面阔"。建筑的纵深间数称"进深"。中国古代以奇数为吉祥数字,所以平面组合中绝大多数的开间为单数;而且开间越多,等级越高。北京故宫太和殿,北京太庙大开间为十一间。

  Crossbeam , Namely Horizontal Beam


学习啦在线学习网   It is the main wood which is erected on the wood cylinder to form the ridge of roof. It is usually made of pine, elm or cedar. In Chinese traditional wood structure buildings, it is one of the main pieces of framework.




  It is a special component in the Chinese ancient building. The square board is called "Dou", the short bow wood is called "arch",the long inclined wood is called "Ang",and "arch" is their general name. Usually it is placed among the pillar head and forehead,face of the house to prop up a beam and pick up eaves and it also has a decorative function. It is made up of the square wood, the short bow wood and the long inclined wood, mixing in length and breadth layer upon layer and pursuing a layer to pick outwardly to form a pad base which is to descend.

学习啦在线学习网   是中国古代建筑独特的构件。方形木块叫斗,弓形短木叫拱,斜置长木叫昂,总称斗拱。一般置于柱头和额柿、屋面之间,用来支撑荷载梁架、挑出屋檐,兼具装饰作用。由斗形木块、弓形短木、斜置长木组成,纵横交错层叠,逐层向外挑出,形成上大下小的托座。

  Colorful Painting


  It is originally for protecting wood structure against damp and corrosion and insect-eating,afterwards the press of it is just the adornment. After Song Dynasty, the colorful paintings have become the indispensable adornment art of palace. It is divided into three grades.


学习啦在线学习网   A. The Hexi colorful painting


  It is the highest colorful painting in grade. Its main characteristics are: the center of the painting is made up of various pictures of dragons or phoenix and using the flower patterns to fill the space; both sides of the paintings use 《》 to frame and daub them with some shining coating such as gilding to make them look very magnificent.

学习啦在线学习网   是等级最高的彩画。其主要特点是:中间的画面由各种不同的龙或凤的图案组成,间补以花卉图案;画面两边用《》框住,并且沥粉贴金,金碧辉煌,十分壮丽。

  B. The circle colorful painting


  Its grade is next to the Hexi colorful painting. The painting uses the simplified form of flowers with the eddy petals; sometimes it can also draw dragon and phoenix. The two sides may frame with gilding powder It is generally used in the less important palace or temples.


学习啦在线学习网   C. The colorful painting of Su's type


  Its Grade is lower than the two kinds above. The picture covers landscape, person story, flowers, birds, fish, and insects..., the both sides use "《》" or " ( )" to frame. "()" is called "wrapper" by architects. The colorful painting of Su's type is developing from the "wrapper" colorful painting of the South of the Yangze River.

学习啦在线学习网   等级低于前两种。画面为山水、人物故事、花鸟鱼虫等,两边用《》或()框起。"( )"被建筑家们称作"包袱苏式彩画,便是从江南的包袱彩画演变而来的。

  Roof (called in ancient times "House Cover")


学习啦在线学习网   The Chinese traditional roof has the following seven kinds, the Palace Wu of the double-eave roof and the heavy summit of hill of the double-eave roof are the highest grades , and then followed with the Palace Wu of the single-eave roof and the heavy summit of hill of the single-eave roof.


学习啦在线学习网   A. The roof of the Palace Wu


  Its all sides are sloping with one positive ridge and four inclined ridges. The house's surface has a little bit radian,it is also called Four A Roof.

学习啦在线学习网   四面斜坡,有一条正脊和四条斜脊,屋面稍有弧度,又称四阿顶。

  B. The roof of the heavy summit of hill


学习啦在线学习网   It is a combination of the roof of the Palace Wu and the hard summit of hill, which means the upper part of the house surface with four sloping sides, and turns to the triangle wall surface which is hanging straight. There are one positive ridge, four hanging ridges and four dependent ridges in it, so it is also called nine-ridge roof.

学习啦在线学习网   是庞殿顶和硬山顶的结合,即四面斜坡的屋面上部转折成垂直的兰角形墙面。有一条正脊、四条垂脊,四条依脊组成,所以又称九脊顶。

  C. The roof of the hang summit of hill


学习啦在线学习网   It is that the two sides of the double ascent of the house surface stretch out the gable wall. There is a positive ridge and four hanging ridges on the house surface, so we also call it the roof of the picking-summit of hill.


学习啦在线学习网   D. The roof of the hard summit of hill


  The double ascents of the house surface and two sides of the gable wall are at the same level of the house surface, or slightly higher than it.

学习啦在线学习网   屋面双坡,两侧山墙同屋面齐平,或略高于屋面。

学习啦在线学习网   E. The roof of the accumulating top


  Its flat surface is circular or polygon and it is a roof of taper up. There is no positive ridge and several house ridges hand over in the top end. This type of roof is generally used in ordinary pavilion, terraces and towers.


学习啦在线学习网   F. The roof of rolling shed


  The house surface has double ascents and there is no obvious positive ridge, that is the connection of the front ond bock of the oscents building up in layers in a curved form instead of using the ridges.


  Gable Wall


学习啦在线学习网   It is the wall which is formed as the top of mountain at the up of both sides of the house. The familiar gable wall still has the wind-fire gable wall, which has the characteristics of two sides of gable wall being higher than house surface, presenting a stairs form with the slope surface of the roof.

学习啦在线学习网   中国传统建筑中天花板上的一种装饰。名为"藻井含有五行,以水克火,预防火灾之义。一般都在寺庙佛座上或宫殿的宝座上方。是平顶的凹进部分,有方格形、六角形、八角形或圆形,上有雕刻或彩绘,常见的有"双龙戏珠"。

学习啦在线学习网   Decorated Ceiling Panel (Algae Well)

  It is a kind of adornment on the ceiling in the Chinese traditional building. "Algae well" implies that the water subdues fire, which con prevent it from a fire. It is generally above the Buddha's seat of temples or the throne of the palace. Algae well is the sunken part of the even roof, there being square space form, hexagon, octagon or circular, which is engraved or colored up on it,among those pictures "double dragons play with a bead" is quite populaor.


学习啦在线学习网   Chinese Classical Gardens



  Garden building is considered a chief component of Chinese culture Some people say that if you have never walked through a Chinese garden, you cannot say that you have really visited China.

学习啦在线学习网   中国园林历史悠久。最早是皇家贵族的狞猎场,建于公元前11世纪的周朝。秦汉年间成为皇家的休闲娱乐场所,修建得更加美丽堂皇。明清时期园林建筑进入鼎盛时期,圆明园是这一时期的杰出代表。与西欧的古典园林不同,前者长于几何建构,中国园林更是小规模的天然景观。传统的中国园林分三种:皇家园林、私人花园、风景区园林。

学习啦在线学习网   The Chinese garden has a long history. It first appeared as early as the 11th century BC during the Zhou Dynasty in the form of a hunting preserve for emperors and nobles. During the Qin and Han dynasties, those natural preserves were made more beautiful and became places of recreation for imperial families. Garden building had its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan (the Garden of Perfection and Light) was regarded as the masterwork of this period. Different from classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardensαre made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale. Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories: imperial, private,and landscape gardens.


  Most imperial gardens are located in north China: Beihai park; the Summer Palace; the Imperial Garden of the Forbidden City in Beijing; the Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde, Hebei Province; and Huaqing Palace, presently known as Huaqing Hot Spring, in Xi'an, Sha anxi Province. Imperial gardens occupy large areas. The Summer Palace,for instance, has an area of 290 hectares while the Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde, which covers more than 560 hectares, is the largest imperial garden in China. Most of these gardens have three sections which serve administrative, residential, and recreational purposes. In large imperial gardens, the main buildings are connected by an imaginary line in the middle of the garden on a north-south axis. Other buildings scattered among hills and waters are linked by subordinate lines, forming a well-designed symmetry and adding more beauty to the chief architectural complex.


  Other characteristics of imperial gardens are coloured paintings, man-made hills and lakes, and ingeniously-designed buildings. Structures for artistic appreciation, such as pagodas, balustrades, screen walls, stone tablets, bridges,and decorated archways abound in those gardens.


学习啦在线学习网   Most private gardens are found in the south, especially in cities south of the Yangtze River. Private gardens were mostly built at one side or at the back of the residential houses. In almost every case, there is a large space in the garden set in a landscape of artistically arranged rockeries, ponds, pavilions, bridges, trees and flowers. Surrounding the beautiful scene are small open areas partitioned by corridors or walls with latticed windows or beautifully shaped doors through which visitors can enjoy the sights. Buildings in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquets, reading, or writting poetry. They are open on all sides and are often situates near the water so that the whole scene can be enjoyed. The winding corridors connect various buildings and also provide a covered veranda as shelter from the rain and shade from the sun.


  Suzhou, known as the land of gardens, displays the most and the best Chinese traditional private gardens. Among them, the Pavilion of the Surging Waves is known for its rustic charm, Lion Grove for its strange rockeries, the Humble Administrator's Garden for its tranquil waters and elegant buildings,and the Garden for Lingering in for its ancient architectural art and the arrangement of hills, waters, and plants. They are examples of the garden styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties respectively.

学习啦在线学习网   扬州的园林多以建筑风格独特、奇山怪石为特征。比如:在葛园中,不同形状的岩石可以表现不同的季节。南京的詹园,无锡的济昌园和上海的豫园都很著名。

  Gardens in Yangzhou are characterized by their architectural style and artistic rockeries. In the Ge Garden,for example, different formations of rocks are used to show different seasons. The Zhan Garden in Nanjing, the Jichang Garden in Wuxi, and the Yu Garden in Shanghai are also well-known.

学习啦在线学习网   广东的园林多以大池塘,建筑颜色鲜艳和植物繁多而著名。顺德的清辉园、东莞的客园,佛山的十二石馆以及番周的雨音山社都是很好的代表。

  Guangdong style gardens are distinguished by large ponds, brightly coloured buildings,and luxuriant plants. The Qinghui Garden in Shunde, the Ke Garden in Dongguan,the Twelve Stone Studio in Foshan,and the Yuyin Mountain House in Panyu are good examples.


  Landscape gardens are different and are places for public recreation. The landscape gardens contain a number of pleasant natural scenes. With a few man-made details, it looks more natural than artificial. The ancient Chinese used to call garden landscape ring which means "scene" in English. Good examples include the ten West Lake scenes in Hangzhou,the twenty-four slim West Lake scenes in Yangzhou and the Eight Darning Lake scenes in Jinan. In addition, each scene is endowed with a beautiful name, and each name in only a few words can express the principal theme of the scenery and give it a soul. The West Lake is typical. Off the southern shore of an island stand three stone pagodas, each two meters high. Five openings form a striking feature of the pagodas. From the centre of the "Mutual Affinity Pavilion" at the southern tip of the island, reflections of the moon can be viewed through the openings and they are divided into three part.

  Thus, the name "san Tan Yin Yue"or "Three Pools Reflecting the Moon" is created.


  In ancient China,temples and monasteries were usually built in beautiful places; consequently, those built with gardens have become places for public recreation.


  Many famous poets and painters contributed greatly to the development of landscape gardens. They either left poetic inscriptions for those gardens, or designed the gardens themselves. In order to commemorate those poets and painters, later generations had their poems and inscriptions engraved on tablets, pavilions, or pagodas,thus enriching the gardens and inspiring visitors.

学习啦在线学习网   这些风景园林与很多的神仙和传说有关,这也为它们增添了许多冲秘的色彩。比如,浙江金山的法海寺和白蛇洞就与“白蛇传的传说”有关。南京的“莫愁”湖就是根据世代相传的传说得名的。风景园林不仅是休闲娱乐的地方,也是公众活动的地方。传统的宗教活动每年多在风景园林中进行。

  In landscape gardens there are often reminders of Chinese fairy tales or legends which add mystery to the beautiful scenes. For instance, the Fahai Temple and the White Dragon Cave in Jinshan Mountain in Zhenjiang relates to the fairy tale "The Legend of the White snake." The Mochou Lake in Nanjing is associated with a legend which has been handed down from ancient times. Landscape gardens are not only places for recreation, but also places for public activities. Traditional religious activities are usually held in these gardens annually.

学习啦在线学习网   中国园林的建筑艺术也对其他国家产生了巨大的影响。早至6世纪,中国的园林建筑就被引人日本,并被贯以中国名字。对中国风格的热衷使中国园林后来也传入了欧洲,比如在巴黎就有20多个这样的园林花园。

  The technique of Chinese garden building has also exerted a great influence on other countries. As early as the sixth century, Chinese garden building was introduced into Japan where gardens were given Chinese names. Later the enthusiasm for Chinese style gardens spread to the European continent. For example, more than twenty such scenic parks were built in Paris.

学习啦在线学习网   现代中国在竭力保护和重建古典园林。在 1980年中国建筑工程总公司的风景建筑公司建立,并与外国客户签约修建园林。同年,美国纽约市的大都市艺术博物馆的明轩园由该公司的苏州分公司建成。而中国广州分公司为西德的1983年的慕尼黑世界园林展览会修建了芳华园。

  Modern China tries to protect and restore classical gardens and to build new ones. In 1980, the Landscape Architecture Art in New York City was built by the Suzhou branch of the company,and the Guangzhou branch completed the Chinese Garden (Fang Hua Yuan) for the 1983 Munich World Garden Exhibition in the West Germany.





