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学习啦在线学习网   A Goodbye Kiss-爸爸的道别之吻

学习啦在线学习网   The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob starred to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. "How embarrassing. I am getting so clumsy in my old age."

学习啦在线学习网   Everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories of our most embarrassing moments. It came around to Frank who sat quietly listening to the others. Someone said," Come on, Frank. Tell us your most embarrassing moment."

  Frank began," I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed he family. Not just enough for our family, but also for his Mom and Dad and the other kids that were still and home." He looked at us and said," I wish you could have met my Dad. He was a big man, and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close to him, he smelled the ocean."

学习啦在线学习网   Frank's voice dropped a bit." When the weather was bad he would drive me to school. He would pull right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would be standing around and watching. Then he would lean over and give me a big kiss on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me. Here I was twelve years old, and my Dad would lean over and kiss me good-bye!"

  He paused and then went on," I remember the day I thought I was too old for a good-bye kiss. When we got the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my hand up and said,' No, Dad.' It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this surprised looked on his face.

学习啦在线学习网   I said,' Dad, I'm too old for a good-bye kiss. I'm too old for any kind of kiss.' My Dad looked at me for the longest tine, and his eyes started to tear up. I had never seen him cry. He turned and looked our the windshield.' You're right,' he said.' You are a big boy…… a man. I won't kiss you anymore.'"

  For the moment, Frank got a funny look on his face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes. "It wasn't long after that when my Dad went to sea and never came back."

  I looked at Frank and saw that tears were running down his cheeks. Frank spoke again." Guys, you don't know what I woud give to have my Dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek…… to feel his rough old face…… to smell the ocean on him…… to feel his arm around my neck. I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would been a man, I would never have told my Dad I was too old for a good-bye kiss."


学习啦在线学习网   所有人都哈哈大笑起来,然后我们都开始讲述自己经历的最尴尬的时刻。一圈过来,轮到一直默默坐在那儿听别人讲的弗兰克了。有人说:“来吧,弗兰克,给大家讲讲你最难为情的时刻。”






学习啦在线学习网   我看着弗兰克,眼泪正顺着他的脸颊流下来。弗兰克又开口了:“伙计们,你们不知道,如果我爸爸能在我脸上亲一下……让我感觉一下他那粗糙了脸……闻一闻他身上海洋的气息……享受他搂着我脖子的感觉,那么我付出什么都愿意。我真希望那时候我是一个真正的男子汉。如果我是,我绝不会告诉爸爸我已经长大到不再适合一个道别的亲吻了。”


  The day that you see me old-当我日渐老去的时候

  Dear son……

学习啦在线学习网   孩子…

  The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me …

学习啦在线学习网   哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也渐渐不行,请耐着性子试着了解我……

  If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience.


学习啦在线学习网   Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.

学习啦在线学习网   你记得我曾花多久时间教你这些事吗?

学习啦在线学习网   If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same things thousand and one

  times… do not interrupt me… listen to me


  When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…



  Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath…When you see my on new technologies… give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile…


  I taught you how to do so many things… to eat well, to dress well… to confront life…

学习啦在线学习网   我曾教了你多少事情啊….如何好好的吃,好好的穿…如何面对你的生命……

学习啦在线学习网   When at some moment I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation… let me have the necessary time to remember… and if I cannot do it;do not become nervous… as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me…


学习啦在线学习网   If ever I do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not.

学习啦在线学习网   当我不想吃东西时,不要勉强我.我清楚知道该什么时候进食

  When my tired legs do not allow me walk… give me your hand… the same way I did when you gave your first steps.


  And when someday I say to you that I do not want to live any more…

  that I want to die… do not get angry… some day you will understand…


  Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.

学习啦在线学习网   试着了解我已是风烛残年,来日可数.

  Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always wanted

学习啦在线学习网   the best thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you.


学习啦在线学习网   You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and to help me as I did it when you started living. Help me to walk… help me to end my way with love and patience. I will

学习啦在线学习网   pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.


  I love you son…


  Your father



  坚持不懈,直到成功-I will persist. I will win.

学习啦在线学习网   I will persist until I succeed.    坚持不懈。直到成功。

  In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance. The bravery of each bull is then rated with care according to the number of times he demonstrates his willingness to charge in spite of the sting of the blade. Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try, if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.

学习啦在线学习网   在古老的东方,挑选小公牛列竞技场格斗有一定的程序、它们被带进场地,向手持长矛的斗牛士攻击,裁判以它受激后再向斗牛士进攻的次数多寡来评定这只公牛的勇敢程度。从今往后。我须承认,我的生命每天都在接受类似的考验。如果我坚韧不拔,勇往直前,迎接挑战。那么我一定会成功。

  I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈。直到成功。

  I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.


  I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈,直到成功。

  The prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not near the beginning; and it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal. Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road. Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner.


学习啦在线学习网   Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.


  I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈,直到成功。

  Henceforth, I will consider each day's effort as but one blow of my blade against a mighty oak. The first blow may cause not a tremor in the wood, nor the second, nor the third. Each blow, of itself, may be trifling, and seem of no consequence. Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble. So it will be with my efforts of today.

学习啦在线学习网   从今往后,我承认每天的奋斗就像对参天大树的一次砍击,头几刀可能了无痕迹。每一击者似微不足道,然而,累积起来,巨树终会倒下。这恰如我今天的努力。

  I will be liken to the raindrop which washes away the mountain; the ant who devours a tiger; the star which brightens the earth; the slave who builds a pyramid. I will build my castle one brick at a time for I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.


  I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈,直到成功。

  I will never consider defeat and I will remove from my vocabulary such words and phrases as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, out of the question, improbable, failure, unworkable, hopeless, and retreat; for they are the words of fools. I will avoid despair but if this disease of the mind should infect me then I will work on in despair. I will toil and I will endure. I will ignore the obstacles at my feet and keep mine eyes on the goals above my head, for I know that where dry desert ends, green grass grows.

学习啦在线学习网   我绝不考虑失败,我的字典里不再有放弃,不可能、办不到、没法子、成问题、失败,行不通、没希望、退缩…这类愚蠢的字眼。我要尽量避免绝望,一旦受到它的威胁,立即想方设法向它挑战。我要辛勤耕耘,忍受苦楚。我放眼未来,勇往直前,不再理会脚下的障碍。我坚信,沙漠尽头必是绿洲。

  I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈,直到成功。

  I will remember the ancient law of averages and I will bend it to my good. I will persist with knowledge that each failure to sell will increase my chance for success at the next attempt. Each nay I hear will bring me closer to the sound of yea. Each frown I meet only prepares me for the smile to come. Each misfortune I encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow's good luck. I must have the night to appreciate the day. I must fail often to succeed only once.


  I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈,直到成功。

学习啦在线学习网   I will try, and try, and try again. Each obstacle I will consider as a mere detour to my goal and a challenge to my profession. I will persist and develop my skills as the mariner develops his, by learning to ride out the wrath of each storm.

学习啦在线学习网   我要尝试,尝试,再尝试。障碍是我成功路上的弯路,我迎接这项挑战。我要像水手一样,乘风破浪。

  I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈,直到成功。

学习啦在线学习网   Henceforth, I will learn and apply another secret of those who excel in my work. When each day is ended, not regarding whether it has been a success or a failure, I will attempt to achieve one more sale. When my thoughts beckon my tired body homeward I will resist the temptation to depart. I will try again. I will make one more attempt to close with victory, and if that fails I will make another. Never will I allow any day to end with a failure. Thus will I plant the seed of tomorrow's success and gain an insurmountable advantage over those who cease their labor at a prescribed time. When others cease their struggle, the mine will begin, and my harvest will be full.


  I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈,直到成功。

学习啦在线学习网   Nor will I allow yesterday's success to lull me into today's complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure. I will forget the happenings of the day that is gone, whether they were good or bad, and greet the new sun with confidence that this will be the best day of my life.


  So long as there is breath in me, that long will I persist. For now I know one of the greatest principles of success; if I persist long enough I will win.

学习啦在线学习网   只要我一息尚存,就要坚持到底,因为我已深知成功的秘诀。

学习啦在线学习网   I will persist. I will win.

学习啦在线学习网   坚持不懈,终会成功。








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