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学习啦在线学习网   Applying For College-School-Process

学习啦在线学习网   申请大学-学校-过程

  College education is a big investment for anyone.Each choice leads to a different destination.Which road should you take?


学习啦在线学习网   You create your own choices through researchin.Find the universtites that will provide the deucation you want.This task can take a while,but it is a crucial step;your future for the next few years will depend on it.

学习啦在线学习网   你的选择是要你自己去研究出来的。去找出哪些大学能提供你想要的教育内容;这一项可能会花上一些时间,但却是关键性的一步。你未来的几年就要看它了。

  Limit your search to those schools that offer the degrees and prograns for you intended field of study.Tuition,location,weather,city size,and on campus housing are all factors that should be taken into consideration.Information about every college can be obtained from the education section of the US News website at www.usnews.com.Tthe faculty to student ratio can be an indicator of the quality of their classes.The acceptance rate of each school shows how selective they are with applicants.Famous schools are associated with certain prestige,but there might be other schools that can better suit your educational needs.

  把你的搜寻范围限定在有提供你想求得学样和课程的那一些学校。学费,地点,气候,城市规模,和校内宿舍等都是应该要考虑的因素。有关每个大学的资讯可以从US News的网页www.usnews.com的教育版篇幅中获得。教授与学生的比例可以用来评估教学的品质。从每个学校的碌取率可以看出们们挑选申请人的严格程度。有名的学校固然有一定的声望,但别的学校也许更适合你个人的教育需求。

  When you know which schools you want to attend,the next step is to request more information from their admissions offices.Review the information to make sure everything looks good.Send in the application and the fee once you are sure about your choices.



  Baseball Field-Spors-Culture


学习啦在线学习网   Baseball is the oldest pastime in American history.After years of evolution,todays baseball games are played with nine players,each serving a different role.The pitcher and the catcher are the first line of defense for the team in the field.

学习啦在线学习网   棒球是美国历史上最早的休闲活动。经过多年的演变,今天的棒球是由9个运动员上场来比赛,每个人负责不同的任务。在球场上,投手和捕手是防守的第一线。

学习啦在线学习网   They try to strike out the batters and prevent runners from stealing abses.Fielders and basemen work together to put runners out.In many aspects,teamwork makes the difference between winning an losing.


  The basball playing fields are seen in ballparks,schools,and stadiums.From youth to professional,players get organized into teams and teams into leagues to play ball.Every year,two of the best teams in the Major League come out to compete in the World Series to earn the title of the baseball champion.Much like other sports,baseball is now a multi-billion business,drawing fans from all over the world.

学习啦在线学习网   在球场,学校,和体育场都可以看到棒球的场地。从年轻的到专业的。球员被组成一队一队地,又把各个球队加入联盟来打棒球。每一年,两个大联盟最强的球队会出为参加美国职业棒球大赛,来取得棒球总冠军的头衔。跟别的运动一样,棒球现在是几十亿元的生意,它吸引了来自全球各地的球迷。

  Spectators love the excitement of watching players bat,dash,catch,and throw.The roar of the crowd gets louder as the game progresses.Every pitch seems to intensify the game,and once in a while someone would hit a hoe run and the fans would go crazy.In the end,no matter which team wins,everyone knows they have seen a worthwhile match.



学习啦在线学习网   Panda Express-Work-Success Story


学习啦在线学习网   Panda Express rhymes with Federal Express,but Panda does not send your mail packages around the world,and neither is FedEx a government agency.Panda Express is found in shopping malls,supermarkets,university campuses,and airports.They serve fast food,Chinese style.To achieve the quick service concept,customers select from a variety of entrees displayed at the counter while the restaurant workers put together the meal.Everything is read to go as soon as the customer makes the final decision.


  With more than 500 restuarants by the year 2003,Panda is now a successful enterprise.But like every other corporations,Panda had a humble beginning.Founder Andrew Cherng first opened a traditional Chinese restaurant with his father in Southern California in 1973.The restaurant was not working well,so Cherng decided to put their food in a fast serving environment.It did not become a hit immediately after its debut in 1983,but as Cherng opened more restaurants in other locations,the copmany was totally out of debt in year 2000.Panda does not offer franchises and only manages the restaurants internally,because Andrew Cherng is dedicated to the operation and quality of his restaurant.This is what makes Panda Express better than others.

  熊猫公司到2003年已超过500家餐厅,现在算是一家成功的企业了。但是每个别的公司一样,熊猫当初一开始时也是不起眼的。创办人Andrew Cherng最终于1973年和他的父亲在加州南部开了一家传统的中国餐厅。餐厅经营得不是很好,所以Cherng决定将他们的食品采用快速服务的方式。在1983年初次亮相时并没有马上成功,但当Cherng在其他各地开了更多的餐厅后,到了2000年时,公司就已没有任何贷款了。熊猫不提供加盟,只是自己管理自己餐厅业务,因为Andrew Cherng对于他的餐厅之运作与品质的坚持,这就是熊猫快餐比别人好的地方。

  Andrew Cherng was bom in Jiangsu,China,raised in Taiwan,and studied mathematics at universities in the US.

学习啦在线学习网   Andrew Cherng出生于中国江苏,在台湾长大,曾在美国的大学主修数学。





