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学习啦在线学习网    How to Avoid Post-Holiday Syndrome

  Recently, a catchword “post-holiday syndrome” has caught our attention, which refers to a general feeling of depression before returning to work, including fatigue, lack of appetite and concentration, irritability and feeling of helplessness, etc. The syndrome has negative impacts on our life, our work, our study and our health. So what can we do to avoid post-holiday syndrome?


  As the syndrome is usually caused by irregular lifestyles during the vacation, thus the most effective way to avoid the syndrome is to avoid such irregular lifestyles in the vacation. For example, we had better keep the same lifestyle as the usual, like get up on time, go to bed on time, so that we would not make our life irregular. If we can keep such regular and healthy lifestyles all the time, we would not suffer the post-holiday syndrome.


  On the other hand, keeping positive and relaxed is another way to avoid and deal with the post-holiday syndrome. Keeping positive and relaxed will help us view things from a positive way and keep away from negative mood.


学习啦在线学习网   In a word, leading a regular and healthy life and keeping positive and relaxed are effective ways to avoid the post-holiday syndrome.

学习啦在线学习网   总之,正常健康地生活,并保持积极放松的状态都是避免患上节后综合症的有效方法。


   To Spend the “Golden Week” On The Road

学习啦在线学习网   The 7-days-long holiday is entitled “Golden Week” by the Chinese government to celebrate the most important festival in China: The Spring Festival. The past decade has witnessed private cars from luxuries to common equipment, as well as the Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival from traditional ways to modern ones. Nowadays, more and more people choose to celebrate the Spring Festival Golden Week to travel by driving their own cars with families.


  From my personal angle alone, driving your own car is a worthwhile way to try when you decide to travel. Why?


  The initial reason lies in that driving your own car is liberal. Compared with joining a travel agency, driving makes your touring time more flexible. Imaging, when you are driving along the national roads, the setting sun paints the trees, remote mountains with a golden glory, you could stop the car whenever you want and enjoy the scene. However, if you are a member of a travel group, your schedule is beyond your decision.


  Another reason I suggest self-driving tourism is that it enhances the family bonds, emotionally. On the road, only family members are in the car, they could exchange more private thoughts with each other, they could make jokes which only involving family members, they could hug and kiss without any hesitating. Obviously, the emotional connections would become closer because of words and contact during this tour.

学习啦在线学习网   让我推崇自驾游的另一个原因是:自驾游能够从情感上加深家人间的联系。在旅途中,车里只有自己的家人们,他们互相交流自己的想法,互相开家人的玩笑,他们毫不犹豫地互相拥抱。在这趟旅行中他们的感情很明显地变得更加亲密。

学习啦在线学习网   Therefore, let’ s take our families and try to spend the “Golden Week” on the road!

学习啦在线学习网   总而言之,带上你的家人试试在路上度过你的假期黄金周。


学习啦在线学习网   On Lowering the Percentage of English in Chinese College-Entrance Examination

学习啦在线学习网   Recently, the news that English will occupy less percentage in Chinese traditional college-entrance examination in the following years has aroused a heated discussion among the public, especially among students.


  There are two different views towards the news. On the one hand, those students who consider learning English as a boring and difficult task and those who are not good at learning English sing high praise of it, because the lower percentage of English will narrow their gap with those who can get higher score in English. In other words, the lower of percentage of English makes it more possible for them to reach better colleges or universities. However, on the opposite side, those who do well in learning English will feel disappointed as their advantage will be lowered if the percentage of English is lowered.

学习啦在线学习网   对此消息有两种不同的看法。一是,那些认为英语很难学很枯燥或是讨厌学英语的学生对此消息表示很支持, 因为英语分值的降低会缩小他们跟那些擅长英语学习的学生之间的差距。这也意味着他们有更大机会考上好的大学。然而,相反的,如果高考降低英语分值,那些英语成绩好的学生会感到失落,因为他们将会失去优势。

  As far as I am concerned, in a long term, the lower percentage of English in college-entrance examination is not good for the overall development of students, it is not good for improving the whole nation’s English, and is not good for communication with foreign countries. In a word, examination is a great motivation for second-language learners, and there is no doubt that the lower percentage of English in Chinese traditional college-entrance examination will bring some further negative impact to students.









英语教学在中国大学教育领域已经占据着主导地位20多年。在这期间,随着社会发展对英语学习者的要求不同,英语教学大纲也随之发展并完善,英语教学的侧重点也随之发生变化。本文是关于大学英语听力小短文,希望对大家有帮助! 关于大学英