

时间: 楚欣650 分享


  Today, roles have been reversed. We are not agender-driven society, or at least moving towardsone that is not defined by gender. It’s okay if youare not interested in a corporate life anymore andare much happier when you stay at home, takingcare of the household chores. There’s no shame inbeing a househusband. It’s actually quite awesome.Here’s why:


  No Monday blues


  No more rushing to work, struggling to finish a presentation, getting loaded with more work.No more cribbing on Sundays about the impending Monday. No more whining about how youhate your job。


  No horrible boss



  No more dealing with rude bosses, or unreasonable colleagues. No more dreading facing himor her. No more pressure to finish business reports or reach business targets. No moredealing with office politics。


学习啦在线学习网   Drinking hot afternoon over a fancy lunch

学习啦在线学习网   可享受美味午餐和暖暖下午茶

学习啦在线学习网   Once in a while you can pop over to a nice Italian or Spanish restaurant and have a nice lunchwith some beer. You can treat yourself once a week. And an afternoon beer is that much moredelicious than an evening one。


学习啦在线学习网   More relaxing


  As a househusband you get to be more relaxed. Your only worry possibly will be the maid notcoming on time, or curbs on the water supply. You get to leave all the stress related to anoffice job. No more driving to work on increasingly busy roads. No more getting your BP highbecause of idiotic, rash drivers. You will breathe easy and be much calmer。


学习啦在线学习网   Bonding with kids


  If you’ve just had a kid, you couldn’t have asked for more. You get to spend all the lovely timewith your son or daughter. You get to play with them, feed them, bathe them, dress them up,read them stories. There can’t be a more rewarding job. You will be able to see them grow。


学习啦在线学习网   Work from the luxury of your home


  You can pick up odd jobs to increase your income. You can take up things like resume writingor essay writing for MBA[微博] students etc. If you’re an IT person, you can do some freelancework in your domain. There are tons of things you can do. You can blog, even. Working fromhome is great。


  Happier married life


学习啦在线学习网   If the house is spotless and your kids are fed and happy, your wife will be the happiest. If shedoesn’t have to come home and do all the housework on top of it, she will fall in love with youevery day. She will appreciate what you do and your married life will be much stronger andhappier。

学习啦在线学习网   如果家里一尘不染,小孩吃穿不愁、开心快乐,你老婆肯定大为欢喜。如果她不必一回家就做家务,肯定会更爱你吧。她会很感激你所做的一切,你俩的婚姻自然也会更牢固美满。

学习啦在线学习网   Patience and empathy


  Being a househusband makes you respect women more. You realise how much work they doday in, day out. Taking care of the house and kids will teach you things about yourself, thingsyou thought you never had. Patience and empathy, for example, for others。


  You get to cook what you want


  That’s right. Get all the recipe books and whip up some gorgeous meals. You can cook whatyou like and impress your wife or girlfriend. Follow shows like Master Chef Australia for addedhelp and inspiration。

学习啦在线学习网   一点也没错。你可以搜罗各大菜谱,然后自己做大餐。你可以做自己爱吃的美食,让你老婆或女友大吃一惊。“澳大利亚大厨”这种节目秀也能激发灵感哟!

学习啦在线学习网   Improved health


学习啦在线学习网   Once you get around to doing housework and playing with your children and doing a grocery, orgarbage run, you will become fitter and healthier. Much healthier than sitting on an office chairfor eight hours straight。



摘要:现如今,性别角色已被颠覆了。我们所处的社会并不受性别主宰,或者至少正朝着这一目标迈进吧。如果你厌倦了上班族生活,宁愿呆在家里料理家务,做个家庭煮夫也没啥问题。其实,宅在家里料理家务还很不赖呢! Today, roles have bee


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