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  A boy of about ten was sitting on a city bus with a briefcase on his lap. Periodically the youngster would whisper into his coat. A woman passenger caught his eye with a quizzical look and,in response,the boy produced a small white mouse from his shirt pocket.”He's just a baby."explained the youngster. "His parents are in here. "Opening his briefcase,he brought forth a pair of slightly Larger. white mice from among a dozen or so that scurried around inside. By this time several other passengers had formed an audience, and the boy patiently explained his interest in mice,how to take care of them, their eating habits, their different personalities and so on.

学习啦在线学习网   一位十岁的男孩腿上放着会文箱,正坐在一辆城市公共汽车上。这个孩子不断地对着他衣服小声嘟嚷。一位女乘客从这个男孩的眼神里看到一种疑感。紧接着这个小男孩从他的衬衣兜里拿出一只小白鼠,并解绎说:“这是个鼠息子。他的父母也在这里。”打开他的手提箱,他从大约有十几个的白鼠中挑出一对稍大的。这时其他的乘客也围了过来。小男孩耐心地讲着他对白鼠的兴趣,怎样照顾它们,它们的饮食习惯及不同的特性。

  As the bus pulled up to his stop,the boy slipped the mice back into his briefcase and rose to leave his rapt audience. Starting down the steps,he turned back for a moment.

学习啦在线学习网   待车在汽车站停下时,小男孩把小白鼠放回到手提箱,站起来,离开了这些着了迷的观众。他下车时转过身对大家说:“这些是用来喂我助蛇的。”说着,他就消失了。

  "They are for my snake. "he said and disappeared out of the door.


学习啦在线学习网   A woman complained that her husband constantly hung around the house,doing or saying nothing. To please her, he went to see a psychiatrist.“Just lie down on the couch and we'll talk. "the doctor told him. "If you think of something to say, fine. If not,maybe next time.”

学习啦在线学习网   一位妇女总是抱怨其丈夫在家里转来转去,无所事是,为了使老婆高兴,他找到了精神病学专家。“你就躺在沙发上,我们来谈谈。”精神病医生告诉他:“如呆你想起什么就说,没有的话,下次再讲也行。”

学习啦在线学习网   The guy got himself comfortable and fell fast asleep. At the end of the hour,the doctor woke hirn up and said,"That will be all for today—0,please. "The patient paid and left.


学习啦在线学习网   The man came back every Tuesday and Thursday after that. Each time,he fell asleep without saying a word,but paid the fee. The third week, the patient came in,sat down and then jumped right up again."Aha,", marveled the doctor. "Have you thought of something to say?"


  "Yes,do you need a partner ?"



学习啦在线学习网   My friend Gilbert and some other truck drivers were to deliver loads of gravel out in the country. The directions they were given said to go down a certain road and, when they came to a cow tied to a fence post, to turn right.

学习啦在线学习网   我朋友吉尔波特和一些卡车司机到农村去送沙石。他们得到的地址只说沿着某条路一直走,当看到一头牛拴在蒸笆柱上时,就向右转。

学习啦在线学习网   While Gilbert was driving along slowly,he came upon a farmer leading a cow down the road. Assuming this was his landmark, he stopped and asked the man where his cow had been tied. After Gilbert explained why he wanted to know, the farmer took the cow back and tied it to the post. All the loads got delivered.

学习啦在线学习网   正当吉尔波特开车续续前进时,他看见一位农夫牵着一头牛沿路而来。他猜测这就是他要找的地方。他停下了车问那位农夫,他的牛刚才拴在什么地方。在吉尔波特向农夫说明了他为什么想知道这个问题的答案之后,那位农夫把牛牵回来,把它拴在柱子止,所有的货都运到了此地。

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