(1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。
学习啦在线学习网 (2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。
学习啦在线学习网 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhyle, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。
(4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。
学习啦在线学习网 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。
(6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。
(7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。
学习啦在线学习网 我们先来看一个例子:
学习啦在线学习网 下面是以为同学针对问题“What is an activity that you enjoy doing with your friends and why? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.”的回答。
There are two reasons why I think so. One reason is that playing sports help us create strong bonds of friendship. It creates many opportunities of cooperation if we have to beat others when play in a group.I don’t like exercising alone. It is really boring if you have to repeat some moves.I am really interested in playing sports with my friends.
学习啦在线学习网 第一句是总起句,应该用表起始的连接词,如: in the beginning, in the first place,等等;第二句是第一句的解释,因此可以用that is to say, in other words等等来联系这些关系。表递进的关系,可以用moreover。下面我们来看看修改后的答案。
As far as I am concerned, I really love playing sports with my friends. There are two reasons why I think so. Actually, one reason is that playing sports helps us create strong bonds of friendship. You know, it creates many opportunities of cooperation if we have to beat others when play in a group. Also, I don’t like exercising alone. Because it is really boring if you have to repeat some moves. For these two reasons, I am really interested in playing sports with my friends.
学习啦在线学习网 这样看起来,用上连接词以后,整个答案读起来都通顺了许多。
学习啦在线学习网 大家在备考托福口语时要积累一些常用的连接词,无论是表达因果、对等、时间顺序等等时,都知道用什么词语来衔接答案。巧用托福口语连接词肯定会让大家的口语水平得到不小的提升。
学习啦在线学习网 如果是发音存在问题则需要了解自己哪些音节发得不准,或是在发音技巧上如连读,不完全爆破等多下功夫。机会与自己的小伙伴或是native对话,模仿地道的英文。单纯重复而不对错误进行及时的纠正,只会让自己在通向高分的道路上渐行渐远。
例如,当一个中国学生想要表达他非常喜欢一部电影的时候,他可能会不断地罗列他的论点而无法去挖掘、发展他的观点,他会说“I love this movie, and I think it is amazing. No one loves the movie like I do; it is so good and I think it is the best film in this world.”
这样的表达即使用最漂亮的发音呈现出来也显得苍白无力。甚至有的同学将托福口语题目中常出现的一句话“Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.” 当作一句没用的话,殊不知这正是托福口语考试希望同学们做的,用充分的事实去展开。
一个建议的版本可以是这样的,如果想表达很喜欢Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》这部电影,可以说:
学习啦在线学习网 “I love this movie because I can learn something about America's history. For example,I know the lost generation and Watergate scandal through this movie. People living in UnitedStates start doubting the policy of government, and of course, how the Vietnam War affected American people's lives. People want to change their attitudes to the war, and look for their own freedom and democracy. So I can have the opportunity to enrich my knowledge concerning this through this masterpiece.”
再举一例,比如谈到一所好的大学需要具备什么样的特点这道题时,会说“The university has a good library.”或“The university has numerous trees.”就此停止了,而没能有理有据地展开。
“My university has a good library, and it is one of the largest and most valuable research libraries in China. It has about 6 million items in its collection, including over 2 million books and pamphlets and thousands of charts, engravings, manuscripts, map and so forth. The library's half million manuscript collection reflects different aspects of Chinese life and culture. And the library has grown so large that it could no longer be housed in one building. Two more buildings were built to accommodate the ever increasing collection in the library. Also, the library is computerized, so students can research the information or E-book freely when the professor assigns the new homework, which makes the use of the library a pleasant experience.”
学习啦在线学习网 因为美国人对其背后的原因和条件一无所知,就很难明白你想表达的思想观点,甚至会认为你所表达的观点是荒.唐的。比如说,一个学生在谈到在中国用什么交通工具最好这一问题时,阐述了这一观点“Only the very wealthy people can afford to buy a car.”为了使美国人真正理解这句话,就必须按下面的方法来交代原因和条件:
学习啦在线学习网 The living standard in China is still not very high. The average monthly income per person even in large and affluent cities is about 200 U. S. dollars. This income is just enough to cover the family expenses, without any money left for savings. Furthermore, cars in China are far more expensive than in the United States. The cheapest car in China would be about 10,000 dollars. Very few Chinese people can save enough to purchase a car, not to mention the cost of car maintenance.
学习啦在线学习网 即有时候我的观点与你所知的观点有些许不同,甚至曾被你认为是错的,但是当你听完我的叙述之后,你发现有道理并被我说服了。有意识的培养自己说理的能力,对于思路的详细扩展有非常积极的影响。
学习啦在线学习网 One crucial point to be able to speak logically in the test is by making sure that one truly understands the question or the problem that needs to be answered or solved. If the answer that one gives is not even related to the question, then the answer becomes totally illogical. Even if all the grammars, dictions and even the choice of words are carefully said, the whole thing becomes nonsense. As they say, human beings were created with two ears, two eyes and one mouth because God wants us to listen more, see and observe more and speak less. In the medical field, doctor should be able to find the sickness first before being able to prescribe the right medicine. To be able to give the best solution and answers, students must be able to know and understand what the problem or question is.
学习啦在线学习网 I often hear students say “oops! I put my foot into my mouth again.” Students often speak words that they would regret later on once they are able to take the time to really think of the whole thing. Students often end up making the wrong decision or saying things that they would regret later on when they allow their emotion especially if it is negative to control them. To be able to speak logically requires a lot of brain power that is why it is logic. In the book of proverbs it says “as a man thinketh, so is he.” This simply means, students are what they think. During their idle times before the test, what students can do is think of questions, scenarios and situations of TOEL speaking test, then also think of the most logical answer that they can give. It is during this time that student’s brain is functioning more and not their emotion and adrenalin. They can process and practice everything properly without pressure. When the time comes that they come face to face with these questions, then they are prepared to answer confidently and logically because they were able to organize their thinking and plan ahead of time about the answer.
学习啦在线学习网 After organizing ones thought, students should practice on how to deliver their organized thing king and ideas out loud to themselves and, if appropriate, to a few others. Do it out loud because the words always come out right in your head, but if you have to speak them you'll catch some problems before hand. Most of the time students know what they want to say but when they say it out will be quite different from what they had thought. Do it again repeatedly. Keep doing it until you are comfortable and improved. Rehearsing is also a good way to build a student’s confidence in speaking. Practice makes perfect, it can really give student an ideal score in the exam.
学习啦在线学习网 组织好想法以后,同学们就要演练怎样大声对自己说了。如果可以的话,也可以对其他人说。大声说出来!语言已经在脑海中形成了!不过你会发现一些问题。很多时候,同学们发现要说的跟所想的有些区别。那就一遍一遍反复说,一直说到你自己觉得舒服,有所提高为止。这对提升考生的自信有极大好处。熟能生巧,这真的会给你带来高分哦。
