托福写作 | 论证不这样做,会死很惨的!
同样的,我们论证的一个话题(尤其是那种问你Do you agree or disagree即同意不同意的),很明显其实是存在两种截然不同的立场的,我们只是选择站在了其中一边而已。那么这是不是就意味着与我们对立的一边的声音我们就不用去管它了呢?
根据能量守恒定律(Law of energy conservation),即“各种能量形式互相转换是有方向和条件限制的,能量相互转换时其量值不变,表明能量不能被创造或消灭”,人们在使用语言描述事物变化时,应尽可能避免语言过于绝对化,尤其是在使用第二语言进行正式的书面表述时,更应该注意该语言中非绝对化表达方式的学习,这样才能尽显文章内容的客观性。
This tends to occur whenever there is a downturn in commodity prices.
This occurs whenever there is a downturn in commodity prices.
A child learning a foreign language at primary school causes confusion between their native language and the foreign one.
A child learning a foreign language at primary school is likely to cause confusion between their native language and the foreign one.
为解决该问题,一些表达委婉语气的用语和句式,考生可以尝试使用,如:may, might, would, could, largely, possibly, probably, be likely (unlikely) to, be inclined to, tend to, to a large (some) extent, there is a higher probability/possibility that…等。
错误二: 只回答部分问题
学习啦在线学习网Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
学习啦在线学习网I think it's probably true that people are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or something different from what is theirs. This just seems to be part of our human nature. Look at a toddler. Give her a toy to play with and she's happy-until she sees something eke. Then she wants that other toy to play with. If she and her brother are each given a cookie, she'll look to see whose cookie is bigger. She'll protest loudly if she thinks her brother is getting more.
"The grass is always greener" is an old expression, but it's a good expression of how many of us feel. We're always striving for a better job, a nicer place to live, a fancier car, or more expensive clothes. Part of this reaching for more and better is because we care about what other people think and want to impress them. Part of it is trying to make ourselves feel successful. But there's also something in our nature that tells us we can do better and reach higher.
学习啦在线学习网This isn't always a negative quality. There's another saying: "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" It's a good thing to be constantly pushing ourselves and looking for something different. If we don't try for more and different things, we begin to, stagnate, like a pool that doesn't get any fresh water.
The problem comes when we won't let ourselves be satisfied with anything we have. If we have a comfortable life and still feel as if something's missing, then we need to look inward. The something that's missing may be in our spirit.
Some people trust their first impressions about a person's character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person's character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? Support your choice with specific examples.
In our daily life, we will always be told a wealth of such cases as a guy who has fallen into love with a girl at the first sight, one of your friends who impresses your mother deeply on his or her first visit to your house and then is treated exceptionally well by your hard-to-be-pleased mother, and even the applicant who attracts to the HRM (human resources manager) immediately at the first sight of the interview and then is easily employed, to name just a few. All of the above-
mentioned cases tell us many people in the world trust the first impressions of a person, his or her character, her conduct and her eloquence, etc., all of which he or she displays at each other's first meet. But is all that he or she displays, or all that you understand through what he or she displays or hints correct or just a blur image which needs to be proved in the later days?
学习啦在线学习网Before we get the question to be treated, let’s think of the most probable (not absolutely) results of the cases mentioned in the first paragraph:
学习啦在线学习网The guy who has just experienced the above-said romance has to say goodbye to his newly-known girlfriend because later on he finds out that the girl is not as good as she looks; the friend of yours who has just won your hard-to-be-pleased mother's trust is criticized by your mother because of his or her great incoherency in the manners, and even the newly-employed employee is dismissed because of he is not telling the truth in his resume. Till now, do you still think the first impressions of a person’s character are dependable?
学习啦在线学习网Psychologically, in our head we had a very perfect image of a person, of course, which varies from one another owing to his of her specific experiences, education and family background, his or her own opinion about a special view, etc. and when such a person as confirms with the image in our head pretty congruently presents, we will, to great extent, overestimate or even exaggerate the his or her merits, while omit the shortcomings as we can help it. Maybe this is the psychological reason, thus we can ourselves lead to the answer to the question referred above that the first impressions of a person are generally incorrect and also irresponsible for yourself.
In a word, to judge a person needs time and the first-sight impression is always undependable.
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