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  Once upon a time there was a sorcerer who disguised himself as a poor man, went begging from house to house, and captured beautiful girls. No one knew where he took them, for none of them ever returned.

学习啦在线学习网   One day he came to the door of a man who had three beautiful daughters. He appeared to be a poor, weak beggar, and he carried a pack basket on his back, as though he wanted to collect some benevolent offerings in it. He asked for a bit to eat, and when the oldest daughter came out to give him a piece of bread, he simply touched her, and she was forced to jump into his pack basket. Then he hurried away with powerful strides and carried her to his house, which stood in the middle of a dark forest.

  Everything was splendid in the house, and he gave her everything that she wanted. He said, "My dear, you will like it here with me. You will have everything that your heart desires."

  So it went for a few days, and then he said to her, "I have to go away and leave you alone for a short time. Here are the house keys. You may go everywhere and look at everything except for the one room that this little key here unlocks. I forbid you to go there on the penalty of death."

  He also gave her an egg, saying, "Take good care of this egg. You should carry it with you at all times, for if you should loose it great misfortune would follow."

学习啦在线学习网   She took the keys and the egg, and promised to take good care of everything.

  As soon as he had gone she walked about in the house from top to bottom examining everything. The rooms glistened with silver and gold, and she thought that she had never seen such splendor.

  Finally she came to the forbidden door. She wanted to pass it by, but curiosity gave her no rest. She examined the key. It looked like any other one. She put it into the lock and twisted it a little, and then the door sprang open.

  What did she see when she stepped inside? A large bloody basin stood in the middle, inside which there lay the cut up parts of dead girls. Nearby there was a wooden block with a glistening ax lying on it.

学习啦在线学习网   She was so terrified that the egg, which she was holding in her hand, fell into the basin. She got it out again and wiped off the blood, but it was to no avail, for it always came back. She wiped and scrubbed, but she could not get rid of the stain.

  Not long afterward the man returned from his journey, and he immediately asked for the key and the egg. She handed them to him, shaking all the while, for he saw from the red stain that she had been in the blood chamber.

  "You went into that chamber against my will," he said, "and now against your will you shall go into it once again. Your life is finished."

学习啦在线学习网   He threw her down, dragged her by her hair into the chamber, cut off her head on the block, then cut her up into pieces, and her blood flowed out onto the floor. Then he threw her into the basin with the others.

  "Now I will go get the second one," said the sorcerer, and, again disguised as a poor man, he went to their house begging.

  The second sister brought him a piece of bread, and, as he had done to the first one, he captured her by merely touching her, and he carried her away. It went with her no better than it had gone with her sister. She let herself be led astray by her curiosity, opened the blood chamber and looked inside. When he returned she paid with her life.

学习啦在线学习网   Then he went and captured the third sister, but she was clever and sly. After he had given her the keys and the egg, and had gone away, she carefully put the egg aside, and then examined the house, entering finally the forbidden chamber.

  Oh, what she saw! He two dear sisters were lying there in the basin, miserably murdered and chopped to pieces. In spite of this she proceeded to gather their parts together, placing them back in order: head, body, arms, and legs. Then, when nothing else was missing, the parts began to move. They joined together, and the two girls opened their eyes and came back to life. Rejoicing, they kissed and hugged one another.

学习啦在线学习网   When the man returned home he immediately demanded the keys and the egg, and when he was unable to detect any trace of blood on them, he said, "You have passed the test. You shall be my bride."

  He now had no more power over her and had to do whatever she demanded.

学习啦在线学习网   "Good," she answered, "but first you must take a basketful of gold to my father and mother. You yourself must carry it there on your back. In the meanwhile I shall make preparations for the wedding."

  Then she ran to her sisters, whom she had hidden in a closet, and said, "The moment is here when I can rescue you. The evildoer himself shall carry you home. As soon as you have arrived at home send help to me."

  She put them both into a basket, then covered them entirely with gold, so that nothing could be seen of them.

  Then she called the sorcerer in and said, "Now carry this basket away, but you are not to stop and rest underway. Take care, for I shall be watching you through my little window."

学习啦在线学习网   The sorcerer lifted the basket onto his back and walked away with it. However, it pressed down so heavily on him that the sweat ran from his face. He sat down, wanting to rest, but immediately one of the girls in the basket called out, "I am looking through my little window, and I can see that you are resting. Walk on!"

学习啦在线学习网   He thought that his bride was calling to him, so he got up again. Then he again wanted to sit down, but someone immediately called out, "I am looking through my little window, and I can see that you are resting. Walk on!"

  Every time that he stopped walking, someone called out, and he had to walk on until, groaning and out of breath, he brought the basket with the gold and the two girls to their parents' house.

学习啦在线学习网   At home the bride was making preparations for the wedding feast, to which she had had the sorcerer's friends invited. Then she took a skull with grinning teeth, adorned it with jewelry and with a wreath of flowers, carried it to the attic window, and let it look out.

  When everything was ready she dipped herself into a barrel of honey, then cut open the bed and rolled around in it until she looked like a strange bird, and no one would have been able to recognize her. Then she walked out of the house.

学习啦在线学习网   Underway some of the wedding guests met her, and they asked, "You, Fitcher's bird, where are you coming from?"

  "I am coming from Fitcher's house."

  "What is his young bride doing there?"

  "She has swept the house from bottom to top, and now she is looking out of the attic window."

学习啦在线学习网   Finally her bridegroom met her. He was slowly walking back home, and, like the others, he asked, "You, Fitcher's bird, where are you coming from?"

  "I am coming from Fitcher's house."

学习啦在线学习网   "What is my young bride doing there?"

  "She has swept the house from bottom to top, and now she is looking out of the attic window."

  The bridegroom looked up. Seeing the decorated skull, he thought it was his bride, and he waved a friendly greeting to her.

  After he and all his guests had gone into the house, the bride's brothers and relatives arrived. They had been sent to rescue her. After closing up all the doors of the house so that no one could escape, they set it afire, and the sorcerer, together with his gang, all burned to death.


学习啦在线学习网   从前有个巫师,装作穷人,挨家挨户地乞讨,而实际上他是碰到漂亮姑娘就抓。谁也说不上他把姑娘们抓到哪儿去了,因为他带走的姑娘没有一个回来过。

学习啦在线学习网   有一天,他来到一家人门口,这家人有三个漂亮的姑娘。他背着一个篮子,像是准备装人们施舍的东西,样子活像个身体虚弱、令人怜悯的乞丐。他求那家人给他点吃的,於是大女儿走了出来。巫师不用碰她,姑娘就会不自觉地跳进他的篮子,然后他就迈着大步朝密林深处自己的住所逃去。




学习啦在线学习网   巫师不久就回来了。他要的第一件东西就是钥匙和鸡蛋。姑娘战战兢兢地将钥匙和鸡蛋递了过去,巫师从她那副表情和鸡蛋上的红点马上就知道她进过那间血腥的房间。「既然你违背了我的意愿进了那间屋子,现在我就要你违背自己的意愿再回到那里去,你死定了。」巫师说着就拽着姑娘的头发,一路拖着进了那间屠宰房,把她的头摁在砧板上砍了,把她的四肢也砍了,让血满地流淌,接着就把屍体扔进盆里和其他屍体放在一块儿。




学习啦在线学习网   再说三姑娘在巫师家里一边准备婚宴一边给巫师的朋友们发请贴。她准备了一个咧嘴露牙的骷髅,给它戴上花环,装饰了一下,然后将它放到阁楼上的小窗口前,让它从那里往外看着。等这些事情都做完了,姑娘跳进一桶蜂蜜,然后把羽毛床划开,自己在上面滚,直到浑身都粘满了毛,人像只奇异的鸟,谁都认不出她了为止。她走到外面,一路上都碰到来参加婚礼的客人。他们问她:




学习啦在线学习网   「她把楼下楼上已打扫得整齐乾净,我想,这会儿正从窗口向外张望。」



学习啦在线学习网   「从附近的费切尔家走来的。」





  In past times there were a king and a queen, who said every day, "Oh, if only we had a child!" but they never received one.

学习啦在线学习网   Then it happened one day while the queen was sitting in her bath, that a frog crept out of the water onto the ground and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled, and before a year passes you will bring a daughter into the world."

学习啦在线学习网   What the frog said did happen, and the queen gave birth to a girl who was so beautiful that the king could not contain himself for joy, and he ordered a great celebration. He invited not only his relatives, friends, and acquaintances, but also the wise women so that they would be kindly disposed toward the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but because he had only twelve golden plates from which they were to eat, one of them had to remain at home.

  The feast was celebrated with great splendor, and at its conclusion the wise women presented the child with their magic gifts. The one gave her virtue, the second one beauty, the third one wealth, and so on with everything that one could wish for on earth.

  The eleventh one had just pronounced her blessing when the thirteenth one suddenly walked in. She wanted to avenge herself for not having been invited, and without greeting anyone or even looking at them she cried out with a loud voice, "In the princess's fifteenth year she shall prick herself with a spindle and fall over dead." And without saying another word she turned around and left the hall.

  Everyone was horrified, and the twelfth wise woman, who had not yet offered her wish, stepped foreward. Because she was unable to undo the wicked wish, but only to soften it, she said, "It shall not be her death. The princess will only fall into a hundred-year deep sleep."

学习啦在线学习网   The king, wanting to rescue his dear child, issued an order that all spindles in the entire kingdom should be burned. The wise women's gifts were all fulfilled on the girl, for she was so beautiful, well behaved, friendly, and intelligent that everyone who saw her had to love her.

学习啦在线学习网   Now it happened that on the day when she turned fifteen years of age the king and the queen were not at home, and the girl was all alone in the castle. She walked around from one place to the next, looking into rooms and chambers as her heart desired. Finally she came to an old tower. She climbed up the narrow, winding stairs and arrived at a small door. In the lock there was a rusty key, and when she turned it the door sprang open. There in a small room sat an old woman with a spindle busily spinning her flax.

  "Good day, old woman," said the princess. "What are you doing there?"

学习啦在线学习网   "I am spinning," said the old woman, nodding her head.

  "What is that thing that is so merrily bouncing about?" asked the girl, taking hold of the spindle, for she too wanted to spin.

学习啦在线学习网   She had no sooner touched the spindle when the magic curse was fulfilled, and she pricked herself in the finger. The instant that she felt the prick she fell onto a bed that was standing there, and she lay there in a deep sleep. And this sleep spread throughout the entire castle. The king and queen, who had just returned home, walked into the hall and began falling asleep, and all of their attendants as well. The horses fell asleep in their stalls, the dogs in the courtyard, the pigeons on the roof, the flies on the walls, and even the fire on the hearth flickered, stopped moving, and fell asleep. The roast stopped sizzling. The cook, who was about to pull kitchen boy's hair for having done something wrong, let him loose and fell asleep. The wind stopped blowing, and outside the castle not a leaf was stirring in the trees.

学习啦在线学习网   Round about the castle a thorn hedge began to grow, and every year it became higher, until it finally surrounded and covered the entire castle. Finally nothing at all could be seen of it, not even the flag on the roof.

  A legend circulated throughout the land about the beautiful sleeping Little Brier-Rose, for so the princess was called. Legends also told that from time to time princes came, wanting to force their way through the hedge into the castle. However, they did not succeed, for the thorns held firmly together, as though they had hands, and the young men became stuck in them, could not free themselves, and died miserably.

  Many long, long years later, once again a prince came to the country. He heard an old man telling about the thorn hedge. It was said that there was a castle behind it, in which a beautiful princess named Little Brier-Rose had been asleep for a hundred years, and with her the king and the queen and all the royal attendants were sleeping. He also knew from his grandfather that many princes had come and tried to penetrate the thorn hedge, but they had become stuck in it and died a sorrowful death.

  Then the young man said, "I am not afraid. I will go there and see the beautiful Little Brier-Rose."

  However much the good old man tried to dissuade him, the prince would not listen to his words.

  The hundred years had just passed, and the day had come when Little Brier-Rose was to awaken. When the prince approached the thorn hedge, it was nothing but large, beautiful flowers that separated by themselves, allowing him to pass through without harm, but then behind him closed back into a hedge.

  In the courtyard he saw the horses and spotted hunting dogs lying there asleep, and on the roof the pigeons, perched with their little heads tucked under they wings. When he walked inside the flies were asleep on the wall, the cook in the kitchen was still holding up his hand as if he wanted to grab the boy, and the maid was sitting in front of the black chicken that was supposed to be plucked. He walked further and saw all the attendants lying asleep in the hall, and above them near the throne the king and the queen were lying. He walked on still further, and it was so quiet that he could hear his own breath. Finally he came to the tower and opened the door to the little room where Little Brier-Rose was sleeping.

  There she lay and was so beautiful that he could not take his eyes off her. He bent over and gave her a kiss. When he touched her with the kiss Little Brier-Rose opened her eyes, awoke, and looked at him kindly.

学习啦在线学习网   They went downstairs together, and the king awoke, and the queen, and all the royal attendants, and they looked at one another in amazement. The horses in the courtyard stood up and shook themselves. The hunting dogs jumped and wagged their tails. The pigeons on the roof pulled their little heads out from beneath their wings, looked around, and flew into the field. The flies on the walls crept about again. The fire in the kitchen rose up, broke into flames, and cooked the food. The roast began to sizzle once again. The cook boxed the boy's ears, causing him to cry, and the maid finished plucking the chicken.

学习啦在线学习网   And then the prince's marriage to Little Brier-Rose was celebrated with great splendor, and they lived happily until they died.




学习啦在线学习网   国王为了不使他的女儿遭到那种不幸,命令将王国里的所有纺锤都收上来,又把它们全部销毁。随着时间的流逝,女巫师们的所有祝福都在公主身上应验了:她聪明美丽,性格温柔,举止优雅,真是人见人爱。但恰恰在她十五岁的那一天,国王和王后都不在家,公主单独一个人被留在王宫里。她在宫里到处穿来穿去,大小房间都看完了,最后,她来到了一个古老的宫楼。宫楼里面有一座很狭窄的楼梯,楼梯尽头有一扇门,门上插着一把金钥匙。当她转动金钥匙时,门一下子就弹开了,一个老太婆坐在里面在忙着纺纱。公主见了说道:「喂!老妈妈,您好!您这是在干甚么呀?」「纺纱。」老太婆回答说,接着又点了点头。「这小东西转起来真有意思!」说着,公主上前也想拿起纺锤纺纱,但她刚一碰到它,立即就倒在地上失去了知觉,以前的咒语真的应验了。

学习啦在线学习网   然而,她并没有死,只是倒在那里沉沉地睡去了。国王和王后正在这时回来了,他们刚走进大厅也跟着睡着了;马厩里的马,院子里的狗,屋顶上的鸽子,墙上的苍蝇,也都跟着睡着了;甚至连火炉里的火也停止燃烧入睡了;烧烤的肉不炸响了;厨师此刻正抓住一个做错了事的童工的头发,要给他一耳光,让他滚出去,他们两个也定在那儿睡过去了。所有的一切都不动了,全都沉沉地睡去。

学习啦在线学习网   不久,王宫的四周长出了一道蒺藜组成的大篱笆,年复一年,它们越长越高,越长越茂密,最后竟将整座宫殿遮得严严实实,甚至连屋顶和烟囱也看不见了。


学习啦在线学习网   许多许多年过去了,一天,又有一位王子踏上了这块土地。一位老大爷向他讲起了蒺藜树丛的故事,说树篱之内有一座漂亮的王宫,王宫里有一位仙女般的公主,她的名字叫玫瑰公主,她和整座王宫及里面的人都在沉睡。他还说,他曾听他的爷爷谈起有许许多多的王子来过这儿,他们都想穿过树篱,但都被缠在里面死去了。听了这些,这位王子说:「所有这些都吓不倒我,我要看玫瑰公主去!」老人劝他不要去试,可他却坚持要去。


















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