THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FAILURERobert H. SchullerFailure doesn t mean you are a failure,It does mean you haven t succeeded yet.Failure doesn t mean you have accomplished nothing,It does mean you have learned something.Failure doesn t mean you have been a fool,It does mean you had a lot of faith.Failure doesn t mean you ve been disgraced,It does mean you were willing to try.Failure doesn t mean you don t have it,It does mean you have to do something in a different way.Failure doesn t mean you are inferior,It does mean you are not perfect.Failure doesn t mean you ve wasted your life,It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.Failure doesn t mean you should give up,It does mean you must try harder.Failure doesn t mean you ll never make it,It does mean it will take a little longer.Failure doesn t mean God has abandoned you,It does mean God has a better idea.
十大策略 失败的意义罗伯特•H•舒勒失败并不代表你是个失败者,它只表明你尚未成功。失败并不代表你一无所获,它只表明你吸取了一次教训。失败并不代表你很愚蠢,它只表明你信心百倍。失败并不代表你无脸见人,它只表明你百折不回。失败并不代表你工夫白费,它只表明你的做事方法尚待改进。失败并不代表你低人一等。它只表明你并非完人。失败并不代表你浪费生命,它只表明你有理由重新开始。失败并不代表你应该放弃,它只表明你要加倍努力。失败并不代表成功永不属于你,它只表明你要付出更多的时间。失败并不代表上帝已经抛弃你,它只表明上帝还有更好的主意。
FOLLOW YOUR OWN COURSENeil SimonDon t listen to those who say,“It s not done that way.”Maybe it s not, but maybe you will.Don t listen to those who say,“You re taking too big a chance.”Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor,and it would surely be rubbed out by today.Most importantly, don t listenWhen the little voice of fear inside of yourear its ugly head and says,“They re all smarter than you out there.They re more talented,They re taller, blonder, prettier, luckier and haveconnections...”I firmly believe that if you follow a path that interestsyou,Not to the exclusion of love, sensitivity, and cooperationwith others,But with the strength of convictionThat you can move others by your own efforts,And do not make success or failure the criteria by which youlive,The chances are you ll be a person worthy of your ownrespect.
FAITHNapolean HillFaith is the “eternal elixir”Which gives life, power, and action to the impulse ofthought!Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!Faith is the basis of all “miracles”,And all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules ofscience!Faith is the only known antidote for failure!Faith is the element, the “chemical” which,When mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication withInfinite Intelligence.Faith is the element which transforms the ordinary vibrationof thought, created by the finite mind of man, into thespiritual equivalent.Faith is the only agency through whichthe cosmic force of InfiniteIntelligence can be harnessed and used by man.
学习啦在线学习网 ON CHANGESIrene DunlapChange is the only absolutein the world,the only thingthat you can depend on.Nothing stays the same.Tomorrow will come,bringing with itnew beginnings and sometimesunexpected endings.You can hold on to the pastand get left in the dust;or, you can choose tojump on the ride of lifeand live a new adventurewith perseveranceand an open mind.
学习啦在线学习网 论变化艾琳•邓莱普变化是世界上惟一绝对的东西,是惟一你能相信的事情。没有什么能一成不变,明天将来临,它会带来新的开始,并且有时还会带来意想不到的结局。你可以抓住过去,蒙受遗弃;或者,你可以选择跃上生命之车进行一次新的冒险,凭借坚持不懈和广阔的胸怀。
RESULTS AND ROSESEdgar Albert GuestThe man who wants a garden fair,Or small or very big,With flowers growing here and there,Must bend his back and dig.The things are mighty few on earth,That wishes can attain,Whatever we want of any worth,We ve got to work to gain.It matters not what goal you seek,Its secret here reposes:You ve got to dig from week to week,To get results or roses.
