学习啦在线学习网 You think you're so smooth – the James Bond of covert job searching. Where he used wrist-mounted dart guns and camera-implanted rings, you have deceptive "dentist appointments" and a conveniently angled computer monitor to conceal secret résumé tweaking. Unfortunately, while you smugly sip a shaken martini – uh, iced coffee – you may not realize that your cover was blown. Your boss is onto you, and it's no wonder.
学习啦在线学习网 你是不是觉得你游刃有余,悄悄找工作的能力简直就是职场届的詹姆斯邦德。只需利用手腕上的内置摄像头戒指便可造出一份伪造的牙医预约,并摆好电脑屏幕偷偷修改你的简历。当你沾沾自喜喝着搅匀的马蒂,或是冰咖啡时,候殊不知你的遮羞布已经被掀掉啦。你的老板当然得找你“喝茶”。
Below are 10 clues you left that basically scream: "I am job searching!"
1. You became a LinkedIn superstar overnight.
If managers suspect you're looking elsewhere, your LinkedIn profile is often the first place they'll snoop, says Jenny Foss, founder of the career blog JobJenny.com and author of "Ridiculously Awesome Job Search Kit." "It's where a lot of people tend to get busted," she adds.
如果经理们怀疑你在到处找工作。最先肯定窥探你在领英上面的个人资料。Jenny Foss如是说,她是职业博客JobJenny.com的博主,也是“找工作神器”这本书的作者。这是一个很多人想被被人搜索的平台,Foss补充道。
学习啦在线学习网 A robust LinkedIn presence is crucial to any job search. You know that. Your manager knows that. And your manager probably knows that you know that – so she'll be concerned when you go from having a bare-bones profile on Monday to one jacked with additional work history, new connections, status updates and recommendations by Friday. "Don't go from zero to 500 overnight, because that can be quite obvious," Foss cautions.
学习啦在线学习网 在领英平台上高频出现是找工作的关键。你知道这点,你们经理也知道这点。你的经理兴许还知道你知道这点。所以她会从开始关注周一你的个人简介只是有个大概框架,到周五你增加了工作经历,新人脉,状态更新,推荐信慢慢被顶起,别一夜之间从0涨到500那样太明显了Foss提醒道。
Foss also points out that recommendations from others are time-stamped, so it looks fishy to have five new accolades on your profile, all written within the same week. "They don't look like they're coming organically," she says. "It looks like you're out shaking the bushes, trying to get people to say nice things about you."
Foss 还指出别人的推荐信有时间标记。如果你一周之内有五个新的赞那样看起来会很可疑,这些赞不像是真心的,好像你在刷好评,让别人说你好。
No, this doesn't mean you should abandon your LinkedIn profile for fear of a suspicious boss. But it does mean you should be more careful. For one, turn off your activity broadcasts so that every savvy move you make isn't announced to your entire network. Here's how: From the homepage, hover over your photo in the top right corner, and click on "Privacy & Settings." From this page, click "Turn on/off your activity broadcasts."
学习啦在线学习网 当然这也并不是说,你害怕老板起疑心,就要放弃你在领英上面的简介。但是告诉你,得小心点。其中一点是关掉你的活动广播这样你每一次策略性的行动就不会被所有网民发现,下面教你怎么做,在主页面,光标停在右上角,点击个性设置,在个性设置里面点击活动广播。
学习啦在线学习网 If the timing of your job search allows, Foss recommends beefing up your LinkedIn profile gradually (and thus inconspicuously). Or better yet, work on it when you're not job searching.
学习啦在线学习网 如果时间允许的话,Fossil建议逐步完善你在领英上面的简介(这样可以不会太明显)或者最好的是你还没找工作的时候就完善它。
2. You've suddenly become a Twitter thought leader.
学习啦在线学习网 Similar to quick LinkedIn overhauling, Foss says employers will likely notice if you abruptly go from tweeting cat GIFs and "Game of Thrones" spoilers to posting thoughtful, industry-focused content and participating in job-search Twitter chats. These are generally good moves for your job search, but bad ones for keeping it under wraps, so again, take it slow.
学习啦在线学习网 就像在领英上面快速的翻新简介一样,Foss说雇主们可能也会关注你突然一下子从推送小猫的GIF图和权力的游戏的剧透到推送一些具有思考意义的产业专注内容,参加Twitter上面找工作聊天。这些举动对你找工作当然有帮助,但是无益于找工作的隐秘性,所以还是要强调一下,慢慢来。
3. Your boss received your résumé from a contact of a contact.
You're networking – yes! But you're networking so thoroughly within your industry that word gets back to your boss. "The world is small," says Andrea Kay, career consultant and author of "This Is How To Get Your Next Job," so this kind of thing does happen. When sharing your résumé and other job-search materials with new and old professional contacts, explicitly state that your hunt is confidential, Foss says.
学习啦在线学习网 你是有人脉,是的没错。但是你是在你的业界彻底地撒下关系网这样你说的话又传到你老板耳朵里了。这个世界太小了Andrea Kay说。他是一位职业顾客也是《如何获得下一份工作》这本书的作者。这样的事情经常发生。当你和新老人脉分享你的简历和其他跟找工作相关的材料时,明确地表明你这次找工作是秘密的Foss说。
4. You're taking four-hour lunches and have way too many dentist appointments.
Yes, it is that obvious when you're interviewing elsewhere and go MIA, with or without a flimsy excuse. Schedule phone interviews for personal hours, like a lunch break, and take vacation or PTO days for lengthy in-person interviews. "That way, you're not feeling pressured during the interview to get back to work – which can affect how you handle the interview – and you're not stealing time from your employers," Kay says.
学习啦在线学习网 是的,当你到处面试的时候,去MIA没有借口借口很牵强的时候十分明显。可以在私人时间比如午饭时间电话面试。也可以利用节假日或者带薪假期进行长时间的现场面试,这样面试的时候你不会因为要赶回来上班感到紧张压迫。同时也可以帮助你面试进行的顺利,而且你也没占用工作的时间,Kay说。
5. Your co-worker blabbed.
"I'm always amazed at how many people tell their co-workers about their job search," Kay says. "That's one of the worst things you can do." Ideally, you wouldn't tell any co-workers, but you may have to if you want them to serve as references. In that case, Kay says, "you need to pick people who you really trust, who don't have a hidden agenda and who won't let it slip."
学习啦在线学习网 6. You dressed 10 times nicer than usual yesterday.
学习啦在线学习网 6.你昨天穿得比平时好看10倍。
People (read: your boss) will notice if you go from sporting a uniform of jeans and a T-shirt to showing up in a tailored suit on interview day. This is all the more reason to take the day off from work to interview, but if you don't, dress as usual at the office. And then, Foss says, "leave the premises, and stop in a McDonald's parking lot on the way to the interview to change."
7. Your company's human resources staff saw your résumé on a job board.
学习啦在线学习网 7.你们公司的人事在一个求职网站上发现了你的简历。
When you post your résumé to a job board, such as Monster or Indeed, there's a chance your current employer could see it. In fact, Foss says many HR staffers and managers regularly search for their company names within job board submissions specifically to see if their employees are looking for jobs.
学习啦在线学习网 当你在求职布告栏比如Monster或者Indeed发布你的简历时,你现在的雇主是可有机会看到你的简历的。Foss说很多人事和经理经常在求职栏搜索职工的名字看他们是不是在找工作。
学习啦在线学习网 There's often an option to post your résumé anonymously, so do that, Foss says. "Or forgo that option and stick with LinkedIn," she adds. "You're way more likely to be found by recruiters and hiring managers there anyway."
学习啦在线学习网 8. You left your résumé in the freaking printer!
学习啦在线学习网 8.你把简历留在了该死的打印机里!
Yes, it happens. Print all application materials from home, the library, a print shop – anywhere besides your current company's office.
学习啦在线学习网 是的,这经常发生。你可以在家里,图书馆,打印店等除了你现在工作的公司办公室的任何地方打印申请材料。
In fact, create a hard and fast rule to keep work and job searching separate. That means no sneaking out for a phone interview. No browsing job boards. No applying or networking with your work email address. "You don't watch porn at work, and you don't work on your résumé at work," Kay says. "You just don't."
The reason is twofold: For one, logistically, there are simply too many opportunities to get caught job searching. Résumé copies will be found. Computer servers will be checked. Co-workers will notice when you're clearly elsewhere, either literally for interviews or emotionally (more on that later).
学习啦在线学习网 理由有两方面:首先,从逻辑上讲,你实在有太多的机会被人抓住你在搜索工作。简历的副本会被发现。计算机服务器会被检查。工作伙伴会从表面上或者情绪上(多半是后者)察觉到你为面试而心不在焉。
学习啦在线学习网 And – oh, right – ethics. "You're not being fair to your employer if you're using the company's dime to get the heck out of there," Foss says.
学习啦在线学习网 还有呢,就是道德。“如果你通过使用公司的设备来设法离开这里就实在对你的雇主太不公平了。”福斯说。
9. You've been avoiding your boss.
学习啦在线学习网 When she consults managers, Kay says many of them suspect something is fishy when their employees stop talking to them as often, whether it's to give an update, ask for an opinion or just say hello. As Kay puts it: "You're not doing the things you normally would have to keep the relationship going."
学习啦在线学习网 10. You've just been acting weird, OK?
学习啦在线学习网 10.你真的很明显,好吧?
学习啦在线学习网 "This is a hard one for people to understand how they're doing it, but it's an easy one for managers to pick up," Kay says. In many cases, you're disengaged, or as Kay describes it: "not being totally mentally present." Maybe you used to chime in a lot during meetings, and now you're quiet. Maybe you're not producing as much as you used to. Maybe you're not excited about a new project you've been asked to manage.
学习啦在线学习网 “一般人很难发现你们在做什么,但是你的异常却很容易被经理们捕捉到。”凯说。许多情况下,你漫不经心,或者如凯描述得那样:“精神完全不在状态。”或许你过去常常积极参与会议,但是你现在沉默了。或许你没有过去做得多了。或许你不再对你要做的案子感兴趣了。
学习啦在线学习网 Or maybe you've become bolder in arguing against decisions you disagree with, Foss says. "Any variation to what's expected of you or from you could raise an eyebrow," she adds.
学习啦在线学习网 Job-searching employees often send these subtle signals without expecting their managers to notice, Kay says. But they do.
学习啦在线学习网 "They say: 'I wonder why she kept her head down in the meeting; I wonder why she's not eager to take over that project; I wonder why she's leaving early a couple days a week," Kay says. "You're planting questions in their head."