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  以下是小编整理的英语文章:九招教你重温恋爱感觉, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

学习啦在线学习网   1.You have to turn the attention of your spouse's wandering eyes back to you.

学习啦在线学习网   你要把爱人的注意力吸引回你身上。

  You do this by having "Date Nights." It can be three times a month at the very least, where you and your spouse get the chance to dress sexy and leave the kids with the babysitter or a family member.


  Go to a place you haven't been in a long time and you both enjoy such as a fancy restaurant, a club, to play pool, or the movies, or even a bar. This night should be about rediscovering yourselves again and the fun part of you and your spouse, so try leaving the bossiness, jealousy, and talks about money and kids behind.


学习啦在线学习网   2.Hold hands.


学习啦在线学习网   It might be cheesy to some people and it may take getting used to but in fact holding hands builds a bond with your partner and it gives you a sense of romance sort of like when the two were boyfriend and girlfriend, or in the beginning of the relationship.


  At first you might not feel comfortable and you might even be shy in publicbecause you are not used to this, but this is romance and is intimacy.


  3.Share information with your spouse.


  There are couples that don't even talk to each other anymore, or when they do is only talks of money, kids, and schedule.

学习啦在线学习网   有的夫妻甚至都不和对方聊天,或只聊钱、孩子和日程安排。

  Take the time to ask your spouse how their day was. If they are hesitant to share information and just answer with a mere fine, start the conversation. Tell them something that happened at your job or around the house, tell them something you might have discussed at work with your friends, or how your job is going. This will get them to want to share their information and they will also start building the habit of asking you how work was.

学习啦在线学习网   花点时间问问你的爱人一天过得怎么样。如果他/她们有点犹豫不想说,只回答说“还好”,那你就开始跟他/她聊天。告诉他们你工作上或家里发生了什么,告诉他们你本来要和工作上的朋友讨论的事,或者你的工作进展得怎么样。这会使他们想要和你分享他们的事,并开始养成问问你工作的习惯。

学习啦在线学习网   4.Be kind to one another.


  Relationships that have lasted for a while tend to fall into habits and tricks, you get to know your partner's likes and dislike and so you know what they hate the most, what hurts their feelings, what makes them cry, or laugh. Some partners take advantage of this and decide to use this against one another.


学习啦在线学习网   Do not insult each other whether in public or in the privacy of the house. Insulting each other causes hurt feelings and the damage might be irreversible. Even if you are mad, try to refrain from using nicknames or curse words and saying things that you will later regret, because what you might be left with in the relationship is only resentment towards each other. Take the time to say nice things to your partner. Call them sweetie, honey, baby, and tell them how good they smell or anything that is kind and tender. This will make your partner feel love and will in turn make them treat you the same way.


  5.Plan a vacation.


学习啦在线学习网   Sometimes we just need to get away and go on vacation with our partners. Family, too much work, stress in the relationship, worries about bills or kids can also affect the relationship. Find a romantic getaway even if you are taking the kids with you. Book things to do and try new things with your partner to bond. Drink some champagne, listen to soft music, and light some candles. Romance is the key to staying in love. Do everything in the vacation with your partner.


  6.Always remember your partner's birthday.


学习啦在线学习网   There’s nothing more awful than your partner forgetting your birthday or you forgetting theirs. No matter how old we get we should always remember their birthday and they should do the same. Even if you can't buy them an expensive birthday gift, just saying happy birthday and acknowledging their birthday will make them feel good.

学习啦在线学习网   没有什么事比你的爱人忘记你的生日或你忘记他们的生日更糟糕了。无论我们多大年纪,都应该牢记他们的生日,他们也应如此。即使你不能给他们买一份贵重的生日礼物,只说一声“生日快乐”来表明你记得他们的生日也会让他们很开心的。

  7.Renew your vows.

学习啦在线学习网   重申你们的誓言。

  Relive the moment of when the two of you decided to become one and you can even make it better this time.

学习啦在线学习网   重新体验一次你们决定结为夫妻的那一刻,这一次你们能做的更好。

  When renewing your vows, you don't have to have a big celebration with all the friends you know and your partner know and the whole lot of people like the first time. It can be a small family and close friends’ celebration. The important thing this time around is creating your own vows. Take the time and think about all the things you like about your partner. This will make both of you remember and think of why you love each other and the things that you like about each other.

学习啦在线学习网   重申誓言时,不必像第一次邀请所有亲朋好友那样隆重,仅限于家人和亲近朋友在一起庆祝就可以。这次的重点是说出你们自己的誓言,花时间想想你喜欢他/她的哪些方面。这会使你们两个人想起,并明白你们为什么爱对方,你们爱对方的哪一点。

  8.Hygiene is important for romance.


  There is nothing worse than cuddling at nighttime with your partner only to find out they don't smell so good and then the moment is ruined.


学习啦在线学习网   9.Write love letters.


  This is something we, both women and men, have completely forgotten about. Don't we love those romantic movies about a letter such as message in a bottle? Why can't we have our own fairy tales? Well we might not have a fairy tale life but we can have our own romantic story.


学习啦在线学习网   Sit down and think about all the things you like about your husband or wife, think about what made you fall in love with him or her and write it down in a piece of paper, then think about something you want to say to your love one. If this is difficult, think if it was your very last day on this earth or last day you were going to see them what did you want them to know?



以下是小编整理的旅游英语文章:九招教你重温恋爱感觉, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。 1.You have to turn the attention of your spouses wandering eyes back to you. 你要把爱人的注意力吸引回你身上。 You do this by having Dat
