学习啦在线学习网 托福口语历来是托福考试中的难项,但知己知彼,就能百战不殆。为了帮助备考托福的同学们从了解到掌握,今天,我们将开启托福口语系列的评分标准讲解,小编带你从零开始学懂托福口语!
在讲解具体每一个分数的具体要求前我们先来回顾一下托福口语评分标准三大维度,它们分别是delivery、language use 以及topic development。我们来看一下官方指南上对于这三点的解释。
01 Delivery
Delivery :How clear your speech is. Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns
02 Language use
学习啦在线学习网 Language use:How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters will be listening for how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.
学习啦在线学习网 03Topic development
学习啦在线学习网 Topic development:How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas. Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.
学习啦在线学习网 话题发展:考生是否能完成命题所要求的所有任务,表达是否连冠一致。好的表达应该在规定时间内完成,并且能够让评分人很容易听出各个观点之间的关系和思路之间的衔接。
学习啦在线学习网 语言表达:总体上语速适中,语言清晰流畅。存在一些小的失误或发音和语调上的小问题。但是并不影响整体的可理解性。
学习啦在线学习网 语言使用:回答显示考生能够有效地运用语法和词汇,回答存在较高程度的自主性并且能够很好地掌握基本和复杂的句式结构。回答允许出现一些明显的小错误,但不会混淆意思。
Some universities require first year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Sample 1
I think the better policy is to make student live in the dorm, because the first year student live in the dorm...because I think they can be safer first, because they are from...most are come from other town, so they don’t really know the environment. so...I think it safer. huh...Moreover I think they can make friends in the dorm so they can have good relationship to know on the...on the university’s...is...I mean...they know better the environment. Especially they don’t have cars...
Sample 2
Um... I think it’s better for the first- year students to live on campus rather than off campus. Main reason because they are new to the city and it’s safer for them to live on campus where there’s more security. Because they don’t know much about the city in the first place. Uh... Second of all, it helps them to become more familiar with the surroundings where they have to study. It also helps them to meet new people. Living in the dorm encourages friendships with people who you might not...um...seem very comfortable with first time. And it helps to meet new people, it helps to doing with the seniors if any live in the dorm.
学习啦在线学习网 老师给大家两个sample responses,为了方便理解也给出了两个回答的文本,大家理解后可以自己判定一下如果你是rater,你会给这两个答案给多少分?哪一个更符合我们四分的评分标准?
hi guys, this is Jiarui, today we’re gonna continue to talk about scoring rubrics of toefl speaking section. 今天依旧是由我来给大家讲解托福口语评分标准,之前的内容中我们主要讲解了托福口语评分三大维度以及四分评分标准的具体内容【参考阅读:托福口语评分标准解析|从零开始】,不知道大家还记不记得老师上节课给大家留了一个小小的任务,判断一下以下这两个sample responses哪一个是满分回答?
Some universities require first year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
sample 1
I think the better policy is to make student live in the dorm, because the first year student live in the dorm, because I think they can be safer first, because they are from most of them are come from other town, so they don’t really know the environment. so I think it safer. huh, moreover I think they can make friends in the dorm so they can have a good relationship to know on the, on the university’s is, the goal I mean, they know better the environment. Especially they don’t have cars.
sample 2
学习啦在线学习网 I think it’s better for the first year students to live on campus rather than off campus. Main reason because they are new to the city and it safer for them to live on campus where there’s more security. Because they don’t know much about the city in the first place. Second of all, it helps them to become more familiar with the surroundings where they have to study. It also helps them to meet new people. Living in the dorm encourages friendships with people who you might not seem very comfortable with first time. And it helps to meet new people, it helps to interact with the seniors if any live in your dorm.
学习啦在线学习网 现在来公布正确答案,sample 2是满分回答,不知道大家有没有回答正确呢?
学习啦在线学习网 我们来分析一下为什么能够拿到4分
01 Delivery
学习啦在线学习网 02 Language use
03 Topic development
学习啦在线学习网 答案结构完整,考生能够恰当地回答了问题,并且有一定的细节来支撑自己的观点。
以上三点均能满足,所以sample 2为满分回答。
那么大家可以猜测一下sample response1是多少分呢?
学习啦在线学习网 Sample 1在实际考试中拿到了3分,在讲解为什么这个回答是三分之前,我们还是先来学习一下ets 给出的3分评分标准的具体内容, 判断一下sample 1是否满足我们3分评分细则。
Sample 1
01 Delivery
学习啦在线学习网 有一些发音上的小错误,回答停顿处稍多,但基本不影响整体理解
02 Language use
学习啦在线学习网 有一定的语法错误,词汇和句式稍受限,但基本不影响理解
03 Topic development
学习啦在线学习网 答案结构较为完整,回答了问题,并给出了一定的理由,但是缺乏细节支撑
由此可见sample response 1是满足3分评分标准的。虽然不是满分也有一定的缺陷,但也是一个不错的成绩,因为如果我们在speaking section中的6道题都能拿到3分,最后的口语总分也有23分。
学习啦在线学习网 希望今天讲解完这两个口语回答后,大家能对3分和4分评分标准有更深入的了解,并且对我们独立口语也要充满信心,因为满分回答也不是完美无暇的,拿到3分也是比较容易的 只要我们answer the question给出你的答案,keep talking 说满45秒,基本就有三分,如果想拿4分的话 give realated details。
Describe a character in a book, film, or poem, explain why you like him or her. Please use specific details.
学习啦在线学习网 托福口语参考答案:
I would like to talk about the main character in movie Forest Gump. Actually, the movie stars Tom hanks. This movies won many Oscar awards and it is regarded as one of the greatest movies of all times. Forest Gump is a simple minded person, and he only got an IQ of 75, which is way below average. Despite of the setback, he is actually a very optimistic person, as can be show in the catchphrase, My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. The movie depicts a period span 30 years, and in these many years, Forest Gump achieved fame and financial success, of course, it is not possible for him to achieve that without his determination, willpower and perseverance.
